7月8日消息,据Kojima Productions Report公开的消息,在之前结束E3 2010展会上公开的《合金装备:食蛇者3D》是KONAMI花了两个月的时间做出来“Sample(样品)”,并不是游戏真正的样子,小岛和他的团队希望得到广大玩家们的意见,之后再考虑做成什么样子的游戏。另外,游戏的官方网站之上也在游戏的LOGO右下角处加上了“The NAKED Sample”字样。 “《合金装备:食蛇者3D》通过3DS特有的3D机能与《合金装备》相结合是一个尝试,完成它只花了我们两个月时间,这就是我们叫它“样品”的原因,话虽如此,但我保证3DS会拥有自己的《合金装备》,最大限度的利用luo眼3D技术,但我现在还无法告诉你游戏的最终名称是什么。”-小岛秀夫访谈
(英文原文:A sample of the 3DS game we showed at E3 was actually an experiment which
combined MGS with a handheld that offers 3D. I’ve only had two months to create it. And that’s one reason why we have called it “The Naked Sample.” Having said that, I can assure you that the 3DS will definitely have its own version of MGS, making the most of “naked eye” 3D technology. But for now, I can not tell you what the final title will be.)