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[业界新闻] 微软官方就近期BAN机事件做出回应


签到天数: 11 天


发表于 2008-11-13 14:32:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
    微软Xbox Live首席程序设计师Major Nelson(本名Larry Hyrb)今天在官方博客上发表声明,表示微软已经知晓近期网上流传的大规模BAN机一事,并再次重申之所以要封杀这些X360主机登陆Xbox Live的权利,惟一的目的就是杜绝非法改机和盗版并保护合法用户利益。
    Major Nelson还强调,电视游戏产业的赢利模式要求硬件生产商和服务供应商为用户提供相应的服务并保护他们的权益,因此微软将继续加大盗版打击力度并维护Xbox Live社区的安全和秩序。
    尽管Major Nelson没有在声明中提到BAN机的任何细节,但已经暗示官方对此事心知肚明。这不是微软第一次通过LIVE封杀改机用户的X360,当然也不会是最后一次,而且我相信这个改与BAN的过程还会一直循环下去,直到……很久很久以后的某一天。
I’ve gotten a few messages and seen some forum threads pop up on console bannings so I thought I’d post and let folks know what’s up. In our our continued effort to keep gameplay safe and secure for our community of more than 14 million members, Microsoft has taken action against a small percentage of Xbox 360 consoles that have been illegally modified in order to play pirated games. You should know that modifying your Xbox 360 console is also a violation of the Xbox LIVE terms of use, will void your warranty and result in a ban from Xbox LIVE.   The health of the video game business depends on customers paying for the genuine products and services they receive, both from manufacturers and the local companies that support them. We will continue to employ and bolster anti-piracy security measures to counter piracy in the gaming industry and improve security in the Xbox LIVE community.

Major Nelson:Xbox 360 Console banning



发表于 2008-11-13 16:09:06 | 显示全部楼层
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