
街机模拟器前端Emu Loader发布新版,更新如下:
Search game function was not looking for HBMAME game names, only MAME (main menu "Games List" / "Scan Missing MAME/HBMAME Audio Samples")
Frontend crash when loading a games list with no device sets (MAME/HBMAME)
EL was not detecting game driver .ini in '\ini\' folder when calling games popup menu, only in '\ini\source\' folder
Updates to MAME/HBMAME Settings screen
- minimum MAME version supported is v0.125; still, one or more settings might not be 100% compatible
- corrected 'Prescale' limits to 1..3; values 4 to 8 are invalid ('Video and Audio' tab, 'Game Screen' box)
- updated 'Use Bilinear Filter' hint text to include 'D3D / OpenGL / SDL2 Accel' for easier usage ('Video and Audio' tab, 'Output Mode' box)
- added 'Dummy Write Snapshot' setting for MAME v0.160 ('Video 2' tab, 'Snapshots' panel)
- adjusted the height of a few TEdit, TBitBtn, TComboBox controls; for consistency
- added more HLSL settings: 'HLSL Prescale Override Factor'; 'HLSL Preset to Use'; 'Upscaled Snapshot Resolution'
- 'resolution@refresh_rate' value would not be correctly saved in 'mame.ini' if screen resolution is 'auto' with a custom refresh rate
Image category icons replaced by new and improved ones
Image Category/Layout Settings screen interface update with new category icons and some layout changes
Select image category dialog updated with new icons
Interface minor tweaks
Implemented "HideCaption" property on Tiles view and fixed a couple drawing bugs in TEasyListView component; required to use the new category icons without items captions showing up
That's the third change/fix I've made in the now 'abandoned/discontinued' TEasyListView component... sorry Jim!
'View Missing ROMs/CHDs' now self-adapts to fit 640x480 resolution; and some layout changes to reduce visual pollution (games popup menu)
Device sets .ini file ('mame_devicesets.ini'; 'hbmame_devicesets.ini') is now deleted after creating games list, if empty (MAME/HBMAME)
Reduced main tool bar height by 1 pixel
Support for old MAME builds; DOS MAME is not supported!
- MAME v0.37 beta 15 (0.51) to v0.69 (-listinfo)
- MAME 0.70 to latest version (-listxml)
- not all game infos are available, but most are
- parent+clone relationship
- bios detection
- CHD header v1 and v2 detection with MD5 checksum validation; v3 and up use SHA-1 checksum validation
- full ROMs validation
- wav samples detection
- discrete audio detection
- main CPU detection
- controls
- game size
- auto-detection of the MAME build number (this is not the version info)
- play game and record/playback input files; MAME build detection at work... :)
- load the proper 'inipath' for MAME versions that do not have this setting in 'mame.ini'
- set MAME default settings / game custom settings is extremely limited
- full MAME settings is for MAME v0.125 and up; older MAME builds use the new 'basic mode'
- custom game .ini files (game and driver) must be in MAME's root folder for MAME v0.37 to v0.60
- driver .ini files in "\ini\source\" path is supported on v0.119 and up; v0.61 to v0.118 use '\ini\' path only
- screen is built to fit 640x480 resolution
The cannots for old builds:
- record wav/video/mng
- load save state
- run game with effect overlay
- I'm sure there are other stuff...
http://emuloader.mameworld.info/ |