签到天数: 1870 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
* Added a new menu item 'CPS-III Settings -> 'Enable FastBoot' & 'Enable SpeedHacks',
These options make it posible to use or not use the features. They don't affect gameplay
and they don't cause any type of guru meditation.
* I Verified & Updated latest CPS3 driver with all CPS3 romsets, DIPs, CleanUp and the region patching code.
Now every game is playable and there are no guru meditations of any kind.
!* Added OopsWare latest update to the CPS-3 driver, it includes sound & more speed.
* Added update made by IQ_132 to his 'Quiz Olympic' driver. [ThanX to IQ_132].
!* New Feature: "View Romset Information" - it will let you see all the selected driver roms, crc32, size and type of rom.
It display the romset name, total size in different ways (Bytes, KB & MB) and the number of files in the romset ^^.
* Added Update made by BisonSAS to the 'Quiz Olympic' driver originally made by IQ_132 [ThanX to BisonSAS]
新闻来源:http://neosource.1emu.net/forums ... 751.msg6570#msg6570 |
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