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[业界新闻] 黑色星期五X360销量三倍于PS3


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发表于 2008-12-3 18:41:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


     微软互动娱乐业务高级副总Don Mattrick表示,他们对今年感恩节的主机销量持“谨慎而乐观”的态度,同时强调年底的销售业绩已经为2009年一整年X360的增长动力奠定了坚实的基础。


Xbox 360在黑色星期五创销售纪录新高
Xbox 360主机销量是PS3的三倍,其主机和游戏销量均创历史记录
        中国,北京 — 2008年12月3日 — 在美国最大的购物周之一 — 感恩节后的第一个周末,微软旗下视频游戏和娱乐系统Xbox 360创下了主机销售量的全新记录。据零售商称,在刚刚结束的黑色星期五,Xbox 360主机的销量超过往年,比2007年的销量增长约25%,是PS3销量的三倍。

  微软Xbox重磅游戏如《战争机器2》、《寓言II》和《一展歌喉》的销量均保持持续增长,这些强大的游戏是Xbox 360取得如此辉煌销售纪录的功臣。同时,Xbox 360拥有最高的游戏占有比率,平均每台主机配售出8.1款游戏。

        微软互动娱乐事业部副总裁Don Mattrick表示:“之前,我们对黑色星期五销售前景持谨慎乐观的态度。与市场上其他主机相比,Xbox 360除了价格优势以外,还提供了更多的社交娱乐价值。Xbox 360在美国黑色星期五的销售记录,和我们全球现有的2千5百万用户和1千4百万Xbox LIVE会员,奠定了我们将在2009年保持强劲的销售势头的基础。”

        自从9月份降价以来,Xbox 360在欧洲的销量已连续每周都超过PS3,这种强劲势头已经开始扩展到全球。Xbox 360在欧洲的销量上升了400%,销售额比去年同期增长近一倍,主机销量达到7百万台。

        Xbox 360 入门级的Xbox 360 Arcade售价仅为199.99美元,是普通玩家很容易接受的大众价位,加之Xbox 360拥有比其他游戏平台更多的社交类游戏产品,以及最新发布的New Xbox Experience,Xbox 360是当之无愧的戏行业的领军品牌,吸引了更多的玩家。

关于Xbox 360
  Xbox 360 是业界领先的视频游戏和娱乐平台。拥有内容最丰富多采的游戏以及大量可以付费下载观看的标清和高清影视节目。 作为家庭数字娱乐中心,Xbox 360 结合了无与伦比的个人照片音乐等内容和统一的在线社区,创造了可以和家人以及遍布世界各地的朋友共同分享的无限娱乐体验。更多信息请登陆  http://www.xbox.com/xbox360

关于Xbox LIVE
  Xbox LIVE将来自全球26个国家的1千4百多万名会员连接在一起,为玩家提供喜欢的娱乐项目。通过与电视相连,Xbox LIVE 为家庭娱乐提供更多创新的娱乐方式。不管你的朋友在家里还是在世界的某个角落,Xbox LIVE通过统一在线社交网络将玩家聚在一起。关于Xbox LIVE更多信息,请参考:http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live


Xbox 360 Registers Biggest Black Friday in Its History
Xbox 360 consoles and games sell at record levels; outsells PlayStation 3 by three-to-one ratio.
REDMOND, Wash., Dec. 1 /PRNewswire-K/ — Microsoft Corp.'s Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system kicked off the holidays with record- breaking console sales on one of the biggest shopping weekends of the year in the U.S. Retailers reported Xbox 360 console sales over the Black Friday weekend were on pace to beat previous years, outselling the PlayStation 3 by a three-to-one ratio and estimating a 25 percent increase from Xbox 360 Black Friday sales figures from 2007.
Strong game sales rounded out a historic Black Friday for Xbox 360, with record-paced software sales continuing for key Microsoft titles, such as "Gears of War 2," "Fable II," and "Lips." Xbox 360 continues to have the highest game attach rate of any console at 8.1 games per console.
"We entered into the Black Friday sales period with cautious optimism, knowing that dollar for dollar, Xbox 360 offers more social entertainment value than any other console on the market," said Don Mattrick, senior vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business at Microsoft. "Record Black Friday sales in the U.S., coupled with our existing global install base of 25 million and an online community of more than 14 million Xbox LIVE members, have laid the groundwork for continued global sales momentum in 2009."
Xbox 360 sales have also surged worldwide since the September price drop, outselling the PlayStation 3 week over week across Europe. Console sales in Europe are up as much as 400 percent, with sales nearly double year over year and reaching 7 million consoles sold this generation.
With a mass-market price point starting at $199.99 worldwide (estimated retail price) for Xbox 360 Arcade, a games lineup of more broad-appeal social titles than any other platform, and the recently launched New Xbox Experience, Xbox 360 is leading the industry and inviting everyone to play.
About Xbox 360
Xbox 360 is a premier video game and entertainment system. It is home to the best and broadest games plus more entertainment than any other device connected to the TV. The digital center of the living room, Xbox 360 blends unbeatable content, including personal pictures and music, with a unified online social network to create a limitless entertainment experience that can be shared at home or across the globe. More information can be found online at http://www.xbox.com/xbox360.
About Xbox LIVE
Xbox LIVE connects more than 14 million members across 26 countries to each other and the entertainment they love. Home of more entertainment from one remote than can be found from any device connected to the television, Xbox LIVE is also a unified online social network bringing friends together, no matter where they are — in the living room or across the world. More information and Xbox LIVE membership can be found online at http://www.xbox.com/en-us/live.
About Microsoft
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
* Requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership and a Netflix unlimited subscription plan. More details about the Netflix service are available in the Netflix Terms of Use.

来源: levelup.cn
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