本帖最后由 money_114 于 2013-12-13 20:44 编辑
Large general speed improvements and assorted bug fixes
"Software Skinning" option which speeds up many games with animated 3D characters
(but may slow down a few, like Monster Hunter - experiment with turning it off)
Various fixes around stencil/alpha, reducing glow problems in Wipeout and Gods Eater Burst.
Timing improvements making more games run at the correct FPS, also fixing some audio issues
More debugger features
Better looking and individually resizable touch controls
Automatic install of games from ZIP files, like demos and many homebrew.
Software renderer improvements
VERY basic ad-hoc online play support, to be improved in future versions.
And more...
算得上比较重要的一版更新, 游戏提速, bug修复, 兼容性提高, zip支持
最重要的两点, 初步支持了在线功能和换盘功能, 有能力的可以自行测试
测试下来空之轨迹sc和真三国无双6这两个游戏换盘还有问题, 其他的应该ok
联机的话, 模拟器中开启Wlan, 按下面教程试下
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_91c98ddb0101qdwm.html |
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