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发表于 2008-8-26 14:23:30 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式



【留言原文】Oh my the Chinese will be a hard act to follow. What a shambles the British effort was, very embarrassing indeed. A double decker bus, beckham, an xfactor winner, a sweaty aging rock star, dancers with umbrellas throwng newspapers everywhere. I guess a good symbol of modern day Britain. I fear our efforts will always be second class to China. This might show new labour off for what they are and what they have done to our once great country

【留言原文】The dancing was a bit straggly in the “London” routine . After seeing all the cyclists taking part,the Chinese will think “Nobody can afford cars in London”

【留言原文】The British “teaser” was ok, but we were disappointed to see the performer in the wheelchair was not in fact disabled but was leaping around later in the dance.

【留言原文】Did anyone else this the “London 8 minutes” presentation was——dare I say it——rubbish!?Leona sang her heart out on top of a ladder, on top of a bus whilst 20 contemporary dancers did their stuff way below. It was just so low key relative to what had gone on before it.

【留言原文】But oh, our offering at the closing ceremony was embarrassing.A red bus,a pop singer, an ageing rocker and an overpaid ball kicker was awful. Where was our great Island heritage portrayed in all this flummery?

【留言原文】And why can't Boris button his jacket?Too fat or bad tailoring?

【留言原文】I've just watched the Olympic closing ceremony, and as I feared, Britain's contribution was embarassing and totally pathetic - I just hope they manage to do better in 2012. It will obviously be impossible to rival the spectacular pageant that Beijing provided, but I thought the dancing (if you can call that dancing) and the Leona Lewis/Jimmy Page effort was just pitiful. Hopefully, we can ditch all this government inspired 'Cool Britannia' garbage and present something a bit more slick and professional.

【留言原文】I agree that Adrian Childs was poor: he seemed to think that he was on the One Show. The London Bus routine was pretty much rubbish ... the music was poor and everything smacked of pop culture. Period.The Games themselves were superbly run. The BBC was teetering on the brink of overblown nationalism, however.
【中文翻译】我也觉得Adrian Childs很可怜,他看上去以为自己是在个人秀。伦敦巴士的演出特别垃圾,音乐很糟糕,所有一切都带着流行文化时代的味道。运动会本身搞得非常好,但BBC有过分的民族主义之嫌(是嫌BBC吹捧英国运动员太厉害吗?)

【留言原文】I'm staying in Singapore and feel embarrassed to go to work tomorrow after that dreadful showing by London 2012  

【留言原文】I live in Germany and, like the person from Singapore, will be ashamed to meet my friends tomorrow  

【留言原文】Jimmy Page and David Beckham have been massive icons of British popular culture. I'm not especially a fan of either, but they perfectly suited to the ceremony.Not bothered either way about Leona whatshername, but the chief embarrassment, reducing us instantly to laughing stock of the world and diminishing at a stroke the achievements of our athletes, was the presence of Boris Bloody Johnson!!! This man symbolizes everything wrong with Britain - a deeply untalented buffoon, with a thoroughly sinister interior. Get him off the stage once and for all.
【中文翻译】Jimmy Page和贝壳都是英国流行文化的重大标志。我并不是他们的粉丝,但他们很适合这个演出。那个叫Leona啥啥的演出我也不觉得糟(就是那个独唱的 MM),但是最大的丢人之处,直接把我们埋汰成全世界的笑料并且抹杀了我们的运动员取得的成绩的,就是那个虾米Boris Johnson(伦敦那个混混市长)的出现!这家伙象征着英国所有糟糕的东西——壹个完全没有天赋的小丑,内心丑恶。把他永远逐出舞台吧!



签到天数: 1 天


发表于 2008-8-26 14:29:33 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-8-26 14:30:18 | 显示全部楼层


 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-26 14:36:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 黄昏速写者 于 2008-8-26 02:29 PM 发表


签到天数: 2 天


发表于 2008-8-26 14:45:30 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-26 22:05:45 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fjxwud 于 2008-8-26 02:45 PM 发表




发表于 2008-8-27 12:25:39 | 显示全部楼层



 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-27 15:47:57 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 夏夜晨星 于 2008-8-27 12:25 PM 发表


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