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[新闻] FC模拟器puNES v0.102发布



发表于 2017-12-6 18:44:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


- I had forgotten in release v0.101 to add support for NSF and UNIF files in compressed archives.

- Now puNES is UTF-8 compatible.
- Now puNES is a NSF player.
- Added support for the mappers: 6, 27, 30, 35, 43, 123, 134, 151, 155, 162, 166, 167, 168, 187, 188, 190, 196, 197, 250, 252, 253, 254.
- Added support for the UNIF mappers: TF1201, TEK90, EH8813A, Sachen-8259A, 11160, G-146, 12-IN-1, 411120-C, T-262, BS-5, 8157, 830118C, 8237, 8237A, NTD-03, 42in1ResetSwitch, CNROM, Ghostbusters63in1, 64in1NoRepeat, 70in1, 70in1B, H2288, KOF97, 603-5052, CITYFIGHT, TFROM, BB, T-230, 43272, AC-08, KS7013B, SA-72008, MTECH01, UNIF FS304, SA-70037, YOKO, SA-9602B, CC-21, LH32, NovelDiamond9999999in1, SL1632, SA-72007, Sachen-8259B, SHERO, SuperHIK8in1, SMB2J, AX5705, Supervision16in1, SA-0036, GS-2004, GS-2013, KS7012, KS7037, KS7016, KS7017, LH10, KS7032, SC-127, RT-01, MASLIB, BOY, 8-IN-1, HP898F, 158B, 810544-C-A1, KS7031, DRAGONFIGHTER, Super24in1SC03, VRC7.
- Fixed mappers: 15, 45, 52, 60, 108, 116, 114, 121, 205, 219, MMC5, Tengen, Waixing.
- Implemented auto eject and auto insert of fds disks when you switch side (ALT+S) or change disk.
- Added support for multithreading in the xBRZ filter.
- Added the option to select the output audio device.
- Added "Fullscreen in window" options.
- Added "Start/Stop record WAV" to record audio.
- Added "Hide Zapper cursor" option.
- Added the Overclocking option.
- Added full support to XInput (Windows version). No more input lag and no more problem with any controller.
- Added full support to Vs. System.
- Eliminated the "Software" mode in OpenGL version.
- Eliminated dependency from the "autoconf-archive" package.
- Eliminated the Audio Low Quality option.
- Separate management of software filters and shader. Many shaders give different results depending on the filter used because they have been designed for an input image of 256 * 240 pixels.
- Separate management of the size of window and software filters.
- Rewrote the overscan management.
- Rewrote the input management and added support for SNES Mouse, Arkanoid Paddle and Oeka Kids Tablet.
- Eliminated a lot of unnecessary code.
- Fixed many many bugs and increased the accuracy of emulation.
- Added other options and features that I don't remember now.

[发帖际遇]: 一个袋子砸在了 money_114 头上,money_114 赚了 1 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 389 天


发表于 2017-12-7 13:34:45 | 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: liulexhsd 在论坛发帖时没有注意,被小偷偷去了 2 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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