本帖最后由 money_114 于 2013-1-13 23:57 编辑
The first official release of higan has been posted. higan is the new name for bsnes, and it continues with the latter's version numbering.
Note that as of now, bsnes still exists. It's a module distributed inside of higan. bsnes is now specific to my SNES emulator.
Due to last minute changes to the emulator interface, and missing support in ananke, I wasn't able to include Cydrak's Nintendo DS emulator dasShiny in this build, but I hope to do so in the next release.
higan is very different from most emulators. I strongly recommend that you read the higan user guide, even if you are already familiar with bsnes and/or higan.
Also, for users of bsnes v091, please note that the game folder format has changed. Unfortunately, I do not yet have a tool ready to update your game folders. So you have two options: delete all games from ~/Emulation, or wait for a new version of purify before upgrading from v091 to v092. For users of bsnes v090 and earlier, you should be able to jump right in after having read the user guide.
bsnes更名了, 就是这样, 而且我觉得这个模拟器越来越高深了, 这次作者忘加了NDS的端口, 下一版会补上
第一次运行模拟器需要导入游戏才能玩Library->Import Game, 会把rom导入到系统盘
然后再运行对应的机种, gba需要自己找bios, 命名成bios.rom放在Game Boy Advance.sys目录下
配置文件在系统盘的user\AppData\Roaming\higan目录下, 可以移动到模拟器所在目录, 这样就不会在系统盘下生成配置文件
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