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[转载SFC-HACK] SFC《真人快打2》-解锁隐藏人物


签到天数: 1116 天


发表于 2020-4-30 14:37:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 skycharlene 于 2020-5-15 16:58 编辑 6 h, D; z3 ^# m. [+ L" z* X2 I8 h
, l9 b' g- O2 N/ d
3 n2 I% a1 B1 G3 w% G

9 \# Y$ }* D7 r3 d/ ~' n/ g
4 F0 L7 o5 D3 B
3 k, N" U& G3 {3 N2 @8 N原帖:https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/537/5 q* m  E) J& f( x# |
  K- y6 n6 ~. s: }Use this patch on the US Version 1.1 ROM with NO header in non-interleaved format.8 |9 S: E2 \' t' M( }
That means if the patch doesn't work for you, use a tool like UCON64 to convert the
$ {) H1 A0 Y& t7 _original ROM to SMC or SWC format, and then remove the header. , c2 a8 A+ p8 M7 M, Z
# S" e6 q8 m7 R( C! i& I& \, _
/ d- ^7 s9 k0 n  m- m7 j1 r
( {" ?; ^5 @, S, k* ~% tWhats New (v1.02a):
4 x& m1 F4 [8 i+ {( P" m* Expands ROM to avoid problems with certain emulators and clarify patching.
% X6 G9 y1 u+ o
& ]# `! R9 m2 M# tWhats New (v1.02):
' t, M7 }( h1 A' f* Fixed Bug related to voices that would say Smoke Wins, Jade Wins, etc. 3 _1 n1 p, T8 h% K+ `1 D  O2 U

% V& m8 M/ Q) a5 n+ t$ @
6 l& `1 j, }0 T; oWhats New (v1.01):
! L4 @7 c( v) o! X4 O* Fixed CPU Noob Saibot.; E( j7 X5 r6 E) M) x& |! Q- p
* Fixed some and hopefully all CPU Jade crashes./ N4 R  u$ {! N4 M5 ?0 ]4 r
* Fixed CPU Smoke's smoke effect.7 k8 m( b$ W4 M3 j( C7 Z
* Added back missing cheat codes.4 w3 O4 I5 K3 R) A4 ?
* Added unique sounds to most cheat codes.- |9 t; o/ L# g2 F, _
* Fixed Crash on Hidden Character Endings9 r( q! {( W& G7 N/ J' U
& C, q" `! I5 h) S- O, k4 v
Introduction:0 p! B0 ?. p) F( V# S: ~3 Q
% b7 y" P3 s3 W" B. G& q" T
The hidden characters in Mortal Kombat II (Smoke, Noob Saibot, and Jade) always3 `5 |0 \$ G' v6 b# F
seemed very cool to me. So awhile back I thought I could make a Pro Action Replay3 A1 q, H: G6 i
cheat code to play as these characters. It was simple enough to make a code to
6 I1 i2 T* ]. E# G) A1 Wmake you be any of the three. Try it out in an unpatched ROM. Use these codes:- k" O8 K/ a9 V1 F
  A7 m( |0 j- o0 i. v0 F: j
7E2EF80E - Player 1 Is Smoke
( ~" v: ?3 J# ?" [. y7E2EF80F - Player 1 Is Noob Saibot
# _! A1 w9 h7 J' c, L+ m7E2EF810 - Player 1 Is Jade
" A: M; j. G. U, t3 h  E8 k0 V3 v& H) Q" _( q2 c" A
So go give that a try, I'll wait here till you get back...
9 S. w- ~8 T0 l  F2 c5 E9 N' H  s7 r7 l" P: {# h) a8 }% |. u: }# M

: g# }, K) [' ~* P1 i, hSo now you see that while you can force the game to let you be one of these) s) n$ q  w" d2 j0 U& q2 w, v
badass characters, doing anything other than pressing Up, Down, High Punch, or4 ?( A0 T) V0 e6 {) i! `% D
block will cause the game to crash. This isn't very fun. So I decided to look$ S% b$ f$ `' _9 u0 \' K7 B/ t5 f
into the problem and thus here is this patch.
$ S, T( P( V+ q, j( d, A1 C( E" [" i1 O) X9 w/ D# k' U. i
=============================================( g8 b+ h  D  n$ P& t( S
& r5 o. y7 O! B6 R
Patch Details:0 ^9 h+ D$ r6 k  L% a% b
This patch does alot of things to allow the game to run with a human controlling5 [2 ^6 Q# w# o
any of the hidden characters (Smoke, Noob, Jade) without crashing. Below are some
: d% r0 L, o# p/ |7 f+ `% [$ o8 ?* |keypoints.8 W, I* l; i/ c, m# Q6 v
+ z9 `+ P) D* U% h- s# K
* All 3 characters can now move like every normal character without crashes.4 S4 A& Z4 d2 U. t: F
* All 3 characters have Special moves.
2 g2 d( i6 K* i! L. {7 T8 N* All 3 characters can now perform Finishing Moves and be Finished themselves.
! X* q) ^# X, B$ `, j* All 3 characters have Fatality moves.
7 ?, D9 |$ B2 l2 A* All 3 characters have Friendship and Babality moves. 2 C8 \" L2 W3 B' @( u* y# J
* All 3 characters are no longer stuck in Goro's Lair, the may appear anywhere.2 v) Y" S" y8 `1 s$ o
* Playing 2 Player Versus with a Hidden Character no longer crashes the game.! [, d! s; t) S7 ?
* Added 'Secret Codes' to play as any Hidden Character for Player 1.3 C; C) j7 Y) X; c8 _2 e# ~
4 X5 w# e) Q3 L  q* B& V$ M
Secret Codes:4 S7 o6 `0 G7 r0 H4 W
The secret codes are entered on the Character Selection Screen. You must enter
" X1 Z0 M+ F! r  t. Ja combination of directional pad presses followed by SELECT to enter them. The! l: b9 O4 u+ |' |
codes were made the way they are so they are very easy to enter. After hitting1 F) M& _& P0 s; O" J- x
SELECT you should press any of these buttons: A,B,X,Y,L,R. If you press another+ }) J% F- v, w# _* q
direction on the directional pad after pressing Select and hearing the correct5 T% W) T% Q% r( l" i. c3 r
code sound effect, you will change your character back to a regular character.
. P) t, z0 U9 _% rBelow are the buttons you should press. Note, You can exchange B for any of the
$ R7 {3 ^5 k) X5 _ones I listed above.
. v. ?3 i% D( G& b4 K0 ?. y
2 D6 [8 w5 \  |

; g+ _/ m; p* v: v! q* n9 BPlay As Smoke - Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Select, B1 m) w+ S* H5 P2 P+ G' N6 `
0 L% g$ x; L3 c2 q* B' B
  F8 _  g" A; o' L  h- Q
Play As Noob - Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Select, B
& h- R' l  j/ o6 A3 c+ }5 D
7 n; G; j- ^3 Z0 j) [( D
3 G1 c/ e) Z  y  C4 w" _
Play As Jade - Down, Down, Down, Down, Down, Select, B1 }, X+ C& u2 }+ _' i% @5 G: J9 X
( X" Z9 ^( ~/ }0 k9 b$ q5 c
以上指令在选人画面输入。而且是必须快速输入(最好在2秒内全部完成输入)6 ?3 k. @6 }+ s, }% A

4 P4 [+ K, G. \8 l& X=============================================
* Z( y. I. Y0 Z  w
6 }' Z2 ?# c! t# E1 _2 d/ h4 }' tFinal Notes:
! l) S7 y- ?) T# j/ ]4 I9 F: S" uFirst thing you should know is there aren't any endings for the new characters.. ~, J& Y( h# w. D) K
When you beat the game and it should show an ending story, the game will default
. o8 @: F; Q! N) \1 O6 y% ]9 tto Kung Lao's Ending.
0 e. F8 v. B& {9 h* ]8 i. V: m1 H3 T7 l0 B. ~- a
Next, in Versus Mode any Secret Character will use Kung Lao as their "Battle0 R: ]4 ]- u0 J. I' B! p' I
Portrait" that appears on the screen that says BATTLE # and has each player's/ ]# x8 K) F& S8 a8 e8 g3 e
character picture. In a later version if I can I will change this so each1 F4 S( \; R) J' J* T* Q* a
character has their own unique portrait or they will all get a question mark! t2 R# s, _4 F# H0 p5 L
style portrait like the tournament ladder has.% t& ]% Q) O- I1 l; r+ ?1 ?4 S

1 r0 m- b( v% @; t5 P- J4 {* E; E) a1 R6 B
" t: h" e: Z! R8 L: l

8 p9 X! @) f+ u" @' X. V& v- ^( q, w7 w' O, R
) r& \: E6 n1 b7 e; a$ c- {
+ c: G+ S5 h% O) ]9 G  D' V
$ O& h. Q6 o' r2 Z( m; Y& p: d: H! P
( n5 s" S7 A9 G
我的其他游戏传送门5 V) @, B& t8 c4 s: Y8 ]4 W
2 A4 b  j& Q5 r7 H3 l6 N4 ^
4 H5 |4 S1 n1 G  ~+ z8 n
: c( x" f% i0 e+ j; a. n7 r
FC 街霸 合集rom) Y) X; \8 b2 j! h) h

' ^/ D* x: q& e, D3 X$ Q西游释厄传SUPER修复版
: c$ y. W6 q8 Z6 p) c' ?5 ~; m8 n' ~* C0 Z0 Q
FC hack 吞食天地2-NPC修正-小赐优化 降将版
6 _3 e* E+ e& a$ }
2 W& B7 A7 i  m: P, X7 F5 E2 oSFC《真人快打2》-解锁隐藏人物
3 W; l% F8 X( }. h# g1 ~7 A4 F1 `) z3 J. ?  L* A& q$ {! p  U

" F8 c+ U8 }9 ?9 I5 @5 U' W( }1 H
6 K, X" x1 [8 p1 G1 D3 D( T% s! @" T+ a& c( [
/ h3 ?) Q, q" f1 ?# X3 p. t+ ^
& d' v1 m8 P1 \8 K

( @5 G: \6 P) M6 h' q; K1 N1 K& k) W* d* |( S! c) V$ |


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[发帖际遇]: leshui辛苦发帖,赚了 3 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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