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[新闻] FC模擬器puNES v0.51發佈



发表于 2012-2-28 23:52:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


Added initial support for FM2 files (tas movies). I tested the fm2 files found at http://tasvideos.org/Movies-Verified.html and they all work perfectly. The file must be in the same directory of rom to work properly.
Added a system to display messages on screen.
Bug fixes.

Implemented mappers VRC6 (24 and 26) and VRC7 (85) including their extra audio channels.
Added extra audio on the mapper Sunsoft 5B (69).

Added emulation of Turbo A and Turbo B on Standard Controller.
The Zapper coordinates, in some circumstances, could be read wrong, fixed.

More accurate Zapper emulation (thx tepples). Right button of mouse emulates the pointing of the Zapper outside the TV screen. So, to make a shoot offscreen, you must press the left mouse button while holding down the right.
Added Bilinear filter.
Rearranged the menu filter (Hint: reselect the desired filter and then save the configuration).
Fixed many bugs in opengl codes (now, on fullscreen, aspect ratio is maintained properly).

Added Zapper emulation.
Lots of bug fixes.

Added option to enable or disable the Vsync.
Added Hqx (2x, 3x, 4x) video filter.
Added a native version for windows 64bit.

Added the option to choose between mono or stereo (default from now) sound.
OK, I admit, this release is an excuse to wish a happy new year to all you guys!!

0.44 (bugfix release)
I discovered that the fullscreen does not work properly in a multi-heads scenario. Fixed for both Windows and Linux (xinerama and multi-desktop).

Rewritten from scratch sdl sound and optimized most of the code. All this has led an increase in performance between 20 and 30 percent. Now everything is more responsive and fast even on slower computers.
Added in video settings a "FPS" limiter and a "frame skip" menu to play with in order to find the best configuration for your PC.
Added "Audio menu".
Added fastforward key, when you press Shift on the keyboard, the emu runs at double speed.

Added a popping sound reducer for games (like Castelvania II, Batman, Ninja Gaiden 3) that have a drum imitation that causing a large jump in the output level for a short period of time through the register $4011 (thx to Eugene.s for the report and Tepples for the help).
Added "Overscan" option in the video menu that reduce the visible scanline from 240 to 224 by cutting the first and the last 8 scanlines. This setting is specific for the rom in use. If you change it, will be remembered when you open them again. If you set to "Default", puNES will always use the setting checked in "Default value" menu.

0.41 (bugfix release)
In the previous release I have fixed many bugs but it is also true that others have been added, such as an annoying disturbance of sound that, under certain circumstances, could afflict the windows version. Fixed.

I'have rewritten from scratch the input system and now are supported 2 players, joysticks, it's possible redefine the button of the control pad and also I can implement the emulation of other input devices much more easily.
Fixed various bugs .



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[发帖际遇]: money_114扶老大爷过马路,警察叔叔奖励money_114 2 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 408 天


发表于 2012-2-29 21:24:36 | 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: cpc2010摆地摊卖菜,占道经营被城管罚款 5 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 1102 天


发表于 2012-3-4 12:38:01 | 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: zsg026 发帖时在路边捡到 4 个 柠檬,偷偷放进了口袋. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 226 天


发表于 2012-3-8 17:16:47 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 3450 天


发表于 2012-3-9 09:29:40 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 1 天


发表于 2012-3-12 10:40:07 | 显示全部楼层
没玩过 帮顶

签到天数: 3450 天


发表于 2012-3-15 09:32:54 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2012-3-16 13:25:26 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 3325 天


发表于 2012-3-21 05:27:55 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 5 天


发表于 2012-4-14 13:48:43 | 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: Mr.dodo 在论坛发帖时没有注意,被小偷偷去了 3 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


发表于 2012-4-17 13:31:36 | 显示全部楼层
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