?Mount with DT 4.06 (And make sure SPTD 1.35 is installed)
?Install Game
?Start -> Run -> Regedit
?Take a look up your Daemon Tools device letter
?If its for example "DosDevices\\X:" change it to
PROPER REASON: -CLONECD game is not working. With our release
you do not need to pray to some fake gods to
get game to work. Here is ours, follow human
steps, and have fun playing one more nice title
bringed by -RECHARGED TEAM!!
If you follow their directions using:
"An anti-blacklisting utility and/or pray
to your heathen voodoo god of choice." U will
have this problems.
?Just MOunted --> Windows Debugger Loads
game not start
?Pro Stop --> Program cant be exucted 5018
?Procyon LOADER --> Windows Debugger Loads,
game does not start
?YATSU Version B --> Windows Debugger Loads,
game not start