发表于 2009-7-11 14:47:44
当一些公司才勉为其难的允许员工们便装工作时,英国一家 设计营销公司 onebestway 已经又向前迈出了一步:建议员工们luo体上班。
这家位于 纽卡斯尔 的公司,之前业绩不佳,在不得不裁掉 6 名员工之后,他们请来了 “商业心理学家” David Taylor 以寻求帮助。而 David 给出的建议就是 “luo露星期五” ——希望员工们用一天的“坦诚相见”来提高他们的团队精神……虽然这个点子听起来蛮不靠谱的,但该公司的运营状况确实得到了改善……
当 David 第一次提出 “luo露星期五” 这个建议时,该公司的员工基本上是一致的反对,但最后大部分人还是同意“全情投入”,除了男女员工各一名坚持要戴个胯兜。不过,该公司统共只有两名女性员工……
当然,他们还是很注重循序渐进的,他们用了一个星期来为 “luo露星期五” 作准备:第一步是每个人 复印 自己身体的某一部分(来互相展示?), 23 岁的前台经理 Sam Jackson,也就是唯一那位脱光光的女性员工,大方的复印了自己的胸部,而她的一些男性同事只是复印了下手啊脚啊的……第二步就是员工们被邀请为某女luo模画像,边画还边和luo模讨论她对自己身体的看法……第三步就是星期五的脱光光环节了……
用该公司头目 Mike Owen 话说,他们要么是非常勇敢一群人,要么就是一群疯子…… 但有意思的是,他们公司的业务确实有所上升,自 “luo露星期五” 之后,他们没再裁过人,还新雇了两名设计师……
这个发生在 4 月份的 “luo露星期五” 被拍成了纪录片 “Naked Office”, 将会于 7 月 9 号 在英国的有线电视 Virgin 1 播出,在英国的同学别忘了赏之……(不过男同学们估计没什么兴趣吧……统共就俩女的……呵呵)
A CHEEKY business consultant got office staff to perform all together better - by asking them to work NAKED.
Self-styled business psychologist David Taylor asked shocked employees to boost team spirit by baring all just for just one day.
Amazingly, they went ahead with the daring Naked Friday idea - and reckon it HAS improved their firm's fortunes.
David was called in to help ailing design and marketing company onebestway, in Newcastle upon Tyne, after they were forced into six redundancies at the start of the credit crunch.
In a move reminiscent of barmy boss David Brent on cult TV show The Office, David reasoned that, by stripping off their clothes, staff could also strip away inhibitions and talk to each other more openly and honestly.
He says: "Inviting an organisation to go naked is the most extreme technique I've used.
"It may seem weird but it works. It's the ultimate expression of trust in yourself and each other."
Despite some initial reluctance, nearly all the staff went totally starkers - except for one man, who wore a posing pouch, and one of two female workers, who kept on black underwear.
Bubbly front-of-house manager Sam Jackson, 23, was the only lass to go fully naked.
She says: "It was brilliant. Now that we've seen each other naked, there are no barriers.
"We weren't put under pressure. If we wanted to come in clothed or in our underwear, we could. But I love my body and wasn't ashamed.
"We're all beautiful, whether we've got big bodies or small ones."
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/home ... f-bare-trading.html |