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[新闻] 多街机模拟器FB Alpha v0.2.97.26发布



发表于 2012-5-15 13:13:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

多街机模拟器FB Alpha新版,更新如下:

    Added two clones of Arkanoid to the Arkanoid driver[Barry, f205v]
    Added Gigaman 2 to the CPS-2 driver, adding ability to disable Q-Sound in the CPS-2 drivers [Barry]
    Added Phoenix clone of Street Fighter Alpha to the CPS-2 driver [JacKc]
    Added Phoenix clone of Super Street Fighter II Turbo to the CPS-2 driver [JacKc]
    Added bootleg of Dragon Ninja to the DEC-0 driver [Barry, f205v]
    Added bootleg of Cobra Command to the DEC-8 driver [Barry, f205v]
    Added clone of Driving Force to the Galaxian driver [Barry, Team Europe]
    Added clone of Moon Cresta to the Galaxian driver [JacKc, Andy Welburn]
    Added clone of F-X to the Kyugo driver [Barry, f205v]
    Added Oxygene's NeoGeo 3D! demo to the Neo Geo driver [Barry]
    Added clone of Guardian Storm to the NMK16 driver [JacKc, B. Ståhl, Smitdogg, The Dumping Union]
    Added clone of Knights of Valour 2 to the PGM driver [JacKc, XingXing]
    Added clones of Flicky (alt graphics roms for 128k sets) to the Sega System 1 driver [Barry, f205v]
    Improvements to Street Fighter 2: Magic Delta Turbo which now works correctly [Barry]
    Fixed missing sounds in games based on Final Crash or Street Fighter 2: Magic Delta Turbo sound [Barry]
    Added support for missing priority mode writes in knightsb, knightsb4, the punipic sets, and wofb [Barry]
    Changed knights and knightsb4 to get the sprite mask values from work RAM [Barry]
    Changed the Daimakai bootleg to use the bootleg Sprite RAM it writes, and get the sprite priority masks from work RAM [Barry]
    Changed the punipic sets to get the scroll layer RAM offsets and sprite priority masks from work RAM [Barry]
    Changed wofb, and other wof sets that don't write the registers to get the sprite priority masks from work RAM [Barry]
    Hooked up the EEPROM in the dino, punipic and wof bootleg sets that don't read dip switches [Barry]
    Updated the EPOS driver, adding sound for Dealer and implementing the watchdog [iq_132]
    Tidied the Phoenix sets in the CPS-2 driver [Barry, based on info from Pythagoras]
    Fixed some unicode titles [JacKc, XingXing]
    Added Hyllian's Data Dependent Triangulation 3X to the softFX blitters [Hyllian, msbhvn]
    Optimised the xBR filters [Hyllian, Barry]
    Sync some sets and titles with latest MAME SVN [JacKc]

[发帖际遇]: money_114 在网吧通宵,花了 8 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 11 天


发表于 2012-5-20 23:47:47 | 显示全部楼层
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