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[新闻] 多机种模拟器MESS&MESSUI 0.148u5发布



发表于 2013-5-20 21:52:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


MAMETesters Bugs Fixed
- 05172: [Crash/Freeze] (megadriv.c) 32x and clones: [debug] Assertion `curlabel->m_codeptr == __null' failed. (hap)

New System Drivers Supported:
-Ensoniq ESQ-M [Anonymous]
-15IE-00-013 [shattered]

Systems Promoted from GAME_NOT_WORKING:
-D6800 [Robbbert]

Skeleton drivers:
-RCA COSMAC Microkit [Bill Degnan, Curt Coder]
-SSE SoftBox [Mike Naberezny, Curt Coder]
-V-Tech V-Smile (Germany) [TeamEurope]

Software Lists:
-softlist: Added year and publisher info to most games in Amiga OCS, ECS, AGA  and Atari ST softlist, fixed shortnames and descriptions where needed, improved parent/clone relationships, made better use of part_id features in multidisk sets. Also, re-ordered sets in ZX softlist. [Anonymous, Fabio Priuli]
-partner_cass.xml: fixed some descriptions and added more info [LoganB]
-jaguar.xml: added some dumps surfaced since last update of the list. [LoganB]
-bbca_cass.xml/bbcb_cass.xml: moved a few files in the proper list and added some info. [Nigel Barnes]
-mbc55x.xml: added a few more disks. [pete_j]
-m20.xml: added newly dumped CP/M 8000 disk [Christian Groessler]
-x68k_flop.xml: added missing sets from TOSEC, plus a lot of new disks dumped in the past seven years, plus lots of info [Ashura, mek1, wushu, Starscream the 2nd, cpt. Misumaru Tenchi, SuperDeadite, Anna Wu, Fabio Priuli]
-Added software list for mc1502 [shattered]
-megadriv.xml: added more pcb documentation. [sunbeam, gigadeath, nights]
-vsmile.xml: added first cart dumps. [TeamEurope]
-ibm5170.xml: added some more coverdisks. [Kaylee]
-c64_cart.xml: Added Super Snapshot family. [Curt Coder]
-v1050.xml: Added CP/M Plus BIOS 2.0. [Bill Degnan]
-Added software lists for NorthStar Horizon/Advantage floppies. [Dave Dunfield]

Source Changes

-aim65.c: added software list for software ROMs and hooked up to the driver. [K1W1, Fabio Priuli]
-applix: The mirror is required for the system to size up the ram correctly [O. Galibert]
-esq1: preliminary emulation of analog stages (VCFs and VCAs) [O. Galibert]
-electron.c: Added cartridge support.  [Wilbert Pol]
-cp1: added layout and keyboard input. [Sandro Ronco]
-psxmultitap: add multitap support [Carl]
-D6800: Various improvements. Most games are playable. [Robbbert]
-D6800: Cassette connected up, system marked as WORKING [Robbbert]
-a7800.c - Red and Blue miscalculated proportions fixed. [Robert Tuccitto]
-pc: remove unused ibm5150_ppi8255_interface [shattered]
pc, ec1841: unbreak DBG_LOG macro
mc1502: FDC xtal freq is 16 MHz
asst128: another PC XT clone
ec1841: add softlist, set 'v2' as default BIOS to avoid resets
-nes.c: greatly improved save state stability, by adding registration of on-cart VRAM/WRAM. [Fabio Priuli]
-gameboy/gbcolor: simplified video code by reducing the number of memory pointers used, and added support for save state registration. [Fabio Priuli]
-slotify pc joystick [Carl]
-Apollo updates: [Hans Ostermeyer]
* Added 4 and 8 plane color graphics board support
* Renamed dn3x00 to dn3x00_19i and dn3x00_15i to dn3x00
* Reworked video/apollo.c into class apollo_graphics
* Fixed recent regression where the arrow keys moved the mouse pointer
-v1050: Fixed floppy drive type. [Curt Coder]
-cosmac: Added the original CDP1801 CPU variant and rewrote the disassembler. [Curt Coder]
-sms.c: Change hcount calculation to use screen timings and move it to the VDP.  [Enik Land]
-pc_joy_sw: add MS Sidewinder pad [Carl]
-a7800 - [huygens]
* Changed default difficulty switch setting to 'A' so Tower Toppler loads the first level.
* Added 7 cpu cycle delay between hsync and Maria DMA (based on atari docs).
* Rewrite of video code to emulate Maria line ram buffers.
-a7800 : Rendering from line ram no longer uses maria write mode bit (should only use read mode bits) [huygens]
-com8116: Fixed frequency divisors. [Curt Coder]
-exp85, ob68k1a: Fixed terminal. [Curt Coder]
-i8251: Implemented parity and 16X/64X clock modes. [Curt Coder]
-wmbullet, softbox, super6, xor100, sage2, mpz80, horizon: Refactored to use a serial terminal connected to an RS-232 port. [Curt Coder]
-gameboy: modernized sound emulation and added save state [Fabio Priuli]
-lynx.c: modernized sound emulation, slightly simplified blitter functions and added save state to the driver. [Fabio Priuli]
-wswan.c: updated rom banking mechanism to be save state friendlier and added save state support to the driver. [Fabio Priuli]
-ngp.c: added save state support to the driver. [Fabio Priuli]


签到天数: 2 天


发表于 2013-5-20 22:29:37 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 532 天


发表于 2013-5-21 06:39:00 | 显示全部楼层
不会的 看不懂是吧 那我给翻译一下吧  
多机种模拟器MESS发布新版,更新如下: MAMETesters修正的错误 ---------------------- - 05172 [崩溃/冷冻](megadriv.c) 32x和克隆:[调试]断言`curlabel - > m_codeptr == __空'失败。(HAP) 新系统的驱动程式支援: ----------------------------- ENSONIQ ESQ-M [匿名] 15IE-00- 013 [破灭] 系统支持的暂时不能玩的促进: --------------------------------------- -D6800 [Robbbert] 骨骼司机: ----------------- -RCA COSMAC Microkit [比尔Degnan的柯特编码器] 上证柔光[麦克Naberezny,柯特编码器] -V技术V-的微笑(德国)[TeamEurope 软件列表: ---------------- softlist:新增年和出版商信息到大多数的Amiga OCS,ECS,AGA和Atari ST softlist的比赛中,固定短名和说明,在需要的地方,改进的父/克隆关系,更好地利用多张集PART_ID功能。此外,重新有序集ZX中softlist。[匿名,法比奥·普留利] partner_cass.xml:修正了一些说明和,添加更多LoganB] jaguar.xml的加入一些转储浮出水面自上次更新列表。[LoganB] -bbca_cass.xml/bbcb_cass.xml:适当的列表中提出了几个文件,并添加了一些信息。[奈杰尔·巴恩斯] mbc55x.xml:增加了一些磁盘。[pete_j] m20.xml:添加新的倾销CP / M 8000盘基督教Groessler] x68k_flop.xml:添加失踪集TOSEC,再加上大量倾倒在过去7年来的新磁盘,再加上大量的信息[阿修罗MEK1,武术,红蜘蛛2,CPT。,法比奥,胡红玉SuperDeadite天地Misumaru,普留利] mc1502 [破灭] megadriv.xml的增值软件列表:增加了更多的PCB文档。[阳光,gigadeath,夜] vsmile.xml:第一台车转储。[TeamEurope] ibm5170.xml:增加了一些更多的coverdisks。王小强 c64_cart.xml:新增超级快照家庭。[柯特编码器] v1050.xml:新增CP / M PLUS BIOS 2.0。[比尔Degnan的 新增软件列表为北极星地平线/优势软盘。[戴夫Dunfield] 来源变化 -------------- aim65.c:软件光盘和增值软件列表迷上了司机。[K1W1,法比奥·普留利] APPLIX:镜子是必需的系统RAM正确[澳 Galibert] esq1:初步仿真模拟阶段(椎体压缩性骨折和VCAS)[O。Galibert] electron.c的:增加了墨盒的支持。[威尔伯特POL] -CP1:布局和键盘输入。[桑德罗龙科] psxmultitap的:添加多键支持[卡尔] -D6800:各种改进。大多数游戏播放。[Robbbert] D6800:盒式连接,系统工作[Robbbert] a7800.c -红色和蓝色的失算比例固定标记。[罗伯特·Tuccitto] -PC:删除未使用ibm5150_ppi8255_interface [破灭] PC ec1841: mc1502 别让DBG_LOG宏:FDC XTAL频率为16兆赫 asst128:另一台PC XT克隆 ec1841:加softlist,设置“V2”作为默认的BIOS,以避免复位 - nes.c:大大提高了保存状态的稳定性,加入登记上车VRAM / WRAM。[法比奥·普留利] -gameboy/gbcolor:简化视频编码的数量减少使用的内存指针,并支持保存状态注册。[法比奥·普留利] slotify PC摇杆[卡尔] 阿波罗更新:[汉斯Ostermeyer] *增加了4和8平面彩色图形板卡支持 *改名为dn3x00,至dn3x00_19i dn3x00_15i dn3x00 *重做视频/ apollo.c成类apollo_graphics *修正最近回归的箭头键移动鼠标指针 V1050:固定的软盘驱动器类型。[柯特编码器] COSMAC:新增CDP1801 CPU原有的变种,并改写了反汇编。[柯特编码器] sms.c:的更改HCOUNT计算使用的屏幕的时序和移动VDP。[伊尼克土地] pc_joy_sw:加MS响尾蛇垫[卡尔] -A7800 - [惠更斯] *更改默认的难度开关设定为“A”,所以塔Toppler加载第一级。 *新增7个CPU周期之间的延迟HSYNC和玛丽亚DMA( *改写视频编码模仿玛丽亚行RAM缓冲区。 A7800:从线RAM渲染不再使用玛丽亚写模式位(应该只使用阅读模式位)[惠更斯] com8116:固定频率除数根据雅达利的文档)。[柯特编码器] exp85,ob68k1a:固定终端。[柯特编码器 -i8251:实的校验和16X/64X时钟模式。柯特编码器 wmbullet,柔光箱,super6 xor100 sage2 mpz80地平线:重构使用串行终端连接到RS-232端口。[柯特编码器] GAMEBOY:现代化的声音仿真和保存状态[法比奥·普留利] lynx.c:现代化的声仿真,稍微简化阻击功能和附加的驱动程序的保存状态。[法比奥·普留利] :更新wswan.c的rom的银行机制要保存状态友好,加入保存状态的驱动器的支持。[法比奥·普留利] ngp.c:添加保存状态的驱动器的支持。[法比奥·普留利]
[发帖际遇]: 啍辤★箛独 被钱袋砸中进医院,看病花了 5 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜


发表于 2013-6-30 12:09:32 | 显示全部楼层
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