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[新闻] 前端工具Emu Loader v8.0.8发布



发表于 2016-4-24 15:39:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

前端工具Emu Loader发布新版,更新如下:

version 8.0.8 change log - April 23, 2016

App crash due to a bug in the "ini_files\times_played.ini" file update function after exiting a game.

version 8.0.7 change log - April 23, 2016

Fixed read/write Supermodel settings for good! Also, custom game settings that are the same as emulator settings are no longer added to .ini files

Setting "Disable V-Sync" removed since this setting doesn't exist in Supermodel emulator (Supermode Settings screen)

version 8.0.6 change log - April 21, 2016

Extra bios names were added into the Bios List when changing MAME/HBMAME default settings
The "New 3D Engine / Legacy 3D Engine" was not being correctly set in Supermodel settings screen, and when running games
Renamed all "FileName" texts to "Filename" (cosmetic fix)

Added custom folders support for "View Game Docs" (mameinfo.dat; history.dat; etc); it requires MAME v0.172 minimum with "ui.ini" file and "historypath" entry
Updated Supermodel XML games list file based on SVN 351 (Games.cpp), and added a new "controls" tag
Changes to MAME settings screen
- added support for Unicode title strings in LUA plugins list (just in case...)
- BGFX / HLSL / GLSL post-processing settings split into their own sub-pages ("Video 2" tab)
- moved "Video Output Mode" setting to "Video 2" tab
- added a list of all available BGFX shader chain files for easier usage
  - all .json files from the "bgfx\chains\" folder will be read and added into a ListView (title, author, filename)
  - use button "Select" (or mouse double-click) to select a single shader and make active; use button "Add" to add multiple shaders to the Edit box
  NOTE: you must make sure the selected shader appears in the Edit box... just selecting a shader in the list will not make it active!
- new BGFX setting: "Record Rendered Video Filename (AVI)"; default key to save a video rendered by BGFX is Shift+F12 (same as HLSL and "record video" in MAME's internal UI)
- new OSD output options: "OSD Provider" ("Input" tab)
- more interface tweaks

Link to the new MAME documentation in "Help" main menu: http://docs.mamedev.org/index.html

version 8.0.5 change log - April 11, 2016

Daphne version info not showing up correctly in Daphne settings screen on a fresh install, or if changing exe filename in Emulator Setup screen
Finished updating "LoadROMsFolders" function calls for all the non-MAME related emulators; added the custom emu exe filename parameter
ROMs folders lists for all system were being loaded into RAM twice at startup (cosmetic fix)
Some SEGA Model 2 games were missing screen orientation, resolution and refresh rate (need to re-create games list to fix this...)
Some ZiNc games were missing screen orientation, resolution and refresh rate (need to re-create games list to fix this...)
Filters were not applied after creating games list manually (main menu "Create Games List")

Finished updating some function calls, related to bugs fixed in EL v8.0.4
More code cleaning
Changes and improvements to MAME Settings screen
- improved hint texts on some settings (hover mouse in them)
- setting "HLSL Prescale Override Factor" is no more ("Video 2" tab, "Direct3D Post-Processing Effects" group box)
- setting "Hardware Stretch" is gone; DirectDraw is gone from MAME and this setting is always enabled anyway
- new setting "HLSL Oversampling" ("Video" tab, "Direct 3D Post-Processing Effects" group box)
- moved all LUA related settings into a new "LUA" tab since MAME v0.172 have a bunch of new LUA settings
- moved Audio settings to "LUA" page, renamed "Video and Audio" to "Video"
- moved "Visual Effects Overlay File" from "Video 2" tab to "Game Screen" panel in "Video" tab
- new setting "Integer Scale Overscan" (for MAME v0.173)
- removed setting "Write Dummy Snapshot" since you need a MAME compile with debug enabled (and EL is all about playing games)
- moved setting "Video Output Mode" to "Video 2" tab, to be placed with HLSL/GLSL/BGFX Pos-Processing Effects
- fixed audio latency setting
- several settings are now disabled if they are not present in "mame.ini" (emulator default settings file)
- source code optimizations and removal of redundant code
- UI tweaks to reduce waste of space between controls
Updates to Supermodel emulator (settings screen, and games list)
- minimum emulator version supported is now v0.3a SVN release 335
  (using older emulator builds might cause problems)
- added new video setting: "3D Engine"; you can select between the new engine by Ian Curtis or the old one (legacy)
- updated "SupermodelSEGAModel3_xml.dat" file with new/changed games, based on source code v0.3a SVN R335
- fixed missing screen resolution/refresh rate and driver name in some games

Enabled support for AntoPISA's "gameinit.dat", not that's officially supported in MAME; to be used with "Game Docs" feature; place file in MAME's root folder

version 8.0.4 change log - March 18, 2016

Games list background image was not loading; there was a tiny 1 line code missing in the function to fix full paths when you use relative paths

version 8.0.3 change log - March 17, 2016

Crash when changing MAME settings... this was a really old bug, introduced in my last MAME settings screen re-write
MAME Artwork path was not being read from "mame.ini" correctly, causing EL to parse filenames list from a wrong directory
MAME version info not showing up correctly in MAME settings screen on a fresh install, or if changing exe filename in Emulator Setup screen
Wrong default config file was being used if you tried to set emulator default settings from "Emulator Setup" screen (all systems, not just MAME)
Added emulator exe filename parameter in several functions to fix "file not found" and parse settings of the wrong default config file
Crash when using "Scan Missing Audio Samples" (main menu "Games List'); scanning is also a lot faster now

MAME Artwork path is now parsed from "mame.ini" everytime it needs it (no more ArtworksDir[] array var stored in RAM):
- "Run Game with Effect Overlay" (games popup menu)
- changing MAME/HBMAME settings
- select artwork files (frontend's custom "Select File" dialog)
Input path is now parsed from "mame.ini" everytime it needs it (no more InputDir[] array var stored in RAM)

version 8.0.2 change log - March 15, 2016

Added a validation check to prevent "Create Games List" from executing again while it's still running (main menu)
Tag "compat" was not being read from softlist games files ("eldir\softwarelist\" folder)
Software list counter label in splash screen was off by 1 (cosmetic)
Frontend crash when using "Create Software List Games" main menu (weird Delphi 7 compiler bug!)
Ultra slow game name searching in "systemname.elstatus" files when scanning for games; quick scan was the most affected
Setting "# inipath" was not being correctly detected on old MAME builds, making impossible to set custom game settings
Could not set media player file in preferences screen (video preview tab)
Old bug... I guess people don't use ZiNc anymore! Setting "Texture Cache" was not being parsed correctly from "renderer.cfg" (ZiNc settings screen)

MAME/HBMAME emulators full title are no more; they are now simply "MAME" and "HBMAME: HomeBrew MAME"
MAME build is detected before creating MAME games list; the "-listxml" output will only be used for MAME v0.70 and newer; this is to avoid EL trying to use "-listinfo" output on new MAME builds if the build number detection function fails
Changed LUA scripts delay timer default's value from 2 secs to 0 secs; for MAME v0.172 (MAME settings, "Input" tab)
Images manager updates and changes (main menu "Images")
- window mode is now "modal" instead of "stay on top"; you can't access the main games list anymore
- new feature: Search available images on missing games; easier to delete images of games you don't have
  - use button "Scan Not Used Images" for this new fuction
  - a new image preview floating panel will show the image of the selected game (its last position is saved/restored)
  - create a list of missing MAME games where images are found, so you can remove unwanted image files from your collection
  - software list games support
  - unzipped images only
- new popup menu option: "Scan Arcade Games/Machines", to scan for arcade games/machines
- the button "Scan Missing Images" updated to scan all games for missing image files
- the button "Scan Invalid Images" updated to scan all image files and compare with MAME game names for unknown filenames
NOTE: make sure to check the popup menu for some settings before scanning (mouse right-click)
- minor tweaks and code optimizations
AntoPISA's "category.ini" and "version.ini" have priority over "catver.ini"
From now on, you need AntoPISA's "mess.ini" file to filter MAME non-arcade machines (found in "renameSet pack" or "version.ini pack"); if you still want to use "category_home.ini", rename the file to "mess.ini"
UI tweaks in MAME settings screen to fit new settings
UI tweaks in "SEGA Model 2" settings screen to fit on 640x480 resolution
UI tweaks to remove the large and unnecessary 16 pixels borders in the following screens:
- "MAME settings (Basic Mode)"
- "Supermodel 3" settings
- "Daphne" settings
- "SEGA Model 2" settings
- "ZiNc" settings
Changes to ZiNc settings screen
- grouped related settings next to each other
- added new "Enable Keys" setting (renderer)
- replaced "Manual Framerate" by a TEdit control and support values from 0 to 1000
- UI tweaks to minimize the mess

Removed support for AntoPISA's "catver_full.ini"; rename the file to "catver.ini" if you still want to use it
Removed support for AntoPISA's "category_home.ini"

New HLSL settings: "Shadow Mask Tile Mode" and "Bloom Blend Mode" (MAME Settings screen, "Video 2" tab); for MAME v0.169 and up
New "Sound Output Mode" option: "XAudio2" (MAME Settings screen, "Audio" tab); for MAME v0.170
WARNING: Windows 8 or newer required!
Support for MAME v0.171 new settings (MAME settings screen)
- Plugins directory selector ("Folders" tab)
- Languages directory selector ("Folders" tab)
- Language selection for text localization in the emulator ("Miscellaneous" tab)
- "Record an Input Timecode File" ("Input" tab)
- "Exit Emulator After Input Playback" ("Input" tab)
- "Type of User Interface" ("Miscellaneous" tab)
Added a way to cancel changes in "Category / Layout Settings" (images main menu; images popup menu); you must click the "Apply" button to save and apply changes to categories and layouts

version 8.0.1 change log - December 26, 2015

Forgot to update "docs\el-listformat" file with new games list format

New MISC tool bar filter: Hide "No Dump" Games; it will hide games were all ROMs/CHDs are tagged as "nodump"

version 8.0 change log - December 09, 2015

Frontend games list files format have changed to use tags, to avoid problems with non-English code pages and localization ("\eldir\arcade\" folder). EL will try to convert your current games list files at startup; sadly, games list file sizes have doubled :(
Additional changes were made to help reduce file sizes and to avoid adding pointless data
- fields "emulation/color/sound/graphic status" are only added if driver status is "imperfect" or "preliminary"; no need to add them if driver status is "unknown" or "good" - field "game size" is only added if value different than 0 (zero)
- following fields are only added if they appear in MAME's -listxml output: "buttons", "mechanical", "controls", "number of players", "screen type", "screen orientation", "screen resolution", "screen refresh rate"
Updated softlist games list files format to match the new arcade list format; "softname.el" file sizes are smaller than before :)
WARNING: you must manually delete all files from "eldir\softwarelist\" folder before using this build or the frontend will crash (no auto-update)!
Updated "\ini_files\times_played.ini" to replace " ¬ " char by " ; " char to avoid problems with non-English Windows code pages and localization. File will be updated at startup if found and not already updated
Replaced a bunch of Pos() calls by a faster assembler optimized PosEx() function (source\uCommon.pas)
Note: PosEx() function doesn't work with Unicode strings (Delphi WideString)
Disabled deprecated settings in MAME setting screen: "HTTP Server" and "Enable LUA Console" for MAME v0.168 and up


签到天数: 337 天


发表于 2016-4-24 19:58:33 | 显示全部楼层
[发帖际遇]: FC斌哥1 乐于助人,奖励 5 个 柠檬. 幸运榜 / 衰神榜
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