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[新闻] [APPLE II模拟器]AppleWin v1.29.7.0


签到天数: 1803 天


发表于 2019-12-23 10:59:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 - 20 Dec 2019
[Change #726] Disk II card: supported in slot 5 via '-s5 diskii' command line.
use in conjunction with -s5d1 <pathname>.
NB. No support via Configuration GUI for insert/ejecting images.
[Change #737] Debugger: Changed 'cycles' to show the cycle delta since the step/breakpoint etc.
NB. Since this has been the absolute cumulative cycle count.
[Bug #740] Debugger: gr/hgr/dgr/dhgr commands will honour the state of the MIXED mode.
[Bug #733] Fixed WOZ 'Wasteland' and also NIB 'Wasteland'.
[Bug #451] Debugger: fix for BPM[R|W] triggering on control-flow instructions' target address.
[Bug #355] For first-time installs of AppleWin, soundtype now defaults to WAVE (was NONE).
[PR #730] Speed-up for 'Color (RGB Monitor)' video mode.

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Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|国治模拟精品屋 ( 沪ICP备15012945号-1 )

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