* added 21fx support
* added movie recording and playback support
* added rewind support (enable under Settings->Configuration->Advanced, use backspace key to rewind)
* added speedup (fast forward) and slowdown key bindings
* audio no longer stutters on Windows when moving or resizing the main window
* co-processors can now specify their own clock rates instead of sharing the S-CPU clock rate
* Super Game Boy 2 now runs at the correct hardware speed, and not 2.4% faster like the Super Game Boy 1 does
* added Vsync support to the Windows OpenGL driver (Intel graphics drivers do not support this option, because their engineers are lazy)
* OpenGL driver no longer re-initializes when changing video synchronization, helps pixel shaders
* refactored user interface compilation; now split into several object files, auto-generated MOC files placed under src/obj/
* worked around a bug in the PulseAudio sound server that was causing the ALSA output driver to lock up [BearOso]
* rewrote and simplified the save state manager, it is no longer a part of the core
* S-DD1 and SPC7110 can now access up to 256MB via their MMCs
* re-added background and OAM layer toggling under the tools dialog
* added config file options to adjust emulation speed levels (config.system.speed*)
* added snesreader, snesfilter and supergameboy support to the OS X port
* added a really neat pixel shader that can perform point scaling to non-even multiples, eg it looks great even with aspect correction [Fes]
* upgraded to Qt 4.6.0 official
Debugger changelog:
* added memory export and import to the memory editor
* added bus usage analyzer: logs opcodes, memory reads, memory writes and M/X states to usage.bin file
* added disassembler that can trace both forward and backward from the current execution address
* extended read/write breakpoints to the S-SMP
* re-added trace masking option
[ 本帖最后由 money_114 于 2009-12-9 18:10 编辑 ] |