
楼主 |
发表于 2007-1-20 03:51:26
- L no Kisetsu - A Piece of Memories [Best Price] [J] [SLPS-03222]
- L no Kisetsu - A Piece of Memories [J] [SLPS-02204]
- L no Kisetsu - A Piece of Memories [Limited Edition] [J] [SLPS-02203]
- L'amerzone - Le testament de L'explorateur [Disc1of2] [F] [SLES-02346]
- L'amerzone - Le testament de L'explorateur [Disc2of2] [F] [SLES-12346]
- LMA Manager 2001 [PAL] [SLES-02975]
- LMA Manager 2002 [PAL] [SLES-03603]
- LMA Manager [PAL] [SLES-01016]
- LNF Stars 2001 [F] [SLES-03064]
- LSD - Dream Emulator [J] [SLPS-01642]
- LSD - Dream Emulator [Limited Edition] [J] [SLPS-01556]
- Lagnacure Legend [J] [SLPS-02832]
- Lagnacure [Artdink Best Choice] [J] [SLPS-02833]
- Lagnacure [J] [SCPS-45120]
- Lake Masters 2 [J] [SLPS-01342]
- Lake Masters 2 [Reprint] [J] [SLPS-02069]
- Lake Masters Pro [J] [SLPS-02177]
- Lake Masters Pro [PSone Books] [J] [SLPS-91420]
- Lake Masters Pro [Reprint] [J] [SLPS-02869]
- Land Before Time - Big Water Adventure [U] [SLUS-01481]
- Land Before Time - Great Valley Racing Adventure [U] [SLUS-01213]
- Land Before Time - Return to Great Valley [U] [SLUS-01043]
- Land Before Time, The - Big Water Adventure [PAL] [SLES-04055]
- Land Before Time, The - Great Valley Racing Adventure [PAL] [SLES-03448]
- Land Before Time, The - Return to the Great Valley [PAL] [SLES-02983]
- Land Maker [J] [SLPM-86394]
- Land Maker [PAL] [SLES-02682]
- Langacure [J] [SLPS-01009]
- Langrisser I & II [J] [SLPM-86798]
- Langrisser I & II [J] [SLPS-00897]
- Langrisser I & II [Limited Edition] [J] [SLPS-00896]
- Langrisser I & II [Mesaiya Best] [J] [SLPS-01822]
- Langrisser IV & V Final Edition [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPS-01818]
- Langrisser IV & V Final Edition [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPS-01819]
- Largo Winch - Commando Sar [PAL] [SLES-03687]
- Largo Winch - Commando Sar [PAL] [SLES-03688]
- Largo Winch - Commando Sar [U] [SLUS-01441]
- Las Vegas Dream 2 [J] [SLPS-00732]
- Last Blade [J] [SCPS-45382]
- Last Report, The [J] [SLPS-00923]
- Last Report, The [PAL] [SLES-00020]
- Last Report, The [PAL] [SLES-00029]
- Last Report, The [PAL] [SLES-00889]
- Lattice - 200EC7 [J] [SLPM-86491]
- Le Concert FF - Fortisimmo [J] [SLPS-02344]
- Le Concert FF+Pp - Fortisimmo & Pianissimo [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPS-02925]
- Le Concert FF+Pp - Fortisimmo & Pianissimo [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPS-02926]
- Le Concert Pp - Pianissimo [J] [SLPS-02343]
- Le Mans 24-Hours (Die 24 Studen von Le Mans) [G] [SLES-01362]
- Le Petit Dinosaur Retour Vers La Grande Vallee [F] [SCES-02982]
- Leading Jockey '99 [J] [SLPS-01886]
- Leading Jockey Highbred [J] [SLPS-00348]
- League of Pain - Professional Underground [U] [SCUS-94551]
- Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver [U] [SLUS-00708]
- Legaia Densetsu, The [J] [SCPS-10059]
- Legaia Densetsu, The [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SCPS-91246]
- Legend [E] [SLES-00730]
- Legend of Dragoon [Disc1of4] [J] [SCPS-45461]
- Legend of Dragoon [Disc2of4] [J] [SCPS-45462]
- Legend of Dragoon [Disc3of4] [J] [SCPS-45463]
- Legend of Dragoon [Disc4of4] [J] [SCPS-45464]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [E] [SCES-03043]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [G] [SCES-03045]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [J] [SCPS-10119]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [PAL] [SCES-03044]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [PAL] [SCES-03046]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [S] [SCES-03047]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc1of4] [U] [SCUS-94491]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [E] [SCES-13043]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [G] [SCES-13045]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [J] [SCPS-10120]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [PAL] [SCES-13044]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [PAL] [SCES-13046]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [S] [SCES-13047]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc2of4] [U] [SCUS-94584]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [E] [SCES-23043]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [G] [SCES-23045]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [J] [SCPS-10121]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [PAL] [SCES-23044]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [PAL] [SCES-23046]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [S] [SCES-23047]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc3of4] [U] [SCUS-94585]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [E] [SCES-33043]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [G] [SCES-33045]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [J] [SCPS-10122]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [PAL] [SCES-33044]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [PAL] [SCES-33046]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [S] [SCES-33047]
- Legend of Dragoon, The [Disc4of4] [U] [SCUS-94586]
- Legend of Heroes (Eiyuu Densetsu) I & II [J] [SLPS-01323]
- Legend of Heroes III - Shiroki Majo [J] [SLPS-01201]
- Legend of Heroes IV (Eiyuu Densetsu) [J] [SLPS-01540]
- Legend of Legaia [Demo] [U] [SCUS-94366]
- Legend of Legaia [E] [SCES-01752]
- Legend of Legaia [F] [SCES-01944]
- Legend of Legaia [G] [SCES-01945]
- Legend of Legaia [S] [SCES-01947]
- Legend of Legaia [U] [SCUS-94254]
- Legend of Mana [J] [SCPS-45416]
- Legend of Mana [U] [SLUS-01013]
- Legend of Mulan [PAL] [SLES-04145]
- Lego Island 2 - The Brickster's Revenge [U] [SLUS-01246]
- Lego Island 2 [PAL] [SLES-03299]
- Lego Racers [E][D][F][Fi][G][I][N][No][S][Sw] [SLES-01207]
- Lego Racers [U] [SLUS-00581]
- Lego Rock Raiders [E][D][F][Fi][G][I][N][No][S][Sw] [SLES-01690]
- Lego Rock Raiders [U] [SLUS-00937]
- Lego Stunt Rally [U] [SLUS-01390]
- Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings [PAL] [SLES-01461]
- Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings [U] [SLUS-00760]
- Lemmings 3D [PAL] [SCES-00009]
- Lemmings 3D [U] [SCUS-94601]
- Les Pierrafeu Bedrock Bowling [PAL] [SLES-03319]
- Les Razmoket - 100% Angelica [PAL] [SLES-03545]
- Let's Go BassFishing - Bass Tsuri Niikou! [J] [SLPS-01914]
- Let's Go FlyFishing [J] [SLPS-01827]
- Lethal Enforcers - Deluxe Pack [J] [SLPM-86025]
- Lethal Enforcers I & II [PAL] [SLES-00542]
- Lethal Enforcers I & II [U] [SLUS-00293]
- Libero Grande 2 [J] [SLPS-02950]
- Libero Grande [J] [SCPS-45343]
- Libero Grande [J] [SLPS-01681]
- Libero Grande [PAL] [SCES-01430]
- Libero Grande [PAL] [SCES-03254]
- Lifeforce Tenka [PAL] [SLES-00613]
- Lifeforce Tenka [PAL] [SLES-00615]
- Lifescape 2 - Body Bionics [J] [SLPS-00629]
- Lifescape Seimei 40 Okunen Harukana Tabi [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPS-00185]
- Lifescape Seimei 40 Okunen Harukana Tabi [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPS-00186]
- Lightning Legend [J] [SLPM-86015]
- Linda 3 Again - Linda Cube Again [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SCPS-91142]
- Linda Cube Again [J] [SCPS-10039]
- Linda Cubed Again [J] [SCPS-45118]
- Ling Rise [J] [SLPS-01769]
- Lion and the King 2 [PAL] [SLES-04065]
- Lion and the King [PAL] [SLES-02953]
- Little Big Adventure - Twinsen's Adventure [E][F][G][I][S] [SLES-00698]
- Little Big Adventure - Twinsen's Adventure [J] [SLPS-00376]
- Little Lovers - She So Game [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPM-86269]
- Little Lovers - She So Game [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPM-86270]
- Little Lovers - She So Game [MajorWave 1500 Series] [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPM-86757]
- Little Lovers - She So Game [MajorWave 1500 Series] [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPM-86758]
- Little Princess +1 - Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPS-03012]
- Little Princess +1 - Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPS-03013]
- Little Princess - Maru Oukoku no Ningyou Hime 2 [PSone Books] [J] [SLPS-91414]
- Little Witching Mischiefs [J] [SLPS-01850]
- Live Wire! [E][F][G][I][S] [SLES-01332]
- Loaded [E][F][G] [SLES-00013]
- Loaded [U] [SLUS-00076]
- Lode Runner - The Legend Returns [J] [SLPS-00182]
- Lode Runner 2 [SuperLite 1500 Series] [J] [SLPM-86460]
- Lode Runner Extra [J] [SLPS-00641]
- Lode Runner [U] [SLUS-00557]
- Logic Mahjong Souryu - 3 Players Game [J] [SLPS-02036]
- Logic Mahjong Souryu - 4 Players Game [J] [SLPS-02880]
- Logic Mahjong Souryu [J] [SLPS-00642]
- Logic Mahjong Souryu [MajorWave 1500 Series] [J] [SLPM-86917]
- Logic Pro Adventure [J] [SLPS-03011]
- Logic Puzzle Rainbow Town [J] [SLPS-00268]
- Logical Paint [J] [SLPS-00093]
- Lomax [J] [SLPS-00987]
- Lomax [PAL] [SLES-00451]
- London Racer 2 [E] [SLES-03822]
- London Racer [E] [SLES-02694]
- London Seirei Tantei-Dan [J] [SLPS-01787]
- Lone Soldier [G] [SLES-00142]
- Lone Soldier [J] [SLPS-00322]
- Lone Soldier [PAL] [SLES-00121]
- Lone Soldier [PAL] [SLES-00131]
- Lone Soldier [U] [SLUS-00322]
- Looney Toons Sheep Raider [U] [SLUS-01369]
- Looney Tunes Racing [PAL] [SLES-03127]
- Looney Tunes Racing [U] [SLUS-01145]
- Lord Monarch [J] [SLPS-01728]
- Lord Monarch [MajorWave 1500 Series] [J] [SLPM-86524]
- Lord of Fist [J] [SLPS-02168]
- Lord of Monsters [J] [SCPS-10086]
- Lord of the Jungle [PAL] [SLES-02951]
- Lost Sword [J] [SLPS-01307]
- Lost Vikings 2 - Norse by Norsewest [E][F][G] [SLES-00057]
- Lost World, The - Jurassic Park [J] [SLPS-01099]
- Lost World, The - Jurassic Park [U] [SLUS-00515]
- Louvre - The Final Curse [Disc1of2] [PAL] [SLES-03158]
- Louvre - The Final Curse [Disc2of2] [PAL] [SLES-13158]
- Love & Destroy [J] [SCPS-10124]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis 2 [J] [SLPS-02510]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis 2 [Value 1500] [J] [SLPS-02983]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis Plus [J] [SLPM-86899]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis [J] [SLPS-00686]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis [MajorWave 1500 Series] [J] [SLPM-86541]
- Love Game's - Wai Wai Tennis [Service Price Edition] [J] [SLPS-01647]
- Love Hina - Al Wa Kotoba no Chuu Ni [J] [SLPM-86652]
- Love Hina 2 - Kotoba Wa Kona Yuki no You Ni [J] [SLPM-86677]
- Love Para - Lovely Tokyo Para-Para Musume [Popular Edition] [J] [SLPS-03097]
- Love Therapy [J] [SLPS-01370]
- Love Truck 2 [J] [SLPS-02112]
- Lucifer Ring [J] [SLPS-01784]
- Luciferd [J] [SLPS-00811]
- Lucky Luke - Western Fever [E][F][G][I][N][S] [SLES-03530]
- Lucky Luke [E][F][G][I][N][S] [SLES-00943]
- Lucky Luke [J] [SLPS-01674]
- Lucky Luke [U] [SLUS-00719]
- Ludo [J] [SLPS-01438]
- Luftwaffe [J] [SLPS-01832]
- Lulu [J] [SLPS-00560]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete [Demo] [U] [SLUS-90055]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete [Disc1of2] [U] [SLUS-00628]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete [Disc2of2] [U] [SLUS-00899]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story Complete [Making of Disc] [U] [SLUS-00921]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story [Disc1of2] [J] [SLPS-01397]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story [Disc1of2] [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SLPS-91129]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story [Disc2of2] [J] [SLPS-01398]
- Lunar - Silver Star Story [Disc2of2] [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SLPS-91130]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete [Demo] [U] [SLUS-90083]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete [Disc1of3] [U] [SLUS-01071]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete [Disc2of3] [U] [SLUS-01239]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete [Disc3of3] [U] [SLUS-01240]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete [The Making of Disc] [U] [SLUS-01257]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Disc1of3] [J] [SLPS-02081]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Disc2of3] [J] [SLPS-02082]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Disc3of3] [J] [SLPS-02083]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Kadokawa Best] [Disc1of3] [J] [SLPS-02966]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Kadokawa Best] [Disc2of3] [J] [SLPS-02967]
- Lunar 2 - Eternal Blue [Kadokawa Best] [Disc3of3] [J] [SLPS-02968]
- Lunar Wing [J] [SLPM-86777]
- Lunar Wing [J] [SLPS-02622]
- Lunar Wing [SuperLite 1500 Series] [J] [SLPM-87219]
- Lunatic Dawn III [Artdink Best Choice] [J] [SLPS-02537]
- Lunatic Dawn III [J] [SLPS-01749]
- Lunatic Dawn Odyssey [Artdink Best Choice] [J] [SLPS-02957]
- Lunatic Dawn Odyssey [J] [SLPS-02420]
- Lup Salad - Lupupu Cube [J] [SLPS-00416]
- Lupin The 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro Saikai [Disc1of3] [J] [SLPS-00535]
- Lupin The 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro Saikai [Disc2of3] [J] [SLPS-00536]
- Lupin The 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro Saikai [Disc3of3] [J] [SLPS-00537]
- Lupin the 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro [Disc1of3] [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SLPS-91060]
- Lupin the 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro [Disc2of3] [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SLPS-91061]
- Lupin the 3rd - Chateau de Cagliostro [Disc3of3] [PlayStation The Best] [J] [SLPS-91062]
- Lupin the 3rd - Punch the Monkey! Game Edition [J] [SLPS-02805]
- Lupin the 3rd [J] [SLPS-01402]