本帖最后由 money_114 于 2012-5-25 20:24 编辑
GB模擬器BGB發佈新版, 更新如下:
greatly improved game link accuracy, most games should now work perfectly.
added optional HQ2X and Scale2x graphics filters
various accuracy improvements including sound registers, joypad timing, and lcd/interrupt timing
Performance/efficiency improvements including waitloop detection and more efficient high quality sound rendering and others
Major debugger improvements: Supports SYM files containing debug symbols. "on jump" access breakpoints. immideate entry of data into assembler, data, and stack viewer. improved assembler flexibility. Multiline code/data entry window. Keyboard shortcut for navigation to previous/next breakpoint, label etc. Live update memory mode. edit IO map registers. Fixed causes of accidental running while debugging.
Sound quality improvements: CH3 and CH4 are now bandlimited in high quality mode. Improved DC offset accuracy. fixed sound timing inaccuracies.
Improved WAV writer + screenshot recording. Fixed audio/video desync problems. Exported files are now better named.
fixed windows 98 compatibility problem. eliminated requirement for DX9. improved wine support.
New truecolor/hi-res icon.
Many small bug fixes and improvements.