签到天数: 1835 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
MAME GP2X是一款MAME在GP2X平台上的移植版本,本次最新发布了4.6版本,有需要的下载吧。下面是游戏模拟效果截图。
本次新版MAME GP2X更新内容如下:
Improved the System 16 driver (MAME 0.36b1): Several new System 16 games are playable (Moonwalker, Shadow Dancer, etc).
Added the Sprite Manager support, required for the new System 16 driver.
Updated UPD7759 sound core (MAME 0.36b1), to improve the digitized sound in the System 16 games.
Rainbow Islands has been fixed (MAME 0.36rc1).
Renegade has been fixed (MAME 0.36b6).
Modified romsets: MAME 0.36b1: alexkidd, aliensyn, altbeast, astormbl, aurail, dduxbl, eswatbl, fantzone, fpointbl, goldnaxe, hwchamp, mjleague, passshtb, quartet2, sdi, shinobi, tetrisbl, timscanr, tturfbl, wb3bl, wrestwar.
New romsets: MAME 0.36b1: altbeas2, atomicp, bodyslam, goldnaxa, hangon, moonwlkb, quartet, riotcity, shdancer, shdancrj, shinobl, tturf, wb3.
Modified romsets: MAME 0.36rc1: rainbow, rainbowe, jumping.
Updated the ClrMAME Pro DAT with the updated romsets.
请上618共享群2,进入模拟器目录下载,文件名:mame gp2x-v46-bin.rar |