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Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 14:52:27 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã |ÔĶÁģʽ
Bolem's Hoard

256Bolem's Craft TokenAmulet0
737Epic Bolem's Craft TokenAmulet33
105Bolem's Craft BootsBoots61212
592Epic Bolem's Craft BootsBoots334040
107Bolem's Craft GlovesGloves6129
594Epic Bolem's Craft GlovesGloves334033
94Bolem's Craft BrimHelmet6149
581Epic Bolem's Craft BrimHelmet334833
347Bolem's ShaftStaff021
817Epic Bolem's ShaftStaff3398

[ ±¾Ìû×îºóÓÉ ÒøºÓÂþ²½ ÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:30 ±à¼­ ]




Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:29:48 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Graven's Amassment

1908Graven's Crystal BeltBelt283333
953Epic Graven's Crystal BeltBelt566060
1909Graven's Crystal BootsBoots283636
954Epic Graven's Crystal BootsBoots566666
1910Graven's Crystal ChestChest283346
955Epic Graven's Crystal ChestChest566084
1911Graven's Crystal GlovesGloves283629
956Epic Graven's Crystal GlovesGloves566654
1912Graven's Crystal HelmHelmet284229
957Epic Graven's Crystal HelmHelmet567854
1915Graven's LoveMace276419
960Epic Graven's LoveMace5511835
1914Graven's HateMace27571616
959Epic Graven's HateMace551062929
1913Graven's Crystal ShouldersShoulder283333
958Epic Graven's Crystal ShouldersShoulder566060

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:31:17 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Justice's Convocation

2060Justice ForetoldAmulet28
1076Epic Justice ForetoldAmulet56
2790Justice ProclaimedBelt283333
1608Epic Justice ProclaimedBelt566060
2805Justice ProsecutedBoots273535
1623Epic Justice ProsecutedBoots556464
2792Justice EnshrinedChest273244
1610Epic Justice EnshrinedChest555982
2807Justice DefinedGloves283629
1625Epic Justice DefinedGloves566654
2794Valkyrie EnvisionedHelmet284229
1612Epic Valkyrie EnvisionedHelmet567854
1871Justice DeliveredRifle2879
927Epic Justice DeliveredRifle56144
1240Epic Rifle with no NameRifle60140
2801Justice PromotedShoulder283333
1619Epic Justice PromotedShoulder566060

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:42:55 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Leone's Assemblage

2093Leone's StarAmulet7
1106Epic Leone's StarAmulet33
2751Leone's SpursBoots61212
1569Epic Leone's SpursBoots334040
2753Leone's Shootin's GlovesGloves6129
1571Epic Leone's Shootin's GlovesGloves334033
1768Leone's Deadeye PiecePistol7247
889Epic Leone's Deadeye PiecePistol337622

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:43:37 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Lovecraft's Abundance

0Lovecraftian BuckleBelt91414
487Epic Lovecraftian BuckleBelt465050
15Lovecraftian ShoesBoots91616
502Epic Lovecraftian ShoesBoots465555
2Lovecraftian CoatChest91423
489Epic Lovecraftian CoatChest465070
4Lovecraftian HatHelmet81910
491Epic Lovecraftian HatHelmet456444
2111Lovecraftian Forward BandRing19
1123Epic Lovecraftian Forward BandRing46
2110Lovecraftian Backward BandRing19
1122Epic Lovecraftian Backward BandRing46
11Lovecraftian PadsShoulder81313
498Epic Lovecraftian PadsShoulder454949

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:44:29 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Magnus' Trove

2117Magnus' Labyrinthine AmuletAmulet28
1128Epic Magnus' Labyrinthine AmuletAmulet56
198Magnus' Intricate WraingBelt182323
685Epic Magnus' Intricate WraingBelt566060
213Magnus' Detailed FootwearBoots172525
700Epic Magnus' Detailed FootwearBoots556464
200Magnus' Complex SurcoatChest172234
687Epic Magnus' Complex SurcoatChest555982
215Magnus' Perplexing GraspGloves182619
702Epic Magnus' Perplexing GraspGloves566454
202Magnus' Obscure HeadgearHelmet183219
689Epic Magnus' Obscure HeadgearHelmet567854
209Magnus' Abtruse ShouldersShoulder162121
696Epic Magnus' Abtruse ShouldersShoulder545858
1190Epic PandemoniumStaff60140
2630Magnus' Sleeping OverlordStaff2783
1460Epic Magnus' Sleeping OverlordStaff55153

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:45:17 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Ophidian's Trappings

162Ophidian Fang BeltBelt388
649Epic Ophidian Fang BeltBelt404444
164Ophidian Fang DrapeChest3815
651Epic Ophidian Fang DrapeChest404461
179Ophidian Fang GripsGloves396
666Epic Ophidian Fang GripsGloves404839
173Ophidian Fang GuardsShoulder277
660Epic Ophidian Fang GuardsShoulder394343
1906Ophidian Venom SprayerWand121034
951Epic Ophidian Venom SprayerWand392687

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:45:57 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Orlac's Hands

2628The Right Hand of OrlacAxe245717
1459Epic The Right Hand of OrlacAxe5111033
2608The Left Hand of OrlacAxe245717
1440Epic The Left Hand of OrlacAxe5111033

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:46:41 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Raiment of the Hawk

1959Hawk GreavesBoots5420
997Epic Hawk GreavesBoots321473
1955Hawk ChestChest8527
993Epic Hawk ChestChest341585
1958Hawk GlovesGloves7421
996Epic Hawk GlovesGloves331568

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:49:22 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Royba's Agglomeration

2880Royba's BeltBelt131818
1698Epic Royba's BeltBelt404444
2895Royba's BootsBoots131919
1713Epic Royba's BootsBoots404848
2882Royba's CorsetChest121723
1700Epic Royba's CorsetChest394360
2897Royba's GlovesGloves121815
1715Epic Royba's GlovesGloves394739
2884Royba's CapHelmet122215
1702Epic Royba's CapHelmet395639
2891Royba's CraftShoulder131818
1709Epic Royba's CraftShoulder404444

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:50:29 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Scimatron's Guard

2718Scimatron's ControlBelt182323
1536Epic Scimatron's ControlBelt454949
2931Scimatron's ReachBow1962
2720Scimatron's StrengthChest182332
1538Epic Scimatron's StrengthChest454949
2722Scimatron's CommandHelmet193121
1540Epic Scimatron's CommandHelmet466545
2433Scimatron's MindRing19
1325Epic Scimatron's MindRing46
2432Scimatron's HeartRing19
1324Epic Scimatron's HeartRing46
2729Scimatron's PresenceShoulder192424
1547Epic Scimatron's PresenceShoulder465050

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:51:05 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Tlaloc's Ward

2644Tlaloc's LinchpinAmulet6
1473Epic Tlaloc's LinchpinAmulet33
2562Tlaloc's ButressBelt71212
1407Epic Tlaloc's ButressBelt333838
2578Talon SolleretBoots71313
1423Epic Talon SolleretBoots334141
2564Tlaloc's CenterpieceChest61115
1409Epic Tlaloc's CenterpieceChest333751
339Tlaloc's LeverageSword12
809Epic Tlaloc's LeverageSword337422

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:51:43 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Valcone's Bastion

1967Valcone's Butt KickersBoots131919
1005Epic Valcone's Butt KickersBoots404848
1954Valcone's Gut HiderChest121723
992Epic Valcone's Gut HiderChest394360
1969Valcone's Nose WipersGloves121815
1007Epic Valcone's Nose WipersGloves394739
1956Valcone's Head BangerHelmet132316
994Epic Valcone's Head BangerHelmet405739
2601Valcone's Only FriendShield1234
1435Epic Valcone's Only FriendShield3987
1963Valcone's Dust GuardShoulder121717
1001Epic Valcone's Dust GuardShoulder394343

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 6 Ìì


 Â¥Ö÷| ·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-10 15:52:50 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
Zoromun's Bulwark

419Zoromun's FancyBelt91414
851Epic Zoromun's FancyBelt465050
421Zoromun's IdealChest192433
863Epic Zoromun's IdealChest465070
437Zoromun's ManipulatorsGloves192621
869Epic Zoromun's ManipulatorsGloves465545
423Zoromun's InsightHelmet193121
855Epic Zoromun's InsightHelmet466545
393Zoromun's CleavePolearm952
843Epic Zoromun's CleavePolearm46131
2953Zoromun's WisdomRing19
1764Epic Zoromun's WisdomRing45
2952Zoromun's StrengthRing19
1763Epic Zoromun's StrengthRing45
2951Zoromun's ResistanceRing19
1762Epic Zoromun's ResistanceRing45
2950Zoromun's AimRing19
1761Epic Zoromun's AimRing45

Ç©µ½ÌìÊý: 20 Ìì


·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-11 08:34:00 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã


·¢±íÓÚ 2009-11-11 11:26:08 | ÏÔʾȫ²¿Â¥²ã
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