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[业界新闻] 育碧:我们并没有赚死人钱 杰克逊体感游戏在他去世前就在开发


签到天数: 460 天


发表于 2010-7-21 14:02:13 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

育碧在今年E3大展上宣布了以流行天王迈克尔·杰克逊为主题的体感音乐游戏,之后正式定名为《迈克尔·杰克逊:生涯》(Michael Jackson: The Experience)。由于该游戏是在杰克逊去世之后才宣布,外界推测育碧以纪念杰克逊为由再赚一笔。不过育碧英国营销主管Murray Pannel近日在接受GI.biz采访时称,《迈克尔·杰克逊:生涯》并非专为纪念杰克逊推出的游戏,在杰克逊生前该游戏就早早的着手开发了。

Murray Pannel说:“事实是,在杰克逊去世之前我们就与他本人以及其它家族成员就游戏开发事宜展开洽谈了。”


“虽然我们近期才公布这款游戏,距离杰克逊的去世已经过去了很长的时间,但《迈克尔·杰克逊:生涯》不是在他过世后才突然创作的,我们很早就着手开 发这款游戏。”

Pannel最后总结道:“考虑到杰克逊的巨大影响力、他拥有的粉丝群、他作为艺人所取得的成功,新游戏将基于高水准设计,我们希望把它带给数百万 甚至更多的玩家。”

该作将于今年圣诞期间登陆Xbox 360、PS3、Wii、DS和PSP,对应主机需配备Kinect或PS Move体感外设。


At its E3 conference this year, Ubisoft didn't say much about its Michael Jackson game, other than that it existed. It was waiting for an event in London apparently, where it revealed most of the details for the title, called Michael Jackson: The Experience.

The game puts players in the shiny loafers of the King of Pop as they re-enact his dances and performances, including "Beat It" and "Billie Jean." The Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game will feature support for Kinect and Move, respectively. The Move support is apparently similar to what was seen in Ubisoft's Your Shape: Evolved title, using the Kinect camera to mirror the images of the player on the screen. You'll also be singing along to the hits as well -- the game will support microphones, with auto-pitch technology so you won't make neighborhood strays howl.

The title will also be available for the Wii, as well as the Nintendo DS and the PSP, the latter consoles featuring gameplay that has you tapping to the rhythm of the tracks.

Michael Jackson: The Experience is out this November, just in time to make it on to everyone's holiday wish lists.

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