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[新闻] 多机种模拟器BizHawk 1.11.4发布



发表于 2015-12-22 21:44:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

多机种模拟器BizHawk发布新版, 更新如下:

        Add libretro player, compatible with selected cores (check wiki)
        Add External Tool system for c#-based tool plugins
        Support Code-Data Logger for GB/GBC, SMS/GG, SNES, and Genesis
        Cheat Dialog: Fix flakiness in value-editing
        Add custom exception display box, so exception info can be clipboarded out
        Improve main OSD font
        Validate user shaders at selection time
        Support user custom AR selection
        Add --load-state commandline
        Fix --fullscreen and fullscreenOnLoad options
        Streamline editing RAM Watches
        Tidy main form context menu
        Add more options for U+D/L+R forbid/mutex
        Fix Ram Search, Ram Watch, Cheats recent file lists
        Fix ffmpeg path for AV writer broken a couple of releases ago
        Add menu command to record avi skipping av writer selection
        Remember codec selection between program sessions
        Fix toolbox
        Improvements to Retro shader compatibility
        DispMethod D3D: Stop FP precision conflicts with lua scripts
        DispMethod D3D: More leniency in compilation of optional shaders (so it's able to run on more low spec systems)
        Fix #525 - Memorywatch hex textbox now remembers values across memdomain switches
        Fix #526 - Hex editor repainting fails and garbage rendering
        Fix #535 - domain list does not update when changing cores
        Fix #537 - Annoyance with "always on top"
        Fix #541 - Heavy CPU usage when emulation is paused
        Fix #546 - Incorrect Lua Documentation

            Add GameShark converter for N64, GB/GBC, Saturn, GBA, PSX
            Add Action Replay converter for SMS, SNES, Genesis, GBA
            Add Game Genie converter for Genesis, SNES, GG, NES

            Color stated frames on WasLag too
            Don't truncate LagLog if the branch's one is shorter, but input is the same
            Clean up garbage lua text and drawings in branches
            Default scroll speed to 3
            Put branch states to a separate greenzone file
            Save/load TasSession variables (current frame and branch) in .tasproj
            Fix scrolling when loading a branch
            Account for mouse speed when advancing/rewinding
            Fix ALT+ hotkeys
            Update columns on every file load
            ScreenshotControl tweaks and fixes
            UserText in branches, available from lua and menu, is printed in ScreenshotControl
            Add GUI buttons to branch view and marker view
            Rightclick selects rows in branch and marker views
            Hotkeys and shortcuts for input view and branch view
            Add seeking progressbar
            Saving progressbar reports progress gradually
            Allow going to frame 0 for savestate-anchored movies
            Fix #515 - Save and load column settings in projects
            Fix #520 - An item with the same key has already been added
            Fix #504 - TAStudio opened several thousand Set Markers dialogs

        Basic Bot
            Monospaced input display
            Get smarter

            Add two new fonts (gens/snes9x and fceux) and text rendering options
            Fix gameExtraPadding coordinate translation
            Fix (or at least temporarily banish) floating point math errors when running n64
            Add CloseEmulatorWithCode (for returning exe process return code from script)
            Clarify script pause/stop state in UI and logic
            Autoload recent scripts (unless there's a recent session to autoload)
            Fix forms.destroyall() and call it when lua console closes
            Fix error in sizing of lua draw buffers with SetGameExtraPadding (and probably ClientExtraPadding) use
            Fix #538 - Ability to pass memory domain to memory read/write functions

        Fix #530 "AV Resizing shows black screen with PSX"

        Fix crashes in GFX debugger (including fix #529)
        Recommend proper SNES PAR
        Build dlls without msvcrt14 dependencies (to run on more systems)
        Option to turn off savestate-every-frame (desyncs can happen!)

        Add missing scrollbars in VDP viewer
        Fix #543 (support up to 32MB roms)


签到天数: 2060 天


发表于 2015-12-29 01:22:08 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 3081 天


发表于 2015-12-29 15:19:11 | 显示全部楼层
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