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发表于 2009-1-6 19:08:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
微软欧洲总部今天一片欢腾,庆祝X360在这块大陆上取得新的胜利。微软官方今天发表声明说,在刚刚过去的2008年12月里,X360的销量实现了六年来的历史性突破。    官方声明中引用了互动娱乐部门(欧洲)副总裁Chris Lewis的发言来说明X360在2008年的成功,如果不是限于篇幅我估计他能滔滔不绝地讲上几个小时告诉大家这台主机在欧洲到底有多成功。数据自然也是必不可少,微软这一次的销量依据来自GFK Chart Track。
    根据GFK Chart Track的统计,2008年最后一个月X360在欧洲的销量比2007年同期增长了100%,在英国、法国、意大利、德国和西班牙这几个欧洲主要市场的销量增长速度超过了所有其他主机。


LONDON - 5th January 2009: Xbox® today revealed sales data showing Christmas 2008 was the biggest sales period ever in the brand’s six-year European history, with sales of Xbox 360™ almost double those of Christmas 2007[1]. Eight million Xbox 360 consoles have been sold in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA)[2] up to the end of 2008, widening its lead over PlayStation 3 in the region to more than one million and setting the scene for further growth in 2009.
GfK-ChartTrack data shows that Xbox 360 was the fastest-growing console of 2008, with sales in the fourth quarter of 2008 over double that of the same period in 2007, spurred on by a mix of value, great games and entertainment, and the recently-launched New Xbox Experience.
Chris Lewis, Regional Vice President, Interactive Entertainment Business EMEA, said: “Christmas 2008 was a resounding success for Xbox 360. 2008 saw us grow faster than any of our competitors and we over-achieved in sales during the crucial Christmas selling period. We reduced the entry-level Xbox 360 ERP in September, understanding the need for great value, and European consumers have responded enthusiastically. With eight million consoles sold since we launched, and consistently out-selling PlayStation 3 in EMEA, we’re poised to build on this success in 2009. This success was only possible through our partnerships with retail and with publishers, with whom we’ve worked closely to build a strong ecosystem in the region and to bring value to our shared customer base. As we move into 2009 and an uncertain economic climate, we continue to be committed to offering the right blend of gaming and entertainment experiences at the right price.”
Nick Gibson, Founding Analyst, Games Investor Consulting, said: “Microsoft appears to have enjoyed an excellent end to 2008 in Europe. According to GFK Chart Track data, the Xbox 360 recorded in excess of 100% growth in December sales compared to 2007 across the UK, France, Italy, Germany and Spain, well ahead of any other console. It also recorded comfortably the highest rate of year-on-year growth for the final quarter of 2008 overall.”
Nick Parker, Founder and Games Analyst, Parker Consulting, said: “I have seen early returns for the December 2008 sales data indicating that Xbox 360 has shown a significant sales increase year on year and furthermore is ahead of its nearest rival in terms of lifetime consumer hardware sales in the EMEA region, with an installed base of over eight million units.”

来源: levelup.cn
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