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[新闻] 前端工具Emu Loader v7.9.4发布



发表于 2015-10-2 13:30:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

前端工具Emu Loader发布新版,更新如下:

version 7.9.4 change log - October 13, 2015

MAMu_ icon was not showing in the selected game at startup (old bug)
Error message "28x22 icon could not be loaded" if changing arcade filters while "Small Tool Bar" setting is enabled (files in "resources\main_icons\arcade_filters\" folder don't have small icons, only 44x40 size)

Setting "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" is now disabled by default (main menu)... no more nagging dialog on a fresh install
From now on, when a game is re-selected (filter change, view mode change, etc...), it will always appear in the middle of the list (vertically); it's easier to find this way

New setting: "Allow Only One Instance"; prevent multiple instances of the frontend running at the same time (preferences screen)

version 7.9.3 change log - October 07, 2015

Access to main menu from games popup menu was not possible while frontend in full screen mode
Games list splitter and images splitter incorrectly set at startup

version 7.9.3 change log - October 07, 2015

Access to main menu from games popup menu was not possible while frontend in full screen mode
Games list splitter and images splitter incorrectly set at startup

version 7.9.2 change log - October 05, 2015

Creating HBMAME games list would corrupt MAME games list, deleting MAME software list files and multi-cart files ('eldir\arcade\' and 'eldir\softwarelist\' folders)
Application crash after creating games list for multiple systems at once
Main screen doesn't hide anymore when creating games list; it was creating too many problems

File 'ini_files\catver_full.ini' is now priority; file 'ini_files\catver.ini' is used if the other is not found (when loading games list)
If you use 'ini_files\catver_full.ini', there's no need to use "version ini for MESS" pack (version.ini) as version added for non-arcade machines can be read from 'catve_full.ini'
NOTE: you still need 'ini_files\category_home.ini' for proper non-arcade machines tagging! ("category ini for MESS" pack)

New setting: "Images Panel Outer Frame Color", so you can change the color of the 7 pixels frame in the images panel (preferences screen, 'Images' tab)

version 7.9.1 change log - October 03, 2015

Game icons weren't updated correctly after single/multi game audit (visual bug only)
Application crash when trying to setup MAME default settings on a fresh install, while at Emulators Setup screen
Apply filters message box was not centered on screen (grouped view mode)

If MAME build number can't be detected, full MAME settings mode will be used by default (if using old MAME builds, the frontend might crash)

version 7.9 change log - October 01, 2015

Some sets with no game ROMs but with device ROMs were not audited correctly even when all device ROMs are found (I hope I didn't break anything else in EL's games validation system)
- alto2: Alto-II
- fds: Famicom (W/ Disk System add-on)
Frontend crash at StrToInt() conversion if ROM size contains '????' instead of numbers
Heavy text flickering in splash screen if they change too fast
Old "Game Documents" bug (F3 hotkey; games popu menu): game entry detection function would continue to scan all the way to the end of the file even after the game info was found and loaded, resulting in slow text parsing and games browsing (mameinfo.dat; history.dat; story.dat; marp.dat; messinfo.dat);
"quick access" menus in game documents popup menu were still visible for games without text to show
Grouped view mode fixes:
- search bar filtering was placing clone sets in wrong parent sets (main tool bar buttons)... nobody noticed this ?!!
- tweaks when accessing group items; twice as fast when looping thru games so filters can be applied; this view mode is still slow as hell though
NOTE: a new message panel appears when changing games filters, so you know the frontend is not frozen
Changing game icons size was unnecessarily resetting icon indexes and reinitializing items, causing lag ("View Mode" tool bar button, "Game Icon Size" sub-menu... grouped/details view modes)
Some categories were displaying HTML tags (function "uMain.HTMLDecode()" is now executed in 'category' field)
Feature "Add Selected to Favorites" / "Delete Selected From Favorites" updated to check for the "IsFavorite" game tag before displaying games popup menu on a single game selected. Both menu items will appear if multiple games are selected
Interface bugs in "Multi-Slot Games" dialog
Memory leaks when switching in and out of thumbnails view mode
Setting "Alternate Title Format [Game, The]" was not working when loading the games list (main menu "Games List")
Atomiswave games not using the new "awave" machine name of Demul v0.7; Emu Loader now tries to detect Demul version to support older Demul builds
Frontend crash when trying to select parent set with arcade controller, if current selected game is not a clone
Emulators selections were not saved to "\ini_files\folders_emulators.ini" file after exiting "Emulators Setup" screen

Changes and optimizations to frontend's games list files
- ROMs database files renamed from "systemname_roms.el" to "systemname.elrom" ('frontend_dir\arcade\' folder)
- new "systemname.elstatus" file with "game ROM ID", "set status", "scan mode" and "is_merged"; moved from "systemname.el"; easier and faster to update game status info without altering game list files (arcade games; MESS software lists)
- files "mame_merged.ini" and "hb_merged.ini" no longer required
- audio samples files renamed from "systemname_samples.el" to "systemname.elsamples" (MAME/HBMAME)
- detection of "softwarelist" entries from "-listxml" output, for MESS games (non-arcade)
- the following machines are not included on software lists: neogeo, stv, megatech, playch10
- new file: 'arcade\mame.elsoftlist' with software lists for each MESS machine
- new file: 'arcade\mame_machines.ini' to list all supported machines for each software list
- new file: 'arcade\mame_machineslast.ini' with the last used machine for each software list
- minor code optimizations and removal of unused variable declarations
Minor change to frontend's logo, now called "Emu Loader: MAME and Arcade Frontend"... because MAME is no longer an "arcade only" emulator
Optimized MAME/HBMAME emulator version info detection
- emulator version info no longer extracted from -listxml output
- for MAME v0.119 and newer, version number is read from file details (Windows file properties); much faster than "mame -help" output
- older MAME builds and builds with no file details falls back to "mame -help" output
- emulator custom title is limited to "MAME Plus!" (*mamep*); "UME" (*ume*) and HqMAME (*hqmame*), and no longer extracted from file details or -help output
- emulator MD5/version parsing message panel removed from emulators setup screen
- new emulator binary detection is always done at startup and their info updated (all emulators)
Moved "Export Games List" sub-menu from "File" to "Games List" main menu; deleted "File" main menu
Optimized games list/ROMs list loading by adding game info + ROMs list in one pass instead of loading all games first and then ROMs lists separately
Optimized games list filtering when in grouped view mode... it takes around 3 to 5 seconds now; still too slow for my taste since details view takes less than ONE second
Renamed "Main Filters" tool bar button to "Main Arcade Filters" since they are for arcade games only
Feature "Images Manager" is limited to MAME emulator only, other emulators are no longer supported! (main menu "Images"); software list games are partially supported
Changes to "MAMu_ Icons Manager" feature
- removed "Search Icons for Devices With No ROMs" option from missing icons, they are not runnable games!
- New missing icons option "Search Icons for Device Sets", disabled by default ("Options", status bar button)
Moved "Screen Orientation" filter tool bar button to MISC filters button
Optimized frontend startup to avoid unnecessary function calls and speed things up a little bit :)
Renamed "Show User Interface" to "Enable Partial Keyboard Emulation (UI Enabled)" to make it easier to understand (MAME Settings, "Input" tab)
Scanning games list would call "ApplyFilters()" function repeatedly on every scanned system (MAME, ZiNc, Demul, MAME software list games, etc). If status of any game changed, EL was re-applying the games filters several times over. Now, ApplyFilters() function is called only once at the end of the scanning process
Tweaks in "Run Game Confirmation Dialog" (main menu)
- default font size reduced to size 9
- added support to show info on software lists and non-arcade machines
- replaced "Consolas" font by "Lucida Console" on full command line texts and reduced font size
- games list version info and emulator version info texts merged into one line to reduce dialog height and to avoid waste of space
- removed some redundant text to avoid confusion
- added "usage" text below game name text (top bar) for software list games
- machine name is now displayed below the machine title when running multi-slot machines (neogeo, megatech, stv, playch10)
- renamed "Run Game" button to "Execute"
Full scan games feature always close/re-open parent .zip sets now, to avoid validating ROMs of parent sets with no relationship to the clone set being scanned... huh, what did you say ? :D
Screen "Select System" to create games list and scan games is properly resized to fit 640x480 resolution
Screen "View ROMs Folders" properly resized to fit 640x480 resolution (main menu, "View" sub-menu)
Feature "Scan MAME/HBMAME Missing Audio Samples" (main menu "Games List): multiple games using the same sample file are no longer listed, only the first found game
You can select between different favorites profiles while favorites filter is enabled (main tool bar button). :)
All other favorites functions are disabled!
Tweaks to game details screen (games popup menu or "Shift+I" shortcut)
Frontend's main screen now hides itself when creating a new games list using main menu "Create Games List", and it restores itself at the end

A few redundant messages were removed from the splash screen (and at startup) since they appear only for a split of a second
Setting "New Emulator Detection" removed (preferences screen); no longer needed, now always enabled
Setting "Games List Not Found" went kaput! (preferences screen); games lists will not be auto-created anymore, except on a clean install; use "Create Games List" option in main menu to create lists manually when updating your emulators executables
Feature "Not Used Game Files" is no more; it was never 100% accurate, it always listed files that shouldn't be removed
Feature "Auto Rename Snaps to EL Format" is gone. Emu Loader will no longer try to rename "snap\gamename\0000.png" files to "snap\gamename.png"... if you want to take MAME snapshots in "snap\gamename.png" format just change "snapname" entry to "%g" (without quotes) in "mame.ini"
You can find this setting in MAME Settings screen, "Video 2" tab, "Snapshots/Movies panel", "Name Format" edit box
Replaced all texts using the odd "Segoe UI Semibold" font by more common Windows fonts
Replaced almost all texts with "Consolas" font by "Lucida Console" and "Verdana" fonts
Image splitters style is gone, only solid style is avaiable from now on with customizable colors (preferences screen, "Images" tag)
Feature "Images Manager" is disabled; adding software list games support broke this feature and it needs to be completely rewritten :_((
Image effect "Scale 2x" is no more (main menu "Images" / "Resampler")

New MAMu_ icons setting: "Enable Device Set Custom Icon". Enable this setting to use a single "deviceset.ico" file for all device set entries... only if "deviceset_name.ico" is not found!
I'm sure MAMu_ will appreciate this setting as device sets are non-playable sets
New library "SynFastWideString.pas"; better handling of WideString vars; this libary is a lot faster than WideString var from Delphi 7, and use FastMM v4 improved RAM manager
Unicode strings support in games list; game title; manufacturer; category; language; and usage tip for softlist games
New "Scan MAME Sets (v0.162 and newer)": choose what kind of MAME sets will be validated; located in "Scan Games Mode" screen (games popup menu) and select system dialog (create games list/scan games)
- Scan All -> will validate both arcade/machines and software list games
- Arcade/Machines -> will validate only arcade/machines sets, excluding software list games
- Software List Games -> will validate only software list games, excluding arcade/machines sets
Support for MAME software list games (home consoles, computers)
- feature enabled by default, you can disable it when creating a new MAME games list (select system dialog)
- for UME and MAME 0.162+ builds
- game files must be placed in sub-folders with the same names as xml filenames from 'mamdir\hash' folder
- DO NOT set folders for software lists in 'rompath' (mame.ini); MAME and Emu Loader search in 'roms\soflistname\' sub-folders automatically
- games files must be zipped; except CHDs
- detection of 'softwarelist' tags in MAME -listxml output
- new status bar info text "xml file: softlist_name" (selected game)
- XML files in 'mamedir\hash\' folder are required and NOT auto-created by the frontend
- XML files in 'mamedir\hash\' folder not used by MAME's -listxml are not used by the frontend
- basic games loading support only (no multi-floppy disk drives or multi-slot cartridges)
- category column is used to display software list descriptions
- new 'frontend_dir\softwarelist\' folder with all supported lists; for faster games list loading and auditing (direct XML parsing is too darn slow)
- full scan games support (audit system)
- preview snapshots and video previews use the softwarelist filename as a sub-folder (zipped images are supported); eg.: "mamedir\snap\msx1_cart\"
- you can disable software lists you don't want when creating MAME games lists by using "Customize Software List" (main menu) or clicking the "custom" text in "Scan Games Mode" (games popup menu) or select system dialog
  ...or manually delete the desired files in 'frontend_dir\softwarelist\' folder
- internet game info support with new MESS pages from Progetto-SNAPS
New "Machines" filter in main tool bar button
- Filter games in the list the way you want; MAME arcade + machines + softlist games
- Use the new "Machines List Side Panel" to filter games by a specific machine (all other machines filters are ignored)
  (extra options can be found in the machines list popup menu)
NOTE: To properly filter arcade and non-arcade machines you need "category_home.ini" file from "category.ini for MESS" pack made by AntoPISA
New "Machine to Run Game" menu item in games popup menu
- When machines list side panel is disabled, to run softlist games you can select what machine to use
The latest selected machine for each softlist will be used if you hit ENTER or double click a softlist game... quick launch mode! :D
New icons for software list games; so you know if a MAME game is arcade/machine or from software lists
- MAMESoftwarelistParent.ico; MAMESoftwarelistClone.ico; UnMAMESoftwarelistParent.ico; UnMAMESoftwarelistClone.ico
New column "Usage" for software list games; details/grouped view modes
Support AntoPISA "catver_full.ini"; category and version added for arcade and non-arcade machines
WARNING: this file will tag all non-arcade machines as arcade machines and the "MAME Machines Without Software Lists" filter will not work! ('Machines' filter)
Support AntoPISA "category.ini for MESS" and "version.ini for MESS" so Emu Loader can separate MAME arcade from non-arcade (MESS) machines Put both files "category_home.ini" and "version.ini" in "frontend_dir\ini_files\" folder
- for MAME 0.162 and newer / UME builds only; these files have no use on older MAME builds or MAME arcade builds
- file 'version.ini' is optional and if using 'catver_full.ini' there's no need for this file
- file 'catver.ini' or 'catver_full.ini" is still required for MAME arcade games
- games from software lists are not supported since category is used to show softlist titles
Get files in Progetto-SNAPS website (renameSet page): http://www.progettosnaps.net/renameset/
WARNING: do not use "category_full.ini" file or the frontend will show incorrect categories for MAME arcade games and the frontend will not work properly!
Support "History.dat" 0.162 to show info for software list games ($softlistname=rom1,rom2); sadly, Unicode texts are not displayed in the RichEdit control
Support "messinfo.dat" created by AntoPISA; for non-arcade machines (MAME v0.162 and newer); put "messinfo.dat" in MAME's main folder (same as mameinfo.dat)
favorites and playtime .ini files expanded to support software list games (MESS)... no updates required from your part
- arcade: 'gamename=systemname'
- softlist: 'gamename_softwarelist=systemname'
Support new .ini files for MAME v0.162 and newer: arcade.ini; console.ini; computer.ini; othersys.ini (games popup menu, "Custom Settings" / "Extra")
New setting: "Use Custom "snapname" To Take Snapshots" (main menu "Images")
Disabled by default, it adds an extra "-snapname softlistname/gamename" parameter into MAME's command line so your snapshots for software list games can be correctly created in MAME: "snap\softlistname\gamename.png"
Without this, you'll need to manually rename files and move them to proper folders
eg.: "goonies" game for MSX 1 cartridge ("msx1_cart" softlist name) will have a "-snapname msx1_cart/goonies" parameter; the created screenshot filename will be "snap\msx1_cart\goonies.png" no matter what MSX machine you're using to play the game
It makes taking snapshots a lot easier, using the actual software list name "msx1_cart" as a sub-folder instead of the machine name
New games popup option "Main Menu" to access the main menu when tool bar filters is not visible
New feature: "Multiline Captions"; Enable it to show "two line" captions in details/grouped view modes; 32x32 and 48x48 icons only (preferences screen, "Games List" tag)
Support for zipped images in thumbnails view mode (finally!)
New MISC filter: "Show Merged Sets Only"; what does it do ? make you a cup of coffee... :)
New MISC filter: "Light Gun"; show/hide all games that use a light gun control; file "catver.ini" or "catver_full.ini" is required to detect "gun", "gallery" categories
Preview images / game docs panel can be enabled while in thumbnails view mode, using the new "Show Images/Game Docs Panel" setting ("Thumbnails" sub-menu in view mode tool bar / games popup menu)
Changes and updates to the video preview feature
- new "experimental" setting: "Play Dummy Video to Stop Current Playback" in preferences screen; play a short video to stop current video playing if you select a new game that have no video to play
  (also executed before starting a game and exiting the frontend) - new file "resources\images\no_image\novideo.avi" - minor optimizations to the CallPlayVideoPreview() function
New favorites setting: "Show Favorite Icon In Games" (favorites tool bar button); show a fav icon in details view and add a fav image on top of thumb images (thumbnail view)
New game status filter: "Missing + Missing ROMs/CHDs" ("available/missing" tool bar button)
- this filter will show games with all files missing and found games with missing ROMs/CHDs
- filter "Missing" changed to only show games with all files missing (games you don't have)

[发帖际遇]: money_114 被钱袋砸中进医院,看病花了 1 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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