- On the open game image, the Nintendo word has no (R) beside it
- The top of the game should have been like the latest multiscreens Zelda and Goldcliff and not like the earlier ones.
- The colour seems to be like safebuster's - nintendo generally avoided same case colours among games.
- The screens look like gameboy screens with pixels and not character lcd screens. Can anyone post screenshots of tetris in the gameboy ? Too black and white for my liking too.
- Black and white tetris logo instead of the colourful ones in other multiscreens (but this is passable as this is a prototype).
- No explanation on what the single button does as opposed to other multiscreens.
1. There is 2 much contract or shading bewteen sprites, they should be either black or not...
2. Why write word like "score" and "lives" with LCD sprites when a nice graphic overlay can do all that for you a lot cheaper?
3. there is no room for alarm sprites and the like...
4. The graphic overlay on the front is perfectly square, but the picture of the game is taken at a slight angle, and it should be destorted.