签到天数: 1548 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老

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发表于 2013-1-16 15:19:25
Wii 7,992,660 (-12%) 33,056,345
PS3 7,301,403 (+18%) 21,891,421
X360 5,376,457 (+24%) 19,791,968
1 Wii Sports (Wii)Nintendo 213 7,061,523 30,686,710
2 Wii Sports Resort (Wii)Nintendo 76 4,381,423 9,947,911
3 Wii Fit Plus (Wii)Nintendo 62 4,061,277 7,381,922
4 Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3)Activision 8 3,638,146 3,638,146
5 FIFA 11 (PS3)Electronic Arts 14 3,285,491 3,285,491
6 New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)Nintendo 59 3,256,007 5,945,678
7 Gran Turismo 5 (PS3)Sony Computer Entertainment 6 3,083,509 3,083,509
8 Call of Duty: Black Ops (X360)Activision 8 3,053,160 3,053,160
9 Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver Version (DS)Nintendo 41 2,620,009 2,620,009
10 Just Dance (Wii)Ubisoft 58 2,402,092 2,780,197
11 Mario Kart Wii (Wii)Nintendo 143 2,382,873 11,508,365
12 Kinect Adventures! (X360)Microsoft 8 2,269,835 2,269,835
13 FIFA 11 (X360)Electronic Arts 14 2,184,460 2,184,460
14 Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii)Nintendo 30 1,978,728 1,978,728
15 New Super Mario Bros. (DS)Nintendo 236 1,929,742 9,019,728
16 Just Dance 2 (Wii)Ubisoft 12 1,887,024 1,887,024
17 World of Warcraft: Cataclysm (PC)Blizzard Entertainment 4 1,868,361 1,868,361
18 Wii Party (Wii)Nintendo 13 1,866,931 1,866,931
19 Halo: Reach (X360)Microsoft 16 1,776,572 1,776,572
20 Red Dead Redemption (PS3)Rockstar Games 33 1,670,125 1,670,125
21 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PS3)Ubisoft 7 1,552,311 1,552,311
22 Red Dead Redemption (X360)Take-Two Interactive 33 1,469,569 1,469,569
23 Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)Square Enix 43 1,334,410 1,334,410
24 Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS)Nintendo 11 1,320,089 1,320,089
25 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (PS3)Konami 14 1,279,187 1,279,187
26 God of War III (PS3)Sony Computer Entertainment 42 1,200,814 1,200,814
27 Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (X360)Ubisoft 7 1,187,664 1,187,664
28 Mario Kart DS (DS)Nintendo 267 1,100,260 7,918,072
29 StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC)Blizzard Entertainment 23 1,092,806 1,092,806
30 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3)Activision 60 1,032,712 3,857,261
31 Medal of Honor (PS3)Electronic Arts 12 990,602 990,602
32 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (PS3)Electronic Arts 7 983,618 983,618
33 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (PS3)Electronic Arts 44 982,498 982,498
34 Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)Nintendo 5 972,110 972,110
35 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (X360)Activision 60 951,787 3,717,192
36 Art Academy (DS)Nintendo 22 939,178 939,178
37 Battlefield: Bad Company 2 (X360)Electronic Arts 44 886,001 886,001
38 Fable III (X360)Microsoft 10 867,931 867,931
39 Heavy Rain (PS3)Sony Computer Entertainment 45 842,493 842,493
40 Kinect Sports (X360)Microsoft 8 814,377 814,377
41 Fallout: New Vegas (X360)Bethesda Softworks 11 799,729 799,729
42 Medal of Honor (X360)Electronic Arts 12 781,073 781,073
43 Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit (X360)Electronic Arts 7 771,851 771,851
44 Final Fantasy XIII (X360)Square Enix 43 730,275 730,275
45 Forza Motorsport 3 (X360)Microsoft 63 729,647 1,820,142
46 Mass Effect 2 (X360)Electronic Arts 49 718,871 718,871
47 F1 2010 (PS3)Codemasters 15 706,110 706,110
48 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa (PS3)Electronic Arts 36 699,294 699,294
49 Fallout: New Vegas (PS3)Bethesda Softworks 11 689,961 689,961
50 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)Sony Computer Entertainment 64 685,687 1,995,745
在欧洲市场上,除了UBI的《JUST DANCE》系列之外,根本看不到Wii的第三方作品,连任天堂自家的新作也只有3款:《马银2》、《Wii Party》和《大金刚回归》。Wii上销量前五的游戏全部是旧作,年内卖得最好的新作《马银2》只能排在14位,甚至还不如老当益壮的《马车Wii》。
而两大对手的作品则可谓是琳琅满目:跨平台的就有《COD黑色行动》、《FIFA 11》、《荒野大镖客 救赎》、《刺客信条 兄弟会》、《FF13》、《荣誉勋章》、《极品飞车 热力追踪》、《战地 恶人连2》、《辐射》等一大批让Wii可望而不可及的大作,独占作品更有索尼的《GT赛车5》、《战神3》、《暴雨》,微软的《KINECT大冒险》、《光环 致远星》、《神鬼寓言3》,这样的阵容,Wii确实是只能退避三舍。
截止2010年底,Wii七大天王在欧洲的销量全部超过了600万,而PS3和360上甚至没有一个游戏能达到400万的成绩。进一步说,在欧洲有记录的历史成绩上,包括FC、SFC、PS、N64直到GBA,400万也是一个上限;而能够超越600万这个数字的,只有一款PS2版《GTA SA》而已。Wii所创造的辉煌,不仅在家用机领域前所未有,就算是包括GB和NDS在内的所有机种中,也是首屈一指无可匹敌的。