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[新闻] FC模拟器Yanese v0.79发布



发表于 2015-7-16 14:40:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

FC模拟器Yanese发布新版, 更新如下:

    Mappers: Added mapper #65: Daiku no Gen San 2, Kaiketsu Yanchamaru and Spartan X 2 among others.
    Mappers: Added mapper #11: Crystal Mines, Metal Fighter, etc. Beware that this mapper has bus conflicts, so some games may behave bad or don't load at all.
    Mappers: Added mapper #64: Klax, Skull and Crossbones, Shinobi, etc.
    Mappers: Added mapper #71: The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy, Bee 52. It doesn't work perfect by now, but at least works.
    Rom Library Gui: Small change taht it shows the mapper number for the unsupported mapper instead of "------".
    Fixed serious bugs in save states when saved to disk.

[发帖际遇]: money_114 发帖时在路边捡到 2 个 柠檬,偷偷放进了口袋. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜

签到天数: 2060 天


发表于 2015-7-18 23:27:07 | 显示全部楼层
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Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|国治模拟精品屋 ( 沪ICP备15012945号-1 )

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