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[PSP] DA征集相关游戏信息为完善M33免引导作出努力


签到天数: 7 天


发表于 2008-3-17 14:00:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  3.90M33发布已经有一段时间了,Time Machine也如约而至。在这之后,著名的自制软件开发者Dark Alex 似乎销声匿迹了一段时间。我们的大神在做什么呢?DA大神在度假么?
  答案当然是否定的。Dark Alex是一个极具天赋同时又十分勤勉的软件作者。为了追求完美,Dark Alex目前正在解决M33自制固件中存在的多个问题,其中就包括M33免引导序的兼容性问题。
  众所周知,M33免引导模式作为OE免引导模式的进化,在功能上几乎可以和SONY自家的NP9660免引导模式抗衡。但是兼容性方面,M33却对部分游戏说了NO。有部分游戏如《啪嗒砰》等,使用M33的免引导就会产生问题。为此,Dark Alex决心要花大力气提高M33免引导程序的兼容性。
  Dark Alex 这次采用的方法是向网上的玩家征集不能用M33 免引导模式运行的游戏,然后加以修正。以下是DA大神的原话:
Put here the games that do not work in march33 noumd mode in 3.90 M33.
I know there is a compatibility list, but it seems a bit outdated. I just want to know the not working games, do not post games working here, do not post games not working in other modes, just the not working in march33 mode (and in 3.90 M33!)
Games posted here may get a fix. If you can provide the code of the game (ULES-XXXXX, etc), better.
List: (Green = fixed internally and ready to work in next release)
- Coded arms (ULES-00124, ULUS-10019, ULJM-05024, ULAS-42009)
- Patapon (UCES-00995, UCUS-98711, UCKS-45076, UCJS-10077, UCAS-40193)
- Harvest Moon Innocent Life (ULES-00658)
  请把在3.90 M33下,使用M33免引导模式无法正常运行的游戏信息贴在这里。
  -Coded arms (ULES-00124, ULUS-10019, ULJM-05024, ULAS-42009) [机密武装2蔓延]
  -Patapon(UCES-00995, UCUS-98711, UCKS-45076, UCJS-10077, UCAS-40193)[啪嗒砰]
  -Harvest Moon Innocent Life (ULES-00658)[新牧场物语:无暇人生]
译者注:ULES-00124等类似编号是指UMD Serial,游戏UMD的序列号
No it doesn't use any gamecode.... until now. The gamecodes of coded arms is checked to do some emulation of mediaman slightly different, and some other gamecodes may be added in future, but they are like exceptions, I do this to not break older games when fixing a new one, the fix of coded arms potentially could break other games, so I added an exception code for it, the fix of patapon however cannot break anything, it was a missing devctl code whose implementation may have fixed other games too.
  不,直到现在M33引导模式不需要使用任何游戏序列号。《机密武装2蔓延》的游戏序列号只是用来校验medianman在模拟游戏时是否稍有不同。游戏序列号也许会在将来加入到免引导模式中,但是只会作为exception来处理。 我这么做的原因是不想在修正新游戏的同时,破坏老游戏的免引导功能。
Then he would have to use time doing so xD。
As wisemen always said: "patience is a virtue"。
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