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[转贴] 失落的奥德赛 OST下载(添加歌词与小评)


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发表于 2008-1-25 19:15:43 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
音乐为 What You Are ,整曲绝没有冷场,超赞!
When you touch me, it feels just like a dream.
With the warmth that in your eyes when you look at me
I hear your voice beside me
It whispers to me
I can’t hide how it makes me feel
The shinning you see
I may never understand how deep it goes
But I know how I feel
what I hold deep in my heart
there’s just no way to stop this
this hopeless but true
I feel this love more than anything
To one more can I do
You know I thought I would be much stronger than I am
But then I feel the boldness that it’s inside my heart
Just know the way
How I feel for you and what I want to say keeps getting lost inside
I like to make what you are into someone irreplaceable
Who will always be by my side
I like to make what you are into something so wonderous
In this life for mine
That I would love for all time

When you kiss me
I think of you in a dream
With the wall in your game
When you look at me
Your eyes filled with emotion
Sparkling with tears
I feel this love it is everything
The one more can I do
You know I thought I would be more fragil than I guess
But then my hands so strong to the truth that no one holds so deep
With this gentle touch I hope I can express just how I feel for you
I like to make what you are into someone irreplaceable
Who will always be by my side
I like to make what you are into something so wonderous
In this life for mine
That I would love for all time
I like to make what you are into something I can only ? near me when I reach out my hands
I like to make what you are into something so wonderous
In this life for mine
That I would love for all time
That I would love for all time

-Album Details-
Title: Lost Odyssey Original Soundtrack
Title in JP : ロストオデッセイ オリジナルサウンドトラック
Catalog Number:  SVWC-7514~5
Publisher:  Aniplex
Composition  Nobuo Uematsu (植松伸夫)
Release Date 2008.01.23
101 序章
102 戦場★★★★★
103 戦いの火蓋★★★★★
104 とどめの一撃
105 不死の生
106 ウォール高原
107 戦闘態勢
108 勝利
109 ウーラの都
110 終わりなき旅路
111 イプシロン山脈
112 悲しみのトルタン
113 ガンガラの陰謀
114 強敵出現!
115 氷の世界
116 戦火の進軍
117 クライシス&ワーニング★★★★★
118 白い母船
119 Eclipse of Time(Harp ver.)
120 ヌマラ宮殿
121 ヌマラの都
122 小さな思い出
123 ケロロンの森
124 敵出現!★★★★★
125 永遠の別れ
126 帰ってくる、きっと…(Piano Version)
127 フラッシュバック★★★★★
128 侵入
129 希望の徴(しるし)
130 海賊のテーマ
131 ヨーソロー
132 トスカ村
133 魔女の館
201 帰ってくる、きっと... (Vocal Version)★★★★★
202 魔導機関の謎
203 脱出!
204 商人の街サマン
205 ゴッツァの都
206 魔導の侵食
207 魔導に憑かれた男
208 決断
209 大雪原
210 What You Are (Guitar Version)
211 魔獣との戦い
212 暗闇の放浪者★★★★★
213 東方大廃墟
214 闇の聖者★★★★★
215 大航海★★★★★
216 次元の狭間
217 空間の歪み
218 亡魂咆哮★★★★★
219 セスのテーマ
220 祝福の光~手紙
221 What You Are (Vocal Version)★★★★★
222 メインテーマ★★★★★
223 Eclipse of Time (Vocal Version)

下载地址:http://rpg.mopoo.com/rpgmm/Lost% ... ck{SVWC-7514~5}.rar



不过植松大神其实也在尝救新的突破,就像Afterglow Of Zanarkand这样空灵的曲子他已经做到好得不能再好,因此转向蓝调爵士等现代风去,因此Lost Odyssey的乐曲就显得非常时尚,在英国等流行组建乐队的国家一定大受追捧!

在音乐造诣上,把电子声与古曲的揉合得更加娴熟,以前是FF6的Theme of Tina(大地图音乐)与時の放浪者,现在是終わりなき旅路(大地图音乐)与暗闇の放浪者.時の放浪者给人的感觉是在荒凉的平野上彷徨,暗闇の放浪者则是一个在黑暗中踽踽独行的身影!祝福の光~手紙是教堂乐章,在游戏中出现无疑是一大惊喜(就像FF6出现歌剧那样出彩兼出众);メインテーマ的大气不用我多说了吧,绝对听出耳油!

战斗乐上,上升了不止一个层次,从开篇的戦場与戦いの火蓋,是行云流水的进行曲!敵出現,比较平庸,但都有恶魔城的风韵;強敵出現,则来个360转变,是首欢乐激烈的华尔兹!闇の聖者,神曲,可惜犯了与FF12的空賊への夢——太短了,给人意犹未尽!亡魂咆哮则不多谈了,她的素质勿容置疑,是首多元变奏曲。正如One-Winged Angel歌颂萨菲罗斯英雄一世一样,亡魂咆哮也很贴切地突现了凯姆的千年悲情与不断抗争——走过高低起伏的道路,自有收放自如的人生!

歌曲上(指有人声那种),破天荒的整整三首,帰ってくる、きっと??? 不知是从哪抄来的民族歌谣,很有味道。What You Are恐怕又要像素敵だね与Eyes on me一样载入人类文化殿堂,全曲没有一处冷场,全是高潮,更难能可贵的是其流行要素非常浓重,不爆发就怪了!Eclipse of Time 近乎清唱,满足某群体声优癖的嗜好了!


发表于 2008-1-25 20:11:34 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2008-1-27 23:22:40 | 显示全部楼层


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