*** 03/04/2010
- Larken "enabled"/"disabled" floppy disk fixed while using "Update..."
- ZX81_Riched Font (FON format) is now a regular XP font (FONTS directory). Just copy them to your windows font directory.(c:NTfonts or c:Windowsfonts)
** 14/08/2010
- ZxPrinter - multi-columns windows. (more one page!)
Diassembleur Window:
- TASM export-filter: labels error feature.
- Check list in disassembler windows: to ZxPrinter or a file.
- A "pause" caption added.
** 22/08/2010 [resources updated]
- Add a new input/output card, 16 input and 16 outputs.Descibe by Wilf Rigter. ("32K RAM plus 32 bit Memory Mapped I/O for the ZX81" http://www.user.dccnet.com/wrigter/index_files/ZXRAMIO.htm)
- I.o. card Demos files in "P" format available in the "P_tools" folder.
** 28/09/2010
- Clipboard support.
- "Ctrl+print screen" throw the screen capture in the clipboard.
** 10/10/2010
- TASM exported files now support Rom and Ram symbols.
- !!! The ZxPrinter paper image height is limited, you had to erase the first listing to continue.