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[转贴] FDS卡林圣剑 流程攻略


签到天数: 1296 天


发表于 2016-1-7 14:42:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

----Famicom Disk System----

Kalin no Tsurugi

Welcome to my guide for Sword of Kalin, an action/RPG designed by Crystal Soft,
and released by a company called Disk Oriented Group, or DOG. DOG was a
partnership between several game developers, including Thinking Rabbit
(Sokouban/Boxxle/Shove It! :),
Hummingbird Soft (Deep Dungeon), and Square (I bet you never heard of them).
This game was released on October 2, 1987 for the Famicom Disk System, and
it's not too bad of a game.

Revision 6/22/2005 by KingMike. (kingmike 2001 at hot mail dot com)
(remove the spaces and obviosuly replace "at" and "dot")

Game (c)1987 Crystal Soft, DOG (or Square Enix and whichever other
present-day companies own their copyrights).
Guide (c)2005 KingMike. Based on translation patch by KingMike, with
translation provided by filler and satsu.

(this is really basic stuff, if you've played an RPG before, you know
most of this)

Pad - move
A - Enter menu
B - Use item (if you have an item equipped)
Start - Pause the game
Select - Menu to equip an item (if you have any items)

Enter - go into a village etc. when on the world map.
Stairs - use a staircase
Check - look for hidden items
Status - show status

  HP - health points. Lose them by being hit. Lose them all, and you die.
  MP - magic points. Lose them by using rods. Lose them, and you can't use most items.
    They recover gradually as you walk (both on the map and in battle).
    (for HP and MP, left is current, right is the maximum)
  ST - strength. How hard you hit the enemies.
  AC - Armor Class. How strong of armor you have.
  DEX - Dexterity. How likely you are to evade enemies. Determines who gets hit in collision?
  DP - defence strength (or is it Damage Power? Weapons seem to raise this?)
  also lists your weapon, armor and shield equipped.
  Press A to see your items list, and once more to close.
  Quick Save - Save your game to the FC RAM. When you lose a fight, you
   are sent back to the last time you saved (either a quick save or a
   disk save).
  Load - return to the last quick save point.
  Disk Save - Save your game to the FDS disk. It's a slow process, but
   it's permanent. (thus the quick save option. You'd probably quick
   save when playing, and only disk save when you want to stop playing.)
   Some emulators will save to the original disk image you used to load
   the game, others will save to a copy in the emulators save folder.
  *You can only save in some places, like the overworld, and the outdoors of a town.
  *You cannot save in battle.
(also, the only option that works in battle is Status)

This game uses a no-attack-button system of fighting (like Ys). You run
towards the enemy (from behind if you can, a straight-on attack may or
may not work. There must be some factor that determines who takes damage
in a head-on collision...), and your hero will automatically attack
the enemy.
I don't believe you can escape a fight. Your only option is to not collide
on the main screen in the first place.
Defeat all enemies to receive experience points and gold.
Collect enough experience to gain a level (and raise randomly
selected attributes). Use gold to buy stuff. (The game doesn't tell you
how many points are needed to raise to the next level. See the chart at the
end for approximate amounts).

You will obtain weapons and armor throughout the game.
When you buy a new weapon or armor, you will always sell the old one
for 1/2 the original value.
You cannot sell items.

Your MP is auto-recovered over time. But, you can use a Magic Potion
to recover quickly.
You can also hold up to 5 Heal Potions, which each heal 50% of your
maximum HP.
You can also visit the doctor in a village. He charges 10 gold per
level of experience for a full refill of HP.
Also, in the later part of the game, you will a statue in each dungeon that
will fully recover you for 1000 Gold.

Alitania Castle
King on 2F (staircase in center of castle) gives you the Fire Rod.
Man on west side of 2F sells potions. But, you can only hold 5 at a time.

-Archbishop of Death: go to northern treasury and get the silver bell.
-need the magic water and the Selina Fruit to cure the princess.
-Arlem castle is blocked. You cannot enter without a Talisman.
-Need Amulet to enter Len, the world of darkness.
-An angel statue will recover MP faster.

Northwest village (Puton)
Weapon shop: Buy a soldier shield ASAP. There is also a doctor.

-Man gave beautiful ring to Marina
-Nirulag sank into sea because of a curse
-weapon dealer's daughter likes necklaces more than rings.

Magic Well (Jenis)
-Magic well is dried up.
-Selina Tree is on the west coast.

Go to the west coast and check the tree for the Selina Fruit.

Southwest village (Acra)
Give blessing to the old and poor to receive the magic powder. (cost 1 gold)
Potion shop here.

-Ask the sage Sarnin in Nirulag for advice.
-Magic powder has the power to revive the dried well.
-There are monsters rods won't work against.
-old man had the ring of truth, but lost it in the forest.

Magic Well (Jenis)
Use the Magic Powder on the well. You will receive the Magic Water.

Alitania Castle
Give the Selina Fruit and the Magic Water to the guy by the princess.
The princess is cured. Go back to the king to get a reward of 200 gold.
Talk to the princess to get the White Idol.

Northern Treasury
Find your way over to the river east of Alitania, then follow a path
south and around, then back north to the treasury. Open the chest to
get the Silver Bell.

Talk to the Archbishop of Death on the west side of the
first floor. He will restore the bell's power.

The Lake
Go to the lake southeast of the northern treasury. Use the bell at
the north end.

Talk to Sage Sarnin in the south house.
Talk to the man in the northeast house to get a key.
There's a weapon shop in the northwest house.

Alitania Castle
Use Gladrif's Key to enter Gladrif's room in the southeast of the second
Talk to the old man to get the Red Idol.
Open the chest to get the Talisman.

Northeast Village (Kyefil)
There is a doctor here.

- The monsters snatched away the angel statue.
- The talisman is needed to pass the magical wall.
- The talisman is in Alitania Castle.
- There are two kinds of rods.

Southeast Village (Yohan)
Buy a necklace for 100G.
There's a potion shop, weapon shop, and doctor here.

-You can see the true appearance of things with a ring of truth.

Northwest Village (Puton)
Give the necklace to Marina for the Ring of Truth.

Arlem Castle
Equip the Talisman, and then you can Enter the castle.
1F - Walk one room west to find the Angel Statue. Walk one room north to get
     the Platinum Key.
     Walk back to the entrance room. Go one room north. Push the switch to
     open the door on floor 2F (use the stairway in the entrance room).
2F - Open the chest to get the Blue Idol.
1F - Go to the northeast room. Go down the stairs.
B1 - Use the Platinum Key to open the door.
     Walk around, and talk to all the people. You will learn that one of
     the guards of Alitania is an imposter.

Alitania Castle
1F - Equip the Ring of Truth, and talk to the guard in the north center of
     the first floor.
     He will turn into a Demi-demon. Kill him to get the Zircon Key.

Arlem Castle
B1 - Use the Zircon Key to open the door in the northwest room. Grab the

I think you can use the Amulet at any time outside to transfer between
the normal world and Len (though it costs 5 MP to teleport).

World of Len
In the south desert, stand on the ground tile, and search to find the
black idol.

Northwest Cave
1F-Go along the south wall to circle back to a room where you can recover
   HP and MP at a cost of 1000 Gold.
   Now, go back up to the 3-way intersection. Take the north branch and
   follow it to the staircase.
B1-Go up one screen. Now, you can follow two paths. The east one leads
   you to the Thunder Rod, and the north path contains the Reed Helmet.
   Grab both and get out.

Southern Treasury
You can get the spell Book. I'm not sure what Experience Level you
need to be at. I think you need to be at Level 30, but don't quote me on it.

Southwest Cave
1F - At the branch, take the west path. Follow to B1.
B1 - Only one way to go. Follow it to B2.
B2 - Go east, then south one screen and east one screen. (go one screen up if
      you need to heal HP and MP, for 1000 Gold)
     Here you will have to solve a math puzzle. The idea is:
      -you're told how many jewels you have
      -you're told how many total bracelets (gold and silver). You want to
      (what multiple of 2) x (what multiple of 4) = total number of jewels.
      You also want to make the number of gold and silver bracelets add up to
      the total number of bracelets. Tell the skull how many gold bracelets
      you have.
      (sorry, the exact problem is randomly generated, so I can't really give
      you an answer)
     Some answers I got:
      Jewels   Total Bracelets    Gold bracelets
      ------   ---------------    --------------
       6        2                  1
        (1 x 2 = 2, 1x 4 = 4,  2+4=6jewels, 1+1 = 2 bracelets)
       36       11                 4
        (4 x 2 = 8, 7x 4 =28,  8+28=36 jewels, 4+7 = 11 bracelets)
       46       16                 9
        (9 x 2 =18, 7x 4 =28,  18+28=46 jewels, 9+7 = 16 bracelets)
     In the next room, you will find a chest with the Ruby Ball.
     You will probably want to go outside and save. Then you'll never have to
      see this leg of the dungeon again.
     (from the puzzle room, you want to one screen west, one up, one west,
      follow the path back to 1F, and south as much as you can to get out)
Ready to tackle part 2 of this dungeon?
1F - From the entrance to the cave, go north as much as possible. You'll find
      another staircase.
B1 - Go west to find a statue. Use the Ruby Ball on the statue to create a
B2 - Follow the east path to get the Gold Idol. Then go back to the west
      side of this floor to find a staircase.
B3 - Follow the path up to the pentagram. If you've collected all five
      Idols, use the Spell Book to obtain the Sword of Kalin.

Southeast Cave
1F - Follow the path, and take the north route when you have a choice. Go
     to B1.
B1 - Follow the path, and take the Black Mask at the end.

Northeast Pass
Enter the cave in the northeast. Equip the Black Mask in the first room.
There is gas in the second room, and you will lose 50 HP about every
couple seconds unless you have the mask equipped. Follow this cave out,
and you will find the entrance to the real cave.

Northeast Cave
1F - Go east at both oppertunites to make a choice. You'll find a staircase.
B1 - At the fork, follow the west path to a staircase.
B2 - Go to the south end of the room to find the Glacier Crystal.
(remember about the gas room when going back out)

World of Len
Go to the moat in the center of Len, and use the Glacier Crystal to freeze
the lava. Now you can cross to the center cave.

Center Cave
1F - Down the stairs.
B1 - At the first fork, take the east route. At the next split, take the
     north road.
     Follow to the stairs.
B2 - Take the north road at the split. Go to the stairs.
B3 - Follow the road to the next stairs.
B2 - Use the Silver Bell to open the cursed door. Go to the next stairs.
B3 - Go up to the boss. Not too hard, just use the black idol to
     slow the endless bodyguards down. Then run up and hit him. If you get
     surrounded, just try to break free, and use a heal potion.
     At level 57, about 4 hits did him in. Watch the ending.

All Potion Shops
Heal Potion     30
Magic Potion    50


Northwestern village
Long Sword     300
Scale Mail     150
Plate Mail     320
Soldier Shield  50

Buster Sword   600
Broad Sword   1000
Silver Mail    800
God Shield    1000

Southeastern Village
Buster Sword   600
Great Sword   2000
Plate Mail     320
Hero Shield    100

Item            Cost Effect
----            ---- ------
Heal Potion       30 Recover 50% of max. HP
Magic Potion      50 Recover MP.
Fire Rod         N/A Shoot a fireball at an enemy. 2MP consumed.
Thunder Rod      N/A Shoot a lightning bolt at an enemy. 4MP consumed.
Magic Powder     N/A Revives the magic well.
Magic Water      N/A Needed to cure the princess of Alitania.
Selina Fruit     N/A Needed to cure the princess of Alitania.
Silver Bell      N/A Has the power to dispel curses.
White Idol       N/A One of the 5 idols. Use to recover some HP, at a
                      cost of 5 MP.
Red Idol         N/A One of the 5 idols. Can use magic to increase STR.
Blue Idol        N/A One of the 5 idols. Use to attack all enemies
                      with thunder, at a cost of 10 MP.
Black Idol       N/A One of the 5 idols. Slows all enemies down,
                      at a cost of 20 MP.
Gold Idol        N/A One of the 5 idols. Attacks all enemies, cost 20 MP.
Gladrif Key      N/A Needed to enter Gladrif's Room.
Talisman         N/A Needed to enter Arlem Castle.
Angel Statue     N/A Increases MP recovery rate.
Plate Key        N/A Needed to enter the basement of Arlem.
Ring of Truth    N/A Reveals the true apperance.
Zircon Key       N/A Needed to open the treasure chest room in the
                      basement of Arlem.
Amulet           N/A Use to teleport between the normal world, and Len.
                      Cost is 5 MP.
Spell Book       N/A Can call forth the Sword of Kalin.
Reed Helmet      N/A Equip to read magic signs.
Black Mask       N/A Can pass through gas unharmed.
Ruby Ball        N/A It can open a passage.
Glacier Crystal  N/A It can freeze lava.

Sword            100 Starting weapon. DEX=4.
Long Sword       300 DEX+1.
Buster Sword     600 DP+8.
Broad Sword     1000 DP+12.
Great Sword     2000 DP+20.
Sword of Kalin   N/A DP+20. Can break the weapons seal.

Chain Mail        80 Starting armor.
Scale Mail       150 AC+3.
Plate Mail       320 AC+7.
Silver Mail      800 AC+12.

Fencer Shield     30 Starting shield.
Soldier Shield    50 AC+2.
Hero Shield      100 AC+5.
God Shield      1000 AC+12.


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