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[新闻] ATARI ST/STE/TT/Falcon模擬器Hatari 1.7.0發佈



发表于 2013-6-25 21:11:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

ATARI ST/STE/TT/Falcon模擬器Hatari發佈新版,更新如下:

- TT video emulation :
  - Extend the ST palette registers from 9bit to 12bit for ST modes
  - Duochrome mode instead of monochrome for ST High
  - Implementation of SampleHold in TT Hypermono video mode
- Sound changes :
  - Better model of the YM2149 noise generation (no noticeable audible impact)
  - Slightly better volume table (measured by Paulo Simoes on a real ST)
- CPU changes :
  - Added experimental MMU emulation for the 68030 mode
  - Handle the IACK cycles during an exception for HBL/VBL
- ACIA/IKBD changes :
  - Full implementation of the MC6850 ACIA, giving much more robust IKBD emulation
  - Better timings for all IKBD commands (measured on a real STF)
  - Clock is handled internally in IKBD, host date/time is used only to initialize RTC at boot.  I.e. pausing emulation doesn't cause time skips when unpausing
  - Fix slow mouse when absolute mode is used with scale values
- MFP changes :
  - Fixed priority errors when simultaneous interrupts happened
  - MFP's IRQ should be delayed by 4 cycles before reaching the CPU
  - MFP's IRQ signal was not correctly updated in some cases
  - Handle the IACK cycles between CPU and MFP during an exception
- FDC changes :
  - Better delays for all the GAPs inside a track
  - Emulate the disk's rotation and its angular position to get accurate delays when accessing a sector header
  - Internal timer for FDC was wrong and sometimes slower than expected
  - Correct delay for type I commands with "verify" bit=1
- GEMDOS HD emulation changes :
  - Support Fforce() for GEMDOS HD emulated files and close at Pterm*() all internal handles to emulated files program had left open
  - Fix: cut file and dir names to 8+3 chars like all TOS versions do
  - Fix: GEMDOS HD emulation overwrote last 28 bytes of basepage space for the started process command line (with the program header)
  - Fix: Fwrite() content wasn't flushed to disk on each write, so later Fopen() + Fread()s calls on such files (if they were not closed in the meanwhile) could get data that was out of date.
  - Fix: Dfree() return value

- Fix: problems with run-time CPU type changing
- Fix: MIDI IRQs were not enabled if MIDI was enabled at run-time. MIDI toggling will now imply reset
- Much improved console redirection functionality and a separate --conout option for it (--bios-intercept doesn't anymore imply console redirection)
- Fixed a bug with the axes' mapping in the joystick's detection
- Display handling:
  - Fix: max resolution limit wasn't handled properly for ST mode.
  - Don't change TOS-calculated font size for VDI mode.
  - Setup NVRAM video mode based on VDI mode, when in VDI mode. This makes VDI mode work with EmuTOS also under Falcon emulation which is useful as EmuTOS doesn't support native VIDEL expanders
  - Limit VDI screen memory usage to 300kB, this allows upto 2048x1200 monochrome and 1024x600/800x768 16-color VDI screens
- GEMDOS HD emulation:
  - Fix: to DTA host filename cutting to 8+3 chars when whole filename was < 12 chars (caused EmuTOS crash)
  - Give warning if GEMDOS dir/file path exceeds 8+3 characters (as those won't work with real TOS)
  - New --gemdos-case option to specify whether new dir/filenames are forced to be created in upper (default) or lower case
  - Giving empty string as GEMDOS HD dir disables GEMDOS HD emulation
  - Fileselector has "CWD" button for changing to Hatari's work directory
  - Fileselector remembers previous position which is nicer with large directories
  - Make the drive leds blink with a brighter green when the FDC is executing a command
- Profiler:
  - Fix: profiler assert on invalid PC register values
  - Fix: profiler usage in debugger files invoked by breakpoints
  - Fix: profiler CPU & DSP cycles information is for previous instruction
  - Fix: WinUAE CPU requires cycles counter usage for getting current CPU instruction cycles
  - Profiler provides timing information, based on used cycles
  - Profiler provides CPU instruction cache misses information when using cycle-exact WinUAE CPU core (which is Falcon emu default)
  - Profiler top instruction count/cycles/misses lists show the related instructions
  - For DSP, profiler adds min/max cycle difference info to disassembly
  - New "addresses" subcommand can be used to see addresses through which code passed during profiling (e.g. while program seems frozen, this gives much better overview of code that is being run, than cpu trace)
  - New "callers" subcommand lists all addresses from which loaded symbols' addresses were "called" from.  This way one can e.g. find in which contexts interrupt handlers were called and it can be used to construction program execution callgraph
  - New "save" subcommand saves profile address and caller information to given file, with extra information needed for post-processing
  - New "stack" subcommand that can be used to get backtraces during profiling with symbols, for ':noinit' backtraces
- Debugger:
  - New ':noinit' and ':quiet' breakpoint options.  Quiet option removes most of breakpoint matching "noise" and ':noinit' breakpoints can be used with "profile stack" command, to prevent profile data and related callstack information from being reseted on breakpoint match
  - "blitter" and "dsp" subcommand added to "info" command, to show blitter register values and DSP state (e.g. stack content)
  - "prg" subcommand added to "symbols" command, for loading debug symbols from DRI/GST symbol table in last started program
  - "step" and "next" commands added for single stepping CPU and DSP code -> 's' shortcut is now for "step", not "save"
  - "--disasm" option for selecting between UAE core and external CPU code dissassembler and setting output option flags for latter
  - When -D option is used, also undefined/illegal DSP instructions and DSP stack under/overflows invoke debugger, not just CPU issues
  - Fix: when several breakpoints should have triggered on the same address, only first was handled
  - Fix: after breakpoint, 'c <n>' continues one instruction too little
  - Fix: tracking breakpoint values were updated only when all conditions matched, now they can be also used together with other conditions
  - Fix: info command crash (triggered on NetBSD)
  - Fix: disassember output bug on NetBSD (usigned char < -1 test)
  - Fix: info osheader and basebase subcommands under MiNT
  - Fix: debugger history duplicates removal
  - Fix: expression expanding CPU "pc" for DSP shortcut commands
  - Fix: expression expansion messing lines in command line history
  - Remote API debugger commands can also use expression expansion
  - Both single and double quotes can be used to mark expressions
  - In addition to text section offset, data and bss section offsets can be given when loading symbols (useful for Devpac symbols)
  - Output what value was set by options if it's not otherwise shown by UI
  - New 'cpu' and 'dsp' options to 'history' command for tracing just one of these processors on Falcon
  - Function arguments are shown in traces for all non-MiNT GEMDOS calls and subset of arguments are now shown also for AES calls (values in intin array and strings in addrin array)
  - Add NVRAM read & write tracing
  - Support for the basic Native Features and --natfeats option to control it: http://wiki.aranym.org/natfeats/proposal

Windows specific changes:
- "-W" option added for opening a console window.  Like on all other platforms, "-D" will now just toggle CPU exception handling
- Fix: console stderr redirection (used invalid "wr" mode)
- Fix Windows localtime() not supporting dates before 1970:
  - TOS not being able to access files with such dates, or further files
  - causing IKBD emulation crashes (wasn't problem with Cygwin, just with Mingw builds)

Tool updates:
- New hatari-profiler.py script for post-processing output from profiler's CPU and DSP profiling "save" commands: profile save <filename> dspprofile save <filename>
  - With symbol address information it can provide function level instruction, processor cycle & i-cache miss statistics
  - With callers information it can create function call callgraphs and create callgrind format files for Kcachegrind GUI
- New gst2ascii tool to extract DRI/GST symbol table from Atari program, for use with the profile data post-processor
- Added scripts for converting symbol tables in Devpac 3 listings and DSP LOD files to a format understood by Hatari debugger 'symbols' command, and to clean 'nm' output of GCC & VBCC built a.out binaries for it

Other changes:
- HTML documentation indeces generated dynamically with JS
- Debugger tests building fixed

Fixed Games:
  Atomix (MFP, flickering bottom of the screen during samples)
  BBC 52 Menu (Video/CPU, top border not removed)
  Bolo (MFP, couldn't start a game)
  Captain Blood (IKBD, fixed problem when setting the clock)
  Fokker and Downfall (ACIA/IKBD, had regressed in Hatari v1.6.x)
  Fuzion CD 77/78/84 Menu (MFP, random crash with digidrums in STF mode)
  James Pond (Fuzion CD 25) (FDC, game stuck during the intro)
  Microprose Golf (FDC, crash during the intro)
  Spidertronic (Zuul CD 84) (crashed before 50/60 Hz screen)
  Super Hang On and Super Monaco GP (MFP, flickering rasters)
  The Final Conflict (MFP, locked during the sampled intro music)
  The Sentinel (IKBD, mouse much too slow)
  Zuul 100/101 Menu (MFP, flickering top border)

Fixed demos :
  Anomaly Demo Main Menu by MJJ Prod (MFP, flickering top/bottom borders)
  Audio Artistic Demo by Big Alec (MFP, bad sample speed at start)
  Decade Demo - Reset (MFP, flickering bottom border)
  High Fidelity Dreams by Aura (MFP, flickering left rasters)
  ST-NICCC 2000 Demo by Oxygene (FDC, demo ran slower than expected)

Fixed apps :
  Monst v1.x
  Spectrum 512 (IKBD, mouse too slow)
  Cubase (when MIDI was enabled after Hatari startup)


签到天数: 532 天


发表于 2013-6-26 06:28:20 | 显示全部楼层
雅达利ST / STE / TT /猎鹰模拟器Hatari发布新版,更新如下: 仿真: - TT视频模拟:   - 9bit的ST调色板寄存器扩展至12位为ST模式   - Duochrome的模式,而不是单色ST高   - SampleHold实施的TT Hypermono视频模式 -声音的变化:   - YM2149噪声产生更好的模型(没有明显的声响影响)   -体积稍微好一点的表(测量圣保罗西蒙斯在真正ST) - CPU的变化:   -增加了实验MMU仿真68030模式   -拉手IACK周期在HBL / VBL一个例外 -的ACIA / IKBD的变化:   - MC6850 ACIA的全面实施,提供更强大的的IKBD仿真   -更好的计时所有IKBD的命令(一个真正的STF)   -时钟在IKBD内部处理,主机的日期/时间只用来在开机初始化RTC。即暂停仿真不会导致时间跳过时解除暂停   -修复缓慢鼠标时绝对模式是使用刻度值 - MFP变化:   -固定优先级的错误,同时中断发生时   - MFP的IRQ应在到达CPU之前,4个周期的延迟   -多功能一体机IRQ信号没有正确更新,在某些情况下   -处理CPU和MFP之间IACK周期在一个例外 - FDC的变化:   -更好轨道内的所有的GAP延迟   -模拟磁盘的旋转和角的位置,以获得准确的延误时访问一个扇区头   -内部定时器FDC是错误的,有时比预期的要慢   -正确的延迟I型命令,以“验证”位= 1 - GEMDOS HD的仿真变化:   -的支持Fforce()GEMDOS HD模拟文件和报收于Pterm * ()所有内部手柄模拟文件程序的敞开   -修正:切的版本做像所有的TOS 8 +3个字符的文件和目录的名称   -修正:GEMDOS高清仿真覆盖的BasePage空间的最后28个字节开始的进程的命令行(程序头)   -修正:FWRITE()含量不会刷新到磁盘上每个写,所以后来fopen()函数+ FREAD()s调用这些文件(如果它们不同时关闭)可以获取数据,过时   -修复:Dfree()的返回值 模拟器: -修复:运行时的CPU类型变化的问题 -修复:没有启用,如果在运行时启用MIDI MIDI的IRQ。MIDI切换意味着复位 -大大改善了控制台重定向功能和一个单独的- conout的选项( - BIOS截距不再意味着控制台重定向) -修正了一个错误与操纵杆的检测轴的映射 -显示处理:   -修复:ST模式最大分辨率极限是不正确的处理。   -不要改变TOS-VDI模式计算出的字体大小   -基于VDI模式的设置的NVRAM视频模式,在VDI模式。这使得VDI模式下工作与EmuTOS也猎鹰仿真,这是非常有用的,因为EmuTOS不支持本地比迪丽扩展   -限制VDI屏幕内存使用率300KB,这使得高达2048x1200的16色单色和1024x600/800x768 VDI屏幕 - GEMDOS高清仿真   -修正:的DTA主机名切割8 +3个字符时,全名是<12个字符(因EmuTOS崩溃)   -给予警告,如果GEMDOS目录/文件路径超过8 +3个字符(那些不会与真正的TOS   给作为GEMDOS高清DIR空字符串)   -新建-大小写gemdos-选项来指定新的目录/文件名 &#8203;&#8203;是否上(默认)或较低的情况下,被迫要创建-禁用GEMDOS的高清仿真 - SDL GUI:   - Fileselector“CWD “按钮改变Hatari的工作目录   - Fileselector记得以前的位置,更好的大型目录   -时的FDC是执行一个命令一个明亮的绿色 -探查:   -修复:分析器断言无效PC寄存器值驱动发光二极管闪烁   -修复:   WinUAE的CPU需要获得当前CPU的指令周期,周期计数器的使用   -探查提供定时信息,根据使用周期   -探查分析器使用调用断点调试文件   -修复:分析器CPU和DSP周期信息是先前的指令-修正:提供CPU指令高速缓存未命中时,使用周期精确WinUAE的CPU核心(猎鹰鸸鹋默认)   -探查顶级的指令计数/周期/错过清单显示相关的指令   -用于DSP,探查最小/最大周期差异信息添加拆卸   -新的“地址”命令可以用于看地址,通过它的代码在分析过程中通过(例如方案似乎冻结时,这使代码更好地了解正在运行比cpu的跟踪)   -新的“主叫方”命令列出的所有地址加载符号的地址“称”。这样,例如,人们可以在其中找到上下文被称为中断处理程序,它可以用来建设程序执行调用图   -新的“保存”子给定的文件保存个人地址和来电者信息,进行后期处理需要额外的信息   -新“堆叠“子命令,可用于在分析过程中的符号,'回溯:的NOINIT'回溯 -调试器:   -新:NOINIT:闲适的断点选项。安静的选项删除最匹配的“噪音”和“:NOINIT的断点,可以用”配置文件堆栈“命令,以防止被复位断点匹配的文件数据和相关的调用堆栈信息   - “阻击”和“DSP”子加的断点“信息”命令,显示的阻击寄存器值和数字信号处理器(DSP)的状态(例如,堆栈内容)   - “PRG”子命令添加到“符号”命令,DRI / GST符号表中最后启动的程序加载调试符号   - “台阶”添加的“下一个”命令单步执行CPU和DSP代码- >'S'的快捷键是现在的“台阶”,而不是“保存”   - “ - DISASM”选项之间进行选择阿联酋核心和外部的CPU代码dissassembler和设置输出选项后者的标志   -当-D选项使用,也未定义/非法DSP指令和DSP堆栈/溢出下调用调试器,不只是CPU的问题   -修正:当多个断点触发相同的地址,只有先处理   -修复断点后,&#199;<N>'继续太少   -修正了一个指令:跟踪断点值,只有当所有条件匹配,现在,他们可以也可用于其他条件一起更新   -修正:info命令崩溃(NetBSD上触发)   -修复:在NetBSD(usigned字符<-1测试)disassember输出错误   -修正:的信息osheader和下薄荷basebase子   -修复:调试历史去除重复   -修复:表达扩大CPU DSP快捷命令“PC”   -修复:表达扩展命令行历史搞乱线   -远程API调试命令,也可以使用表达式扩张   -单引号和双引号都可以用来标记表达式   -除了文本部分抵消,数据和BSS段偏移量可以给出加载符号(有用时为Devpac符号)   -输出什么样的值被设置的选项,如果它的不是,否则显示的UI   -新'CPU'和'DSP'选项'历史'命令跟踪这些处理器只是一个猎鹰   -功能参数都显示的痕迹对所有非薄荷的GEMDOS调用的参数的子集,现在也AES的调用(的INTIN在addrin数组的数组和字符串值)   -添加NVRAM读写跟踪   -支持母语的基本特点- natfeats选项来控制显示: Windows特定http://wiki.aranym.org/natfeats/proposal变化: -增加“-W”选项打开一个控制台窗口。所有其他平台上一样,“-D”将现在只需拨动CPU异常处理 -修复:控制台标准错误重定向(无效“WR”模式) -修复Windows localtime的()不支持在1970年之前日期:   - TOS不能够访问文件与日期,或进一步文件   -造成IKBD的仿真崩溃(使用Cygwin没有问题,只是使用MinGW构建) 工具更新: -新hatari profiler.py分析“保存脚本探查器的CPU和DSP处理后输出“命令:的个人资料保存<FILENAME> dspprofile节省<文件名&#8203;&#8203;>   -符号的地址信息,它可以提供功能级别指令,处理器周期的i-高速缓存未命中统计   -来电者信息,它可以创建函数调用调用图,并创建callgrind格式文件Kcachegrind GUI -的新gst2ascii工具提取DRI / GST符号表从雅达利程序,用于文件数据后处理器 -增加了脚本转换3 Devpac列表和数字信号处理器(DSP)LOD文件理解的格式由Hatari调试符号的符号表'命令,清理'纳米'GCC&VBCC内置a.out二进制输出它 的其他变动: -与JS动态生成HTML文档indeces -调试测试,建立固定的 固定游戏:   ATOMIX(MFP,忽隐忽现采样期间,屏幕底部)   BBC 52菜单(视频/ CPU,顶部边框不会被删除)   博洛(MFP,无法启动游戏)   船长的血(IKBD,固定问题,设置时钟时)   福克和倒台(ACIA / IKBD,回归在Hatari v1 .6 x)的   大乱斗CD 77/78/84菜单(MFP随机崩溃与digidrums STF模式)   詹姆斯池塘(大乱斗CD 25)(FDC,在介绍游戏卡)   MicroProse的高尔夫球(FDC,坠毁在介绍期间)   Spidertronic(Zuul CD 84)(50/60赫兹屏幕前坠毁)   超级坑和超级摩纳哥大奖赛(MFP,闪烁栅格)   最后的冲突(MFP,锁定在采样介绍音乐),   该的哨兵(IKBD,鼠标过于缓慢)   Zuul 100/101菜单(MFP,忽隐忽现顶部边框) 固定演示:   异常演示主菜单MJJ产品(MFP,闪烁的顶部/底部边框)   音频艺术大亚历克(MFP,坏的样本在启动速度)   十年演示演示-复位(MFP,忽隐忽现底部边框)   高保真梦的光环(MFP,闪烁的左栅格)   2000年ST-NICCC的氧气的演示(FDC,演示跑 固定的应用程序比预期的要慢):   Monst V1.X   512(IKBD,鼠标也频谱慢)   的Cubase(MIDI启用后,Hatari启动时) [报价] http://hatari.tuxfamily.org//quote]
[发帖际遇]: 啍辤★箛独 被钱袋砸中进医院,看病花了 3 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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