BBC Micro模拟器Horizon发布新版, 更新如下:
BBC Micro (Model B) emulator with disk drive & tape systems
Full screen display with options to change aspect ratio & overscan
8271 disk controller emulation, 2 disk drives, compatible with Acorn DFS, Watford DFS and E00 DFS
ACIA low-level tape emulation, providing access to individual files
Sound chip emulation plays samples and speech
Joystick support for up to 2 PC USB joysticks, with key mapping option
Sideways RAM for Exile, E00 DFS, etc.
All 16 ROM sockets configurable for ROM or sideways RAM
Numerous diagnostic and trace tools for viewing internal chip states and tracing 6502 execution
http://www.chrislam.co.uk/index.htm |
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