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[转贴] [转]最终幻想Ⅵ系列Hack

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签到天数: 712 天


发表于 2009-10-11 03:03:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来源:Romhacking.net( ?; v" X6 t9 L
. p* I- s# G2 Y1 d/ [
最终幻想Ⅵ-最后的希望(FFVI Last Hope)
& v, \. U, V2 r7 v! D% M作者:TheNattak5 f2 R0 \3 _: U7 P

9 S$ t) Q( U0 N- S) HDescription0 u5 n  e# Z5 L4 N* D  d/ p
This is a rather large FF6 hack that I have been hard at work on for quite some time./ J) P5 p3 M; T9 h8 e8 L* s

4 L7 H- L. ?; c8 c6 ZSome of the obvious changes are as follows…
- e% l5 q% _, m0 R6 E: e
7 X7 Q. S  `- PIncrease in difficulty + I+ i; N4 |) C( F. Y
Script changes
+ B3 R7 C- ~7 v  M7 w$ I2 Y1 eChanged the dialog font   U: z$ A8 S4 S  M5 E4 U
Lots of new monsters (from other games)
( m, Z. r$ Z) v- S. r4 LNew Espers
# Y/ F, @7 d) H; Q+ `4 s/ O) wNew portraits for all 1 J* P3 w0 s: n3 {6 q* J8 d& K
Guile (Leo sprite) replaces Edgar, Edgar is Leo 9 s# b" u) P( U: W( n8 G- d
Changed who equips certain items
. R. z3 C7 D- S% \' xNew bosses * G+ u) R% x! i
Mature dialog (cussing)
6 o& n$ l- G3 NA few new Relics, and no more Moogle Charm
# g  ^' O; y' F4 q# @# Y3 EHold “B” to sprint 2 n. y. M5 L& ]7 }7 X
Renamed most of the items ' }1 D* O+ `+ x9 i( w
Custom battle scripts
2 v. s7 o' ^( K$ eHigh end magic cost more   `' |. h. J  R4 f" a6 F- q# v4 d4 |: M/ T
A lot of the major known bugs fixed (Evade Bug, Vanish/Doom Bug, Rippler Bug, along with many other lesser patches.) / S% E8 k0 M4 T4 q* z- O) i8 G
Changed some character sprites
( w: g+ B/ W1 `* WCzar Dragon enabled ( {* \; T8 l6 X, z' `" {
Custom title screen 1 d% H, p& X2 y- B" e/ w- T
A lot of various nerfs & buffs + b. U+ l$ g* M3 Y6 D
Some graphics restored to original uncensored 0 n% [0 Z, _$ R" ^
Auto Bow-Gun reduced damage and can miss # l4 s# Y7 E( \
Bum Rush damage reduced
9 M7 C. Y9 V. c" EUltima and Flare damage reduced
& t3 e& s- W" aTornado changed so its not so useless ) I2 z/ w8 C! a* B: f& R! N( ]
$ F  K, y9 q  j4 e$ h: P
! z  t9 c: y/ [

( G" T& D$ e& W+ ]
  P0 O6 ]0 u% Q: b1 S3 p最终幻想-启示录(Final Fantasy - Revelations (Core Hack))
% c" F. a9 \& g" E  }5 C# N作者:Zeemis7 ~- F2 ~' T( r2 S; D
Description( m0 o0 o+ e) ]7 W) g  W' u
This is the “Core Hack” meaning it’s not the whole game. What it is though is a large series of modifications I made to the game with help from other contributors which I’ll list in the credits below.
2 i; M1 d- z8 a% d
6 m) K4 `6 w" Q9 uThis hack contains:8 K' m2 T, ^/ Z+ s8 a/ J% j/ y9 h

; s$ r0 s- F+ m* |* {New Title Screen 6 E8 _( o7 K; _) B. i* Q2 h" ?+ o
New Characters   D- ^: Z% T2 t* S( B
New Spells   N  X: X) t# m$ v/ i8 Y$ a, v
New Lores (Replaced to “Weave”) 0 q4 S! D% \! Q$ N% \
New Dialog/Menu Font
, e" v% z7 i3 s; x1 ONew Item Icons 7 j/ L* X& r$ u, c3 z# K
New Items
2 [& y* P3 u) A7 s+ K* T' MNew Content
2 ^+ f) i7 ^% G9 WHold “B” to run. 4 \& Y" @( x% h8 R7 X. z8 F, l
Vicks/Wedge start with all Magitech skills. ' \9 m8 H5 ]% |+ n/ ~
”Annihilated” changed to Owned. 5 B5 j1 k' k- Y0 k- J$ J3 x
Psycho Cyan fix. " h& P. }9 ^& N* ^
”Summon” ability now works.
# p! ?" b1 P# O9 s; }”Sword Tech” is now sped up. ! M( O5 ?$ Q% W9 O  X; i
Names are now lower case.
( Y) f% }0 m9 P; sYou may be wondering what “Weave” is, well when you combine two elements, it makes a new spell. This is what I call a “Spell Weave”, original or not I liked the idea and implemented it.
) p, h4 u$ u& z1 _# m$ V! K9 z' Z8 @# r4 g/ H( ]
This hack was mainly made for rom hackers who hack bosses or for any other use which pertains to rom hacking.: t1 `: J3 f0 d# C8 i0 u, Q, N

7 _8 G; {1 E  Z- U2 b; t: ]4 _/ c——– Credits ——–+ \% [: e) D' r" U  u( m; C$ U9 Y

" e. x' A! f4 Z9 V' fDragonsbrethren for Magitek Enhancement Patch and help with title screen.
6 H. Y7 ^$ z5 XLenophis for Esper Battle Menu Fix patch, “Summon This!” and helping me understand a lot of stuff.
) c& t4 B( p4 G, F, T# R8 nArmorVil for Cyans Sword Tech tweak.
" N, y2 q  C9 }' m0 k( wAssassin for Alphabetized Rage tweak. 2 k. F  o. |0 F4 R" E) `
Anyone else I forgot. ! |4 B# H; J) x5 ^/ N9 M6 o6 \
Me, for making this possible.
' Y% Z9 u! y0 B——– Extra ——–+ h1 n7 j' {4 }3 G# [
. b' U  W  W  J5 s. k
“Rom Name.srm” is just a save file, it’s intended use is for testing the hack at it’s fullest. Meaning all skills unlocked, I made this save file.
8 Y+ W! ?8 F! l% I4 U& H1 R4 I
) A' ~) I/ o4 M" O% B% Y4 |. x. Z0 |  b

/ h8 d' t8 M6 @5 D. |最终幻想6-永恒之水晶(Final Fantasy VI - The Eternal Crystals)
$ t( _; V% y& \' }" U# Z作者:MakouEyes8 z# h* \% \  [
# |) _3 u! T: q7 Q8 U
Description8 F1 z5 u, L. f, m
Update - August 17, 2009 -0 ]7 U* u9 R/ ^( j# c
Version 9.08! This fixes the very buggy Gilgamesh battle dialogue in previous versions… making it less buggy.  t- t( R% m3 t- b  q
1 h9 K6 J( G( g4 I- v) NThis is the latest revision (9.06) of my Final Fantasy VI: Eternal Crystals Changes in 9.06& r, I" T, F# w0 X& c
Version 9.06 - fixes a critical bug where Gilgamesh is impossible to defeat and makes it impossible to proceed in the game.
2 r2 ^6 I& b5 Y3 j. hChanges in 9.05& ~# o- E, _* Y9 N! Q6 Q
0 ^) q) M8 `9 J4 U, ?Edgar’s ‘Dragon’ Skill Sabin’s ‘Kick’ command Multiple bug fixes More difficult enemies Strago’s color is changed Other minor changes
; s/ R7 T; O6 n6 [/ NChanges from 7.2.2
9 p" a: \* l) j—————–. g* Y7 `6 }! N; H! ~/ g
Now titled “Final Fantasy VI: The Eternal Crystals”, B3 y" }2 K& M7 t3 }* v, U; g
The hack replaces characters, enemies, bosses, items, commands, spells. I also changed much of the dialogue so that the story line follows the old “Warriors of Light” scenarios.
9 m/ [0 {6 Z) G: l" @Fixed since last version posted on romhacking.net:
$ |# L. @; a  v$ o
  • difficulty increased
  • ”new” character
  • All palettes fixes
  • battle glitches fixed (especially text)
  • new monsters
  • new monster attacks/ behaviors
  • storyline fixes (for consistency)
" B& \% S, A3 C7 i/ t- X8 z
$ Q1 @9 }. ^1 E2 Y  U1 M5 m
( x8 O( p# ^1 ^
[ 本帖最后由 HeavenTrain 于 2009-10-24 02:16 编辑 ]


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签到天数: 712 天


 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-11 03:22:29 | 显示全部楼层
+ [3 U6 w6 A* m) l$ f第一个修改,第2张图貌似把魔人布欧改了出来:L 5 z: I) I. D5 e+ f0 v; i+ {: t
第二个和第三个把四代里的人物也添加了进去,Kain和Cecil.* F0 v$ n* W. Z
里面还添了很多新东西,新的技能,新的召唤兽和BOSS,按B键行走加速等等,也有增大难度的地方。1 G& t! z0 @3 r: }+ z" y
具体的里面有英文介绍。4 G: i, ]" _/ v8 L* J1 @1 f
  |$ x; o9 C6 l+ c有兴趣的可以试着玩下。
4 J* ]/ A& a( S# P2 L% e
* _' v, U0 c* p/ ~. ]& q1 K* ^

签到天数: 1303 天


发表于 2009-10-11 03:31:33 | 显示全部楼层
添加内容的修改还是很有创意的1 p1 H; ^; j9 l, u' g1 p

签到天数: 343 天


发表于 2009-10-11 08:30:06 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 3 天


发表于 2009-10-11 10:57:56 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 41 天


发表于 2009-10-11 13:56:37 | 显示全部楼层
^_^ 好东西啊,感谢LZ


发表于 2009-10-11 18:07:47 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 72 天


发表于 2009-10-16 14:32:37 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-10-16 14:38:19 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 72 天


发表于 2009-10-16 20:59:50 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2009-10-16 21:59:33 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 740 天


发表于 2009-10-19 14:12:51 | 显示全部楼层
这三个版本真的很经典 还好我懂点英文:loveliness:

签到天数: 126 天


发表于 2010-5-30 20:38:29 | 显示全部楼层
●█〓██▄▄▄▄▄▄ ●●●●●●顶>>>>>>>顶>>>>>>>>顶
0 G4 e* ?7 U  j  P▄▅██████▅▄▃▂7 }  z: Y* T( `
  ]" s. g8 j! d# }. C2 |  ~◥⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲⊙▲◤

签到天数: 286 天


发表于 2010-5-30 20:54:02 | 显示全部楼层
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