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[新闻] [MAME\MESS模拟器]MAME 0.255


签到天数: 57 天


发表于 2023-5-31 14:48:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

最大特点是改良了Namco System10,CAVE CV1000驱动,支持了枪林弹雨3,狙击手13铳声镇魂歌,统武者罗新版(Gamshara (20020912A / 10021 Ver.A)),Pop'n Music系列游戏。

0.255 2023-05-31

MAME Testers bugs fixed
- 00516: [Graphics] (atari/maxaflex.cpp) All sets in maxaflex.cpp: Remaining time LED displays are not updated correctly. (hap)
- 04567: [Sound] (taito/flstory.cpp) flstory: MSM5232 envelope decay is slower than it should be. (O. Galibert)
- 05495: [Sound] (misc/micro3d.cpp) All sets in micro3d.cpp: Music and sound effects are not played. (Patrick Mackinlay)
- 07184: [Sound] (konami/konamigv.cpp) Possibly all sets in konamigv.cpp: CD audio does not play. (Angelo Salese)
- 08088: [Crash/Freeze] (sega/naomi.cpp) demofist: Emulator hangs when using recompiler. (Angelo Salese)
- 08609: [Crash/Freeze] (dynax/royalmah.cpp) mjsenka: Emulator may crash. (hap)
- 08612: [Interface] (sega/megatech.cpp) megatech: Info screen should appear above game screen. (hap)
- 08613: [DIP/Input] (cinematronics/jack.cpp) tripool, tripoola: Inputs are not labelled correctly and buttons are missing. (hap)
- 08614: [Crash/Freeze] (seta/seta.cpp) extdwnhl: Game freezes during credit roll. (Angelo Salese)
- 08620: [Crash/Freeze] UI: Data plugin viewer crashes when loose software is mounted. (Vas Crabb)
- 08625: [Interface] UI: Systems that only require device ROMs may be incorrectly reported as not present. (Vas Crabb)
- 08628: [Sound] (konami/twin16.cpp) vulcan and gradius2: Incorrect sound sample played when starting game. (AJR)
- 08629: [DIP/Input] (taito/taito_z.cpp) spacegun: Emulated game freezes during attract mode. (hap)
- 08630: [DIP/Input] (galaxian/galaxian.cpp) jumpbug: Difficulty setting is labelled incorrectly. (johnmcallister)
- 08631: [DIP/Input] (taito/ssrj.cpp) alpine set 1 only: Time extension setting is labelled incorrectly. (johnmcallister)
- 08644: [Gameplay] (nintendo/gb.cpp) gbcolor [konamic2,konamic4]: Game crashes before reaching the title screen. (Vas Crabb)

New working systems
Basketball (Tomy) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Burger Kids (Japan) [Phil Bennett]
Konami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3: Shredder's Last Stand (handheld) [algestam, Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Konami Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Basketball [algestam, Sean Riddle, Mr. Do]
Lakeside Computer Perfection [hap, Sean Riddle]
mc / Franzis Verlag mc-68000-Computer [Dirk Best, Klaus Loy]
Omron Luna 88K [Jeffrey McMahill]
Psion HC 120 [Nigel Barnes, zedstarr]
Tronica Super Goal Keeper [algestam]
Volleyball (Tomy) [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones
Galaxian III (bootleg of Galaxian) [Stephan Suys]
GX Part 2 (Galaxian hack) [Eric Conrad]
Gyakuten!! Puzzle Bancho (Japan, set 2) [twistedsymphony]
Jolly Game (V1, Otti Karl logo) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Jolly Joker (original program, interleaved GFX, Otti Karl logo, set 1) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Jolly Joker (original program, interleaved GFX, Otti Karl logo, set 2) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Karate Champ (US, 2 players) [Museo Arcade Vintage, ClawGrip]
Mega Card (Ver.0053, encrypted) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Peters Plus, Ivan Mak Sprinter Sp2000 [holub]
Pop'n Music Animelo (license expired) [Windy Fairy]
Pop'n Music Animelo 2 (license expired) [Windy Fairy]
Psion HC 100 [Nigel Barnes, zedstarr]
Psion HC 110 [Nigel Barnes, zedstarr]
Selchow & Righter Scrabble Lexor: Computer Word Game (MN1405 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Street Fighter II': Champion Edition (World 920803) [playero]
WWF Superstars (bootleg with 2xYM2203) [anonymous]
Yamaha PSR-190 [Edward d-tech]

Systems promoted to working
Gamshara (20020912A / 10021 Ver.A) [Bill D.]
Golgo 13: Juusei no Requiem (Japan, GLT1 VER.A) [Windy Fairy]
Omron Luna 88K2 [Patrick Mackinlay]
Point Blank 3 (World, GNN2 Ver.A) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Samuel Neves, Guru, Windy Fairy]
Pop'n Music 4 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music 5 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music 6 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music 7 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music 8 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music Animelo [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music Animelo 2 [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]
Seishun-Quiz Colorful High School (CHS1 Ver.A) [Windy Fairy]
Tsukkomi Yousei Gips Nice Tsukkomi (NTK1 Ver.A) [Windy Fairy]

Clones promoted to working
Gunbalina (Japan, GNN1 Ver.A) [Peter Wilhelmsen, Samuel Neves, Guru, Windy Fairy]
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes! [Windy Fairy, O. Galibert]

New systems marked not working
Bolsa Internacional (euro) [Javier Blanco Ojeda, ClawGrip]
Isshoni Wanwan Waiwai Puppy 2008 [Darksoft, MetalliC, rtw]
Kung Fu Pounda [SpinalFeyd, hammy]
Let's Get Kraken [SpinalFeyd, hammy]
Micro Computer Machines MCM/70 [Nigel Barnes, York University Computer Museum]
Nintendo 64 (PAL) [No-Intro]
Poker Spirit [hammy]
Psion Series 3 [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Pump It Up BIOS [ATR4X, Gergc, Pawprint infamouspat Ruubbinnexx, H4M573R, Angelo Salese, hammy]
Pump It Up: The 1st Dance Floor [ATR4X, Gergc, Pawprint infamouspat Ruubbinnexx, H4M573R, Angelo Salese, hammy]
Taiko no Tatsujin 11 (T111001-NA-A) [f205v]
Victory Shoot [hammy]
Wavetek 600 Cellular Activation Tester [Ryan Holtz, Leo Romo]
Yamaha PCS-30 [Edward d-tech]
Yamaha PS-400 [Guru]

New clones marked not working
Ace Driver 3: Final Turn [Guru]
Acorn Computers Pocket Book [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Master Crane (set 2) [jordigahan]
Nandemo Seal Iinkai (ver 1.3) [twistedsymphony]
Nintendo Gateway 64 [Angelo Salese, David Silva]
Novo Play (V3.3H) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Novo Play (V6.2H) [TeamEurope, f205v, Roberto Fresca]
Psion Series 3a (2M) (Russian) [MaFrance351]
Psion Series 3s [Nigel Barnes, The Last Psion]
Zankor (TMS5220 Italian speech) [PinMAME]

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1m-P7KegLrbw7bwqUsNydCQ 提取码:i6oj



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