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[新闻] 街机模拟器前端Emu Loader v7.4.2发布



发表于 2013-11-8 10:41:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 money_114 于 2013-11-29 02:16 编辑

街机模拟器前端Emu Loader发布新版,更新如下:

version 7.4.2 change log - November 28, 2013

Proper support for UME emulator. EL was not looking for "ume.ini" file when reading emulator settings. Sorry for that folks...

Delete/rename image dialog updated with a cleaner interface and more details
System icon / game icon layout changed in a few screens. Using two 68x68 icons was a bit weird. There's still room for improvement
Buttons size are back to standard 87x23 pixels
Game details screen rewrite. Made several tweaks and removed redundant info
- Section "Device ROMs" removed. Kinda pointless since you have this info in the "Game Files" section
- Merged set info text moved from list to the "gamename" text, below game title
- Game files info now show a "(.zip; .7z)" text if the system supports 7-Zip file format (only when file not found)

version 7.4.1 change log - November 12, 2013

FATALITY! I can't beleive it... I FORGOT to change the audit feature to get .7z contents using the 7-Zip library!
Emu Loader would simply crash as EL was trying to open .7z files as they were in .zip format, using the ZipForge library
Well, that's fixed so you can start using MAME/HBMAME/Demul ROM sets in 7-Zip again. Thousand apologies...
Vertical scrollbar would go back to position zero after clicking on a column (details view mode)
Filters based on driver names were not working. Now all driver names are handled without the file extension

Section entries of games/devices with no ROMs are removed from ROMs list files (sysname_roms.el). This does not improve performance and it reduces only mere KBytes of file size, but it keep files clean (crete games list)

New feature: Select a fixed game at startup (requested). It allows you to always select the same game at startup, regardless the last selected game when exiting the frontend
- Access thru a new games popup sub-menu "Select Game at Startup"
- Just select the desired game, call the popup menu and select "Use Current: game_title" menu option
- This overwrites the "select last selected game" feature. To go back to the regular mode, just click on "Clear Selection" menu item
- If the game cannot be found (not visible due to filters, etc), this feature will fallback to the regular last selected game
- The first menu item is the game you chose as a fixed game. Cliking on it will select that game
- Selection details are saved in EmuLoader.ini using a new "[SelectGameStartup]" section

version 7.4 change log - November 08, 2013

Access violation after closing the select folder dialog. It didn't happen for everyone one though (not even on my system)
Some MAME folders were being wrongly handled as ROMs folders, using "uMain.ExtractROMsFolders()" function. Replaced by a proper "uMain.ExtractMultiFolders()" function
Weird that Emu Loader was "kinda" loading those info to MAME settings screen without problems... but it was being loaded WRONG!
Proper load support for multiple MAME folders: samples, artwork, controllers. EL could only work with single folders
Memory leak when exiting the frontend if MAME settings screen was accessed at least once
When handling multiple items in a ListView (delete/move/copy files, remove item from list), only the first item would be processed and loop routines would self-terminate prematurely
Minor visual tweaks

Updates to "Not Used Zip Files" (main menu "Settings"/Maintenance"):
- support .7z format
- added a destination folder edit box and a overwrite files checkbox
- menu option "Maintenance" moved out of "Settings" as a sub-menu
- feature renamed to "Not Used Game Files"

Support for DICE v0.7. File "DICE_xml.dat" updated with new games and a few other changes
- a new "sourcefile" tag was added to show driver name (reduntant for DICE ???)
- a new "versionadded" tag was added to show which emulator version each game was added
- driver status is now always set to "Good" (hard-coded in EL's source code)
- category info is now shown using MAME's catver.ini (might not be accurate)
New feature: Copy/move game files
- Feature can be accessed only in games popup menu (mouse right-click)
- Similar to "Delete Selected Games" feature, but to copy or move game files
- It works with single and multiple games selections
- New "Destination Folder" edit box so you can select the destination path when copying/moving files (full paths only!)
- If destination path doesn't exist, EL will try to create it
- New "Overwrite Existing Files" option so you can choose to overwrite or not existing files in the destination folder
- Added a new (and fancy) dialog box to show operation progress (delete/copy/move)... with an error log too

- if you click on cancel button, all files that were already deleted/copied/moved will NOT be restored
- CHD files are copied/moved to a "\chd_files\" sub-folder in the destination path. This cannot be changed
- when copying/moving files for multiple games of different systems (MAME, ZiNc, etc), systems othen than MAME are placed in a sub-folder to avoid mixing files, like so:
- MAME: root of the destination path
- Supermodel: root_path\SupermodelSEGAModel3\
- Daphne: root_path\Daphne\
- Demul: root_path\Demul\
- HBMAME: root_path\HBMAME\
- DICE: root_path\DICE\
- Sega Model 2: root_path\SEGAModel2\
- ZiNc: root_path\ZiNc\ - when copying files of games that share the exact same ROMs/CHDs files (MAME and HBMAME games for example), to prevent EL from creating duplicates, EL keeps an internal list of all MAME files. This list is checked against game files of all the other systems
Some HLSL options are back for better compatibility with previous MAME builds (0.149 and older): "read custom ini file", "write custom ini file", "hlsl file name"

[发帖际遇]: 一个袋子砸在了 money_114 头上,money_114 赚了 1 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 632 天


发表于 2013-11-8 13:21:26 | 显示全部楼层
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