Added sample rate of 48 kHz.
Doubled the overall volume level.
Starting to implement the UNIF (NROM, NROM-128, NROM-256, Sachen-74LS374N, A65AS) format and the Nes 2.0.
Fixed obscure bug that occurred when the code was executed from RAM (Tetris 2 + BomBliss (J) [!].nes now works fine).
Fixed all the bugs with the mapper 31 (2A03 Puritans works well now).
I continued to work hard on the synchronization between CPU/PPU and CPU/APU to make it more accurate. Now "Micro Machines (Camerica) [!]. nes" works without any graphical glitches also "Huge Insect (Sachen) [!].nes" finally works perfectly (viewtopic.php?f=3&t=465). Considering that the changes affecting the core of the emulator, I have tested many roms (tests and games) and it seems that everything is running smoothly, but if someone were to find some roms that gives problems with this release, please contact me. Thanks to x0000 for the help on the front of the CPU/APU.
Fixed some bugs in the handling of compressed files with the game genie active (thx Chad).
Added an option to pause the emulator when it is in the background.
Added the mapper 31 (2A03 Puritans Album http://rainwarrior.ca/projects/nes/2a03puritans.html).
In the windows version fixed a bug that did not allow proper recognition of the keys with some keyboard layouts.
Thanks to rom test "scanline.nes" I have corrected a timing issue between the CPU and PPU making it even more accurate, while with the test rom "dpcmletterbox.nes" I found and corrected an error in the management of the color pallete. If someone were to find some rom that worked with previous releases and with this not, please contact me.
http://forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?t=6928 |