签到天数: 1870 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
# [MESS] sync with svn r1456 [Emuman]
# update catlist 0.122u1 & Japanese command.dat (071228) [YuiFAN]
# fixed in-game UI dip switch translation [Emuman]
# [MESS] added startup screen for image loading, improved menu bar handling [Emuman]
# fixed MAMETesters bug d3dwindow0117u3red ("Unable to create the Direct3D device (88760868)") [Emuman]
# [GUI] fixed joystick navigation [Emuman]
# added HQ2x, HQ3x filter ASM version [BUT, Emuman]
# updated Japanese command.dat [commandlist jp]
# updated Japanese history.dat and story.dat [399@2ch]
# [GUI] supported screen/aspect/resolution/view options as default screen settings [BUT]
# updated CPS2 Phoenix Edition roms [Pythagoras_573, kof2112]
# [GUI] fixed crash in input playback [BUT]
# [GUI] fixed shortcut menu in screenshot area [BUT]
# [GUI] fixed crash in Interface Options [BUT]
# [GUI] fixed -screen* options in property page [BUT]
# [GUI] fixed saving mame.ini and bios.ini [BUT]
# updated Japanese list (jplist0122u1_1225.zip) [mamelist jp]
新闻来源:emu-france.com |