本帖最后由 money_114 于 2013-1-15 16:51 编辑
* New drivers:
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Hispanic 980904)
- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Asia 960910)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Asia 950105)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (US 971222)
- Street Fighter Zero (Hispanic 950718)
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (US 960430)
- Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Asia 940831)
- PuzzLoop 2 (Japan 010226)
- Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307 stop version)
- Super Street Fighter II X (Japan 940223 rent version)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Jap 980123, PCB)
- Street Fighter Zero 2 (Japan 960430)
- Super Street Fighter II: The Tournament Battle (Hispanic 931005)
- The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest (Korean M1 set 2)
- The King of Fighters '97 (Korean)
- The King of Fighters '97 Oroshi Plus 2003 (bootleg)
- Jockey Grandprix (set 2)
- Alpha Mission II (Prototype)
- Burning Fight (Prototype)
- Choutetsu Brikin'ger - Iron clad (Prototype)
- King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing (Prototype)
- Final Romance 2 (Neo CD conversion)
- Super Bubble Pop
- 1941 - Counter Attack (US 900227)
- 1941 - Counter Attack (World 900227)
- Captain Commando (World 911202)
- Captain Commando (Japan 910928)
- Forgotten Worlds (US set 2)
- Area 88 (Japan resale version)
- Knights of the Round (Japan 911127 alt)
- The King of Dragons (Japan 910805 alt)
- The King of Dragons (World 910805)
- Mega Man - The Power Battle (CPS1, US 951006)
- Tenchi wo Kurau (Japan Resale Version)
- Final Fight (US set 2)
- Pang! 3 (Euro 950511)
- Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
- Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (Japan 920322)
- Forgotten Worlds (US set 2)
- Final Fight (World set 2)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910522 G)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (World 910228)
- Street Fighter II - The World Warrior (US 910306)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (World 920513)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Japan 920803)
- Street Fighter II' - Champion Edition (Accelerator set 2)
- The Punisher (Hispanic 930422)
* Changed kof99nd to use non Korean P ROMs.
* Changed SSF2T parent / clone relationship to match MAME.
* Changed SF2T parent / clone relationship to match MAME.
* Various other changes to match MAME 148 ROM naming.
没啥更新, 就是同步mame的rom |