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[新闻] [MAME\MESS模拟器]MAME 0.229


签到天数: 57 天


发表于 2021-2-24 13:00:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
0.229 2021-02-24

MAME Testers Bugs Fixed
- 06650: [Graphics] (m58.cpp) 10yard: Graphics are misaligned. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 06668: [Graphics] (mhavoc.cpp) mhavoc, mhavoc2, mhavocp, mhavocrv: Not all graphics are displayed. (Robbbert)
- 06935: [Misc.] BGFX render module doesn’t find images when multiple artwork paths are configured. (AJR)
- 07795: [Debugger] Qt debugger: Debugger views display incorrectly when scrolled to the bottom. (Vas Crabb)
- 07860: [Compiling] N/A: Incorrect flags are passed to the compiler on ARM/AArch64 targets. (Belegdol)
- 07863: [Interface] (ksys573.cpp) pcnfrk4mk: Description does not match displayed title. (AriaOTP)
- 07866: [Crash/Freeze] (atarig1.cpp) pitfight3: Game crashes randomly in later matches. (O. Galibert)
- 07867: [Crash/Freeze] (c64.cpp) Most carts in c64_cart.xml: Cartridges no longer load correctly. (Ivan Vangelista)
- 07874: [Save/Restore] (gottlieb.cpp) cobram3, cobram3a: Games stop at a black screen with populated NVRAM files. (Ivan Vangelista)

New working machines
Basketball (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Black Knight Pinball (Entex) [hap, Sean Riddle, Rik]
Elektronika Autoslalom [hap]
Hockey (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]
JAKKS Pacific Inc / Child Guidance / Handheld Games Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
JAKKS Pacific Inc / Child Guidance / Handheld Games Scooby-Doo! and The Pirate's Puzzles (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
JAKKS Pacific Inc / Child Guidance / Pronto Games The Amazing Spider-Man - Great Math Caper (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
JAKKS Pacific Inc / Child Guidance / Pronto Games Go Diego Go! - Aztec ABC Adventure (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Mattel Funtronics: Tag [hap, Sean Riddle]
Ms PacMan Twin (Argentina) [Roberto Fresca, Mirko Buffoni, ArcadeHacker, Rick2000, ytsejam, Recreativas.org]
National Semiconductor QuizKid Speller [hap, Sean Riddle]
Power Up Baseball (prototype) [Frank Cifaldi, Rich Whitehouse, Ryan Holtz, Travis Brown, Dan Filner]
Run Run Puppy [Houpela, MetalliC]
Soccer (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones
Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware, set 2) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
Barracuda [Cam, Lamonsoff]
Born To Fight (Vifico license) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Defense (Defender bootleg) [chaneman]
Drift Out (Europe, Cameltry conversion) [twistedsymphony, Porchy]
Fidelity Electronics Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, model EWC) [Berger]
Galaxian (Electromar Spanish bootleg) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
Hot Night [system11, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]
Hunchback (FAR S.A. bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
JAKKS Pacific Inc / Child Guidance / Pronto Games Thomas & Friends - Learning Circus Express (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US)
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Kamikaze (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
Mars (bootleg) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
National Semiconductor QuizKid Racer (MM5799 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Player's Edge Plus (PP0104) Standard Draw Poker (set 2, Fitzgeralds) [Brian Troha]
Radar Scope (TRS02, rev. D) [anonymous, Gaming Alexandria]
Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (set 2) [f205v]
Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo!! - Nightmare Crack [f205v, maru79]
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Fatality Edition (prototype) [Andrew Welburn, bmx]
World Beach Volley (set 1, S87C751 audio CPU) [Caps0ff, jordigahan, ClawGrip]

Machines promoted to working
Ace Of Clubs (Crystal) (IMPACT, GND D 4) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1   H06) [James Wallace]
Novag Supremo [hap, bataais]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 C13) [James Wallace]

Clones promoted to working
Ace Of Clubs (Crystal) (IMPACT, GND D 4 P, Protocol) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9   14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9 A 14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9I  14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9P  14) (Protocol) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO06   11) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1  AH06) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1 I H06) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1 P H06) (Protocol) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO5   H10) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO5 I H10) [James Wallace]
The Hole (bootleg of The Pit) [caius]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO1 AC2) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 AC13) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 C13, Whitbread) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO7 AC10) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO7 C10) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO9 C12) [James Wallace]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Beatmania III [Windy Fairy]
G.T. Block Challenger [hap, chaneman]
Games Family [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
Golden Fruits [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Insight Enterprises Z80 SBC (prototype?) [Dirk Best, Tech Time Traveller]
Network Computing Devices MCX [Patrick Mackinlay]
Olympus (Z Games, version 10) [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Photo Play 2001 (Spanish) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
PlayCenter Champions Tournament (v9.3) [Recreativas.org]
Pop'n Music Animelo [Windy Fairy]
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes [Windy Fairy]
Score 5 [Ioannis Bampoulas]
Silverball (8.01) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
Super Butterfly 2000 [Ioannis Bampoulas]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Mach 2 (set 2) [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
Oli Bug (Jump Bug bootleg) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix (AAA) [Windy Fairy]
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes! [Windy Fairy]
Silverball (6.32) [Asure]
Silverball (7.20) [Asure]
Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 1) [Asure]
Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 2) [Asure]

New working software list additions
apple1: Hamurabi (Computerland), Nightmare #6 [Brutal Deluxe]
  Dr. Jessie's Dinosaur (cleanly cracked), Frogger (Main Street Publishing re-release) (cleanly cracked),
  Hugo Hound's Vowel Sounds: Long Vowels (cleanly cracked), The Isle of Mem (cleanly cracked), Jigsaw Jenerator (cleanly cracked),
  Math Concepts I (Version 06.29.84) (cleanly cracked), Math Concepts II (Version 06.29.84) (cleanly cracked),
  Osmotic Pressure (Version 1.1, dated 04/1985) (cleanly cracked), Pipeline (cleanly cracked),
  PlayWriter: Adventures in Space (cleanly cracked), PlayWriter: Castles and Creatures (cleanly cracked),
  Pollution Control (cleanly cracked), Reproduction Process (cleanly cracked), Starship Commander (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked),
  Tim and the Cat and Grog the Frog (cleanly cracked), Uncle Clyde's Consonant Slides: Beginning Consonants (cleanly cracked)
  [4am, Firehawke]
  Alphabet Fun: Learning The Alphabet, Cause and Effect: What Makes It Happen,
  The Human Body and How It Works: The Digestive and Excretory Systems,
  The Human Body and How It Works: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems, Library Skills: Let's Learn About The Library,
  Parts of Speech: Fun with Verbs, Read and Spell: In the Days of Knights and Castles, Reading Fun: Beginning Consonant Sounds,
  Troll Math Class Level 3: I Can Multiply and Divide, Troll Math Class Level 4: Advanced Addition and Subtraction,
  Troll Math Class Level 5: Advanced Multiplication and Division, Understanding Maps and Globes [4am, Firehawke]
  A-6 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 2 (Japan), A-8 Pichi Pichi Pitch Karaoke Party 2 (Japan) [WingedPikPik, TeamEurope]
  Ehon Writer School v1.1 L21, Gakuen Bakuretsu Tenkousei!, Hana no Kioku - Dainishou, if 1-2-3 CD Collection,
  Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidy 2 (1996-03-11), Kousoku Choujin, Misato-chan no Yume Nikki, Time Stripper Mako-chan, Tougenkyou
  The Silent Service - Chinmoku no Kantai, Sotsugyou '93 - Graduation (older floppy disk) [redump.org, wiggy2k]
  Cameltry (cracked), Columns (cracked), Lord Monarch [cyo.the.vile]
  Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito [r09]
hp_ipc_rom: Software Engineering ROM [F.Ulivi]
  Hare Raising Havoc (USA) [ArcadeShadow]
  Cyrus 3-D Chess (shareware, Titanium Seal release), VGA Slot Machine (Titanium Seal release) [archive.org]
  Maniac Mansion, Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan, Valhalla - Ragnarok [The Good Old Days]
  Descent (shareware, v1.1), King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (3.5"DD, v0.000.055, EGA release),
  King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (5.25", v0.000.051, VGA release),
  King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (5.25", v0.000.062, EGA release),
  Raptor - Call of the Shadows (shareware, v1.0, Titanium Seal release), Tubular Worlds, Warlords II, Warlords II - Scenario Builder
  Wolfenstein 3-D (shareware, Titanium Seal release) [archive.org]
  Mixed-Up Fairy Tales [The Good Old Days]
rx78_cart: Space Enemy [Gaming Alexandria]
  Arctic (NEC PC-9801), Battle Storm (Family Computer), The Beverly Hillbillies (IBM PC AT), Bonk 3 - Bonk's Big Adventure (TG-16),
  Bonk's Adventure (TG-16), Bonk's Revenge (TG-16), Boxyboy (TG-16), Break In (PC Engine), Chew Man Fu (TG-16), Cyber Core (TG-16),
  Doraemon - Meikyuu Daisakusen (PC Engine), Final Lap Twin (TG-16), Fushigi no Yume no Alice (PC Engine),
  Hana Taaka Daka! (PC Engine), Impact MuSiX Disk #1 (MSX2), Impact MuSiX Disk #2 (MSX2), Impact MuSiX Disk #3 (MSX2),
  Impact MuSiX Disk #4 (MSX2), Impact MuSiX Disk #5 (MSX2), Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman (PC Engine),
  The Legend of Kyrandia - Book One (IBM PC AT), Lemmings 2 - The Tribes (IBM PC AT), Mario's Game Gallery (IBM PC AT),
  Mega Man V (Nintendo Game Boy), Monster Pro Wrestling (PC Engine), Moto Roader (TG-16), Moto Roader II (PC Engine),
  Pachicom (MSX), Spin Pair (PC Engine), Supaplex (IBM PC AT), Super Tetris 2 + Bombliss (NEC PC-9801),
  Ultra Toukon Densetsu (Seta 1) [vgmrips.net, Tafoid]
  The Batman - De redding van Gotham City (Netherlands), Disney's Mickey Mouse - De wonderwereld van Mickey (Netherlands),
  Marvel Spider-Man en Vrienden - Geheime Missies (Netherlands, rev. 123),
  Nick Jr. Dora - Dora's Reparatie Avontuur! (Netherlands, 2005), Nick Jr. Dora - Dora's Reparatie Avontuur! (Netherlands, 2009),
  Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants - Een Dag uit het Leven van een Spons (Netherlands),
  Spider-Man en Vrienden - Geheime Missies (Netherlands), Truckie's Rekenrace (Netherlands),
  Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands, 2010),
  Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands, alt, 2005),
  Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands, rev. 123, 2007) [Ramco Sahara]

Software list items promoted to working
fmtowns_cd: Record of Lodoss War II - Goshiki no Maryuu, Sangokushi III [wiggy2k]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
lynx: Lynx Othello [anonymous]
rx78_cart: Excite Baseball [Gaming Alexandria]
vsmileb_cart: Dierenhuis (Netherlands) [Ramco Sahara]

Merged pull requests
- 7369: neogeo.cpp, neogeocd.cpp: Added notes on regional differences in AES consoles. [cam900]
- 7392: actions_atj2279b.cpp: Add notes about CPU and video resolution. [Onmp314]
- 7567: video/315_5313.cpp: Added TODO notes for things that need verification. [cam900]
- 7623: apple1.xml: Added two entries. [Brutal Deluxe, Alexis B.]
- 7652: bus/rs232/printer.cpp: Added option for Radio Shack printer with select output on RxD. [Tim Lindner]
- 7655: sms.xml: Corrected release year for Fire & Ice. [ArcadeShadow]
- 7693: firebeat.cpp: Improved SPU, documented I/O ports, and fixed some graphical issues. [Windy Fairy]
- 7696: nmk16.cpp: Fixed redhawks graphics, and added placeholders for undumped PROMs and PLDs. [ClawGrip]
- 7697: oric.cpp: Added oric1 BASIC 1.0 UK BIOS. [tante ju, rfka01]
- 7699: sound/rf5c400.cpp: Fixed looping, and implemented position read-back. [Windy Fairy]
- 7700: photoplys.cpp: Added Photo Play 2001 (Spanish). [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 7701: geniusjr.cpp: Added note about globbed 68HC05 on gls. [Sean Riddle, ClawGrip]
- 7702: gfamily.cpp: Added Games Family. [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
- 7703: gokidetor.cpp: Converted JEDEC files to MAME binary format and added anonymous namespace. [ClawGrip]
- 7705: bogeyman.cpp, shootout.cpp: Corrected monitor orientation to 180° rotation. [Corrado Tomaselli, Angelo Salese]
- 7706: missbamby.cpp: Added Golden Fruits. [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 7708: Fixed compiler flags for ARM/AArch64 targets. [Belegdol]
- 7709: docs: Changed “mame64” to “mame” in documentation. [Firehawke]
- 7710: jungleyo.cpp: Fixed video emulation. [Angelo Salese]
- 7713: Updated “2020” to “2021” in various places. [Stiletto]
- 7714: snesb51.cpp: Added BIOS version 12-07 for snes4sl. [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
- 7715: docs: Updated instructions for building on macOS. [r0ni]
- 7719: itech32.cpp: Added Power Up Baseball (prototype). [Frank Cifaldi, Rich Whitehouse, Ryan Holtz, Travis Brown, Dan Filner]
- 7721: firebeat.cpp: Refactored driver code, and added initial beatmania III support. [Windy Fairy]
- 7723: rainbow.cpp: Added 01.01.11A ROM for Rainbow 100 A ROM. [bsdimp, rfka01]
- 7724: hh_sm510.cpp: Improved gnw_egg display using scanned from unit. [algestam]
- 7725: formats/ap2_dsk.cpp: Added read-only support for .nib format images. [leesaudan2]
- 7726: hp_ipc.cpp: Added support for expansion ROMs. [F.Ulivi]
- 7727: hh_sm510.cpp: Verified that gnw_egg and gnw_mmouse microcontroller programs are identical. [algestam]
- 7728: viper.cpp: Added I/O and new dongles for ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix games. [Windy Fairy]
- 7729: ibm5170.xml: Added eight entries. [ArcadeShadow]
- 7730: ibm5150.xml: Added Hare Raising Havoc (USA). [ArcadeShadow]
- 7731: frontend: Added a few more driver flags to -listxml output. [Nathan Woods]
- 7733: galaxian.cpp: Added Kamikaze (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian). [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
- 7734: cpu/es5510: Partially implemented RAM clear function and serial control. [cam900]
- 7735: galaxold.cpp: Added Hunchback (FAR S.A. bootleg on Galaxian hardware). [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
- 7738: spg2xx_jakks_sharp.cpp: Added The Amazing Spider-Man - Great Math Caper (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US).
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 7739: asteroid.cpp: Added Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware, set 2). [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]
- 7741: bus/cpc/cpc_rs232.cpp: Reinstated RI handler. [Fergus Leen]
- 7742: fmtowns_flop.xml: Added two cracks and two original dumps, replaced one entry with a better dump, and removed a bad dump.
- 7744: fantland.cpp: Added Born To Fight (Vifico license). [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 7747: hh_sm510.cpp: Confirmed gnw_mmouse uses microcontroller R mask option. [algestam]
- 7749: vsmile_cart.xml: Added eleven entries, changed names to use VTech region codes, and fixed parent/clone relationships.
  [Ramco Sahara, ClawGrip]
- 7750: spinb.cpp: Added Mach 2 (set 2). [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]
- 7752: vsmilem_cart.xml: Changed names to use VTech country codes, and fixed a parent/clone relationship. [ClawGrip]
- 7753: apple2gs.cpp: Implemented some missing ADB commands. [Kelvin Sherlock]
- 7755: spg2xx_jakks_sharp.cpp: Added two TV games. [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 7757: spg2xx_jakks_sharp.cpp: Added Scooby-Doo! and The Pirate's Puzzles (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK). [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 7758: toaplan2.cpp: Fixed graphics ROM loading for nprobowl. [DavidHaywood]
- 7761: video/hng64.cpp: Only swap/clear 3D buffer when flag is set. [Happy]
- 7762: ekara_japan_a.xml: Added two entries. [WingedPikPik, TeamEurope, David Haywood]
- 7764: fmtowns_cd.xml: Added eleven entries, replaced nineteen entries with better dumps and added three missing floppies. [r09]
- 7765: bus/isa/svga_s3.cpp: Added two additional BIOS variants. [jordigahan, ClawGrip]
- 7766: bgfx: Added brightness boost, clamping to zero, and raster bloom effects to crt-geom and crt-geom-deluxe. [cgwg]
- 7767: galaxian.cpp: Dumped PROM for olibug and galkamika. [ClawGrip]
- 7768: spg2xx_jakks_sharp.cpp: Added Thomas & Friends - Learning Circus Express (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US).
  [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
- 7769: silverball.cpp: Added five TAB Austria Silverball sets. [jordigahan, Asure, ClawGrip]
- 7770: Fixed missing and duplicate source file references in build scripts. [Roberto Benfatto]
- 7773: generalplus_gpl16250_mobigo.cpp: Corrected release years. [AlesanddroPB95]
- 7781: raiden_ms.cpp: Fixed sound CPU communication and improved sound chip hook-up. [Devin Acker]
- 7787: Replaced ARRAY_LENGTH with C++17 std::size and cleaned up some code. [AJR]
- 7790: Added M68000 CPU support to gdbstub debugger. [nabetse]
- 7791: thoop2.cpp: Fixed sprite-sprite priorities. [cam900]
- 7793: apple2gs.cpp: Enabled floppy sounds when using new IWM implementation. [leesaudan2]
- 7795: gamegear.xml: Changed description of suprjedi to match the box art and manual. [ArcadeShadow]
- 7796: ibm5150.xml: Added five entries. [ArcadeShadow]
- 7797: ibm5170.xml: Added two entries, and marked a modified disk as a bad dump. [ArcadeShadow]
- 7798: dkong.cpp: Added Radar Scope (TRS02, rev. D). [anonymous, Gaming Alexandria, David Haywood]
- 7799: gfamily.cpp: Re-dumped gmfamily hard disk. [ICEknight, ClawGrip]
- 7801: playcenter.cpp: Added PlayCenter Champions Tournament (v9.3). [Recreativas.org, ClawGrip]
- 7802: cps2.cpp: updated credits. [Ange Albertini]
- 7803: apple2_flop_clcracked.xml, apple2_flop_orig.xml: Added latest original dumps and cracks. [4am, Firehawke]
- 7804: ksys573.cpp: Added ATA CS1 to memory map. [Windy Fairy]
- 7805: bus/megadrive/sk.cpp: Add notes for Sonic 3 & Knuckles save feature. [cam900]
- 7809: fmtowns_flop.xml: Fixed SHA1 digest for lordmon. [r09]

Source Changes
New working software list additions (apple2_flop_orig.xml)
Library Skills: Let's Learn About The Library [4am, Firehawke]

New working software list additions (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml)
Hugo Hound's Vowel Sounds: Long Vowels (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Tim and the Cat and Grog the Frog (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
PlayWriter: Adventures in Space (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Dr. Jessie's Dinosaur (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]

-sound/rf5c400.cpp: Fixed looping, and implemented position readback. (#7699) [987123879113]

-bus/rs232: Add generic Radio Shack printer option (generates break condition when online). (#7652) [tim lindner]

-alpha68k_i.cpp: PCB documentation for The Next Space & Paddle Mania, derive chip clocks from OSCs. [Brian Troha]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Score 5 [Ioannis Bampoulas]

-nmk16.cpp: Fixed 'redhawks' bad graphics, and added placeholders for undumped PROMs and PLDs. (#7696) [ClawGrip]

-alpha68k_i.cpp: replaced color ROM dump for paddlema, added dump about bootleg boards [f205v]

-geniusjr.cpp: Add note about globbed 68HC05 on 'gls' [Sean Riddle]

-input.cpp, inputdev.cpp: Misc. fixes [AJR]
* Fix a recent regression with processing XInput DPAD input item tokens
* Prevent code_to_token from blowing up in strange cases

-swim1: Remove the q3 clock, sync is just not usable [Olivier Galibert]

-iwm: Start of implementation of async write [Olivier Galibert]

-debug/express.cpp: Fix parsing for preincrement & predecrement operators; make debugging function print_tokens usable again [AJR]

-floppy: When the floppy head stays on an unformatted track from more than an hour and ten minutes and reading happens then
interval_index*2+1 overflows.  Wow. Found and tracked down by Colin Howell, with much thanks. [Olivier Galibert]

-floppy.cpp: as_ticks returns a u64, so go unsigned all the way [AJR]

-softwarelist: spelling corrections related to microcabin's hurryfox [hap]

-msx.hsi: remove some leading whitespace [hap]

-win32 debugger: Added context menu with Copy Visible and Paste commands to debug views (partially addresses #6066). [Vas Crabb]

-gokidetor.cpp: Converted JEDECs to binary format and add anonymous namespace. (#7703) [ClawGrip]

-jungleyo.cpp: minor notes update [Ivan Vangelista]

-floppy: Be really sure a cleared cache is seen as such [Olivier Galibert]

-mac: fixes for Clang compile [R. Belmont]

-Goodbye 64 suffix on the main executable, it was nice knowing you. [Vas Crabb]
* If you want to build 64-bit and 32-bit in the same tree without them stomping on each other, use SEPARATE_BIN=1 (you already need
    to do this for TOOLS=1 anyway).

-Updated GitHub CI for executable names, added ORM check to Linux builds [Vas Crabb]

-saitek_egr: add compatibility filter [hap]

-laserbas: Improve gfx rendering, implement BG scrolling, correct screen raw parameters [Dirk Best]

-oric.cpp: Dumped oric1 BASIC 1.0 UK BIOS. (#7697) [tante ju]

-bogeyman.cpp, shootout.cpp: Corrected monitor orientation to ROT180. [Corrado Tomaselli]

-New machines marked as NOT_WORKING (#7702) [ClawGrip]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Games Family [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]

New working clones
Mars (bootleg) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Super Butterfly 2000 [Ioannis Bampoulas]

-cave.cpp: Correct some typos & update documentation for Hotdog Storm [Brian Troha]

-rs232: HLE updates [AJR]
* Remove option to change the number of start bits (1 was always the default, and the RS232 protocol requires one start bit)
* Add many historically significant baud rates ranging from 50 to 7200
   - ccs2810.cpp, sb8085.cpp: Update notes

-midtunit.cpp + midyunit.cpp: Correct ROM labels for the Mortal Kombat sets [Brian Troha]

-kpontoon: add text layer tilemap, palette, and char ROM readback for POST [R. Belmont]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING  (#7706)
Golden Fruits [jordigahan, ClawGrip]

-Unbreak aarch64 and arm builds (#7708) [Julian Sikorski]

-jungleyo.cpp: Added reel layer drawing, implemented priority selection, and hooked up palette. (#7710) [Angelo Salese]

-Qt debugger updates: [Vas Crabb]
* Added context menu with Copy Visible and Paste commands to debug views (partially addresses #6066).
* Made memory view last PC display a context menu item.
* Fixed crash on right-clicking a memory view showing something other than an address space.

-debugger: Fixed commas in dumpkbd output. [Vas Crabb]

-bus/ti99/gromport/cartridges.cpp: Use get_attribute_string_ptr [AJR]

New working clones
Storming Party / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen (set 2) [f205v]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Olympus (Z Games, version 10) [Ioannis Bampoulas]

-geneve: Fixed debugger problem when writing values into memory; added debugger method to tms9995. [Michael Zapf]

-itech32: Added support for the WIDTHPIX blit flag. [Ryan Holtz]

-maygaym1.cpp: Added GAL for the FM sound board [Highwayman]

Clones promoted to working
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 C13) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 AC13) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO10 C13, Whitbread) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO9 C12) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO7 C10) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO7 AC10) [James Wallace]
Sonic The Hedgehog (JPM) (IMPACT) (SO1 AC2) [James Wallace]

-ui/inputmap: prevent race condition between ui_input().pressed() and poll() [hap]

New working clones
Drift Out (Europe, Camel Try conversion) [twistedsymphony, Porchy]

-ui: Clean up slider callbacks [AJR]

-ui.h: Remove now-unused slider ID macros/enums [AJR]

-kpontoon: hooked up sprite ROM readback, marked sound CPU dump as bad [R. Belmont]

-Update "2020" text to "2021" (#7713) [Stiletto]
* Update "2020" text to "2021".

-taito_f2.cpp: corrected Cameltry spelling [Ivan Vangelista]

-skylncr.cpp: corrected a couple of typos [Ivan Vangelista]

-Bug fixes and usablility enhancements: [Vas Crabb]
* Declare intent when requesting virtual memory (for NetBSD, 7712)
* Improve scrolling behaviour in Qt debugger (MT07795)
* Added prompts to input mapping menu to make it less intimidating

-Change "mame64" to "mame" in docs (#7709) [Firehawke]

-inputmap: don't prompt to toggle to default if default is None [hap]

-itech32: Fixed graphics regressions introduced by incrementing pixel X by an unshifted value in the previous changes. [Ryan Holtz]

-luckgrln: Use generic xBGR_555 palette support, decrease amount of colors [Dirk Best]

-luckgrln: Minor corrections [Dirk Best]
* Add dip switch locations
* Change service switch type to not toggle on 7smash
* Add screen raw parameters
* Add anonymous namespace

-firebeat: Implement SPU DMAs and fix SPU device configurations (#7693) [987123879113]
* firebeat.cpp: Implement SPU DMAs and fix SPU device configurations
* cdrom: Add way to specify Ultra DMA as a machine configuration

-kpontoon: hooked up sound CPU and comms, POST now fully passes [R. Belmont]

-alpha68k_i.cpp: removed NO_DUMP entry for the Alpha 8511 MCU, since actual PCBs don't have it [Ivan Vangelista]

New working clones
Elite A/S Challenger (Budapest program, model EWC) [Berger]

-New working machines [Travis Brown]
* Power Up Baseball (prototype) [Frank Cifaldi, Rich Whitehouse, Ryan Holtz, Travis Brown, Dan Filner]
   - itech32: Updated NVRAM mapping on '020 machines to cover full 128k. [Travis Brown]

-btime.cpp: corrected size for one ROM for wtennis [f205v]

-hshavoc.cpp: simplified the already working part of the decryption [Ivan Vangelista]

-magreel.cpp: added placeholder for undumped PIC [Ivan Vangelista]

-Suggested changes to MacOS to build reqs (#7715) [mac-a-r0ni]
* Update compilingmame.rst
   - Changes in macOS section regarding current build requirements
   - Added basic info for Apple Silicon to macOS build instructions.

-itech32: added required newline at end [Robbbert]

-ksys573.cpp: fixed MT07863 [Ivan Vangelista]

-Debuger updates: [Vas Crabb]
* Improved behaviour of bottom line in Qt and win32 debugger views.
* Ported memory tracking feature from Qt to win32 module.

New working clones
Barracuda [Cam, Lamonsoff]

-hh_sm510.cpp: Improve gnw_egg display (#7724) [algestam]
* gnw_egg: Improved the existing display. [Henrik Algestam]

-dp8344.cpp: Remove erroneous fallthrough [AJR]

-unidasm: Add disassemblers for NEC/Renesas V850 family [AJR]

-Added Apple 2 disk image format: .nib (read-only support) (#7725) [leesaudan2]
* This format was not supported by the new floppy subsystem. This commit provides read-only support of .nib files.

-iwm, swim1: Implement async write on gcr [Olivier Galibert]

-apple2gs: start hooking up the new IWM and drives [R. Belmont]

-hh_sm510.cpp: gnw_egg rom verified to be the same as gnw_mmouse (#7727) [algestam]
* hh_sm510.cpp: gnw_egg rom verified to be the same as gnw_mmouse

-compuchess: mark ccmk1 as bootleg [hap]

-hh_sm510: mark elektronika clones as bootleg [hap]

-hh_sm510: improve exospace svg a bit [hap]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Autoslalom [hap]

-flopimg: Fix wrapping on mac sector extraction [Olivier Galibert]

-iwm: remove disable_mon, move to floppy [Olivier Galibert]

-ibm5170 - New working software list additions [ArcadeShadow]
* Added: [descswa] Descent (shareware, v1.1) Added: [kingqst5a] King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (3.5"DD,
    v0.000.055, EGA release) Added: [kingqst5a_525] King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (5.25", v0.000.051, VGA
    release) Added: [kingqst5b_525] King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder! (5.25", v0.000.062, EGA release) Added:
    [raptorswa] Raptor - Call of the Shadows (shareware, v1.0, Titanium Seal release) Added: [tubworld] Turbular Worlds Added:
    [warlords2] Warlords II Added: [warlords2sb] Warlords II - Scenario Builder

Machines promoted to working
Autoslalom [hap]

-ibm5150 - New working software list addition (#7730) [ArcadeShadow]

New working software list additions
ibm5150: Hare Raising Havoc (USA) [ArcadeShadow]

-ibm5150.xml: Updated: [carmnpst35] -> clone of [carmnpst]

-model3.cpp: Updated Sega ID# for the Virtua Striker 2 sets. [Brian Troha]

-r4000: save exception pc on reset [Patrick Mackinlay]

-viper.cpp: ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix updates:  (#7728) [987123879113]
* Added working dongles for ppp2nd (JAA) and added a dongle to boot ppp2nda (AAA)
* Added sensor inputs for ppp2nd and ppp2nda

New clones marked as not working
ParaParaParadise 2nd Mix (AAA) [987123879113]

-z80scc: tidy logging a little bit [Patrick Mackinlay]

-z80scc: there's only one wr2 [Patrick Mackinlay]

-odyssey2/homecomp: make ram size configurable [hap]

-es5510.cpp: Add notes, Add serial control register for debugging, Fix/Add some hardware features Implement (partially) RAM clear
function Fix host control register; host access OK flag is inverted (0 is active) [cam900]

-i8244: fix problem with major system overlap [hap]

-Revert "i8244: fix problem with major system overlap" [hap]
* This reverts commit 401e9f670a906ac0cfe48bfa20ded143bb17ced0.

-midyunit.cpp, nbmj8688.cpp, nbmj8891.cpp, nmk16.cpp, powerins.cpp, tetrisp2.cpp: initialized some variables that were causing
crashes / asserts in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-odyssey2: add note [hap]

-tmnt.cpp, taito_f3.cpp: initialized some variables that were causing crashes / asserts in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-videopac.xml: Fix validation [AJR]

-exidy.cpp: Dumped PROMs and correct version 2 sound ROMs for Pepper II (version 8) [Kevin Eshbach, The Dumping Union]

-snookr10.cpp: Correct XTAL for sound ROM as per hardware. [Brian Troha]

-mc68681: ignore tx enable if already enabled [Patrick Mackinlay]

new WORKING machine
The Amazing Spider-Man - Great Math Caper (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

-m88000: initial execution implementation [Patrick Mackinlay]

New working clones  (#7733)
Kamikaze (Electrogame, Spanish bootleg of Galaxian) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]

New working clones (#7735)
Hunchback (FAR S.A. bootleg on Galaxian hardware) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]

-ncd19c: Map some memory and devices [AJR]
* m88000: Fix uninitialized member

-sorcerer: Add screen raw parameters [AJR]

-Reinstated RI Handler [Fergus Leen]

-jpmimpct: Added emulation of X9C103, fixes volume setting [James Wallace]

Clones promoted to working
Ace Of Clubs (Crystal) (IMPACT, GND D 4) [James Wallace]
Ace Of Clubs (Crystal) (IMPACT, GND D 4 P, Protocol) [James Wallace]

-arcadia, mpu4, tumbleb, vectrex: initialized some variables that were causing crashes in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-jpmimpct: Fixed layout of Big Bucks (JPM) [James Wallace]

-ncd88k: add mcx variant and video output [Patrick Mackinlay]

-ncd88k: forgot mame.lst [Patrick Mackinlay]

-aviion88k: wip - reaches scm [Patrick Mackinlay]

-m3: Rewrite driver [Dirk Best]
* System is now mostly working. The monitor ROM can be used. No software available, so the floppy hookup isn't finished.

-segas24.cpp: fixed assert in sspirtfc (index < m_length, file ../../../../../src/emu/devfind.h, line 1077) [Ivan Vangelista]

-astrcorp, byvid, jungleyo, ksys573, mil4000, mpu4vid, overdriv, umipoker: initialized some variables which were causing asserts \
incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-swim1: Add mfm read, write needs a little more work [Olivier Galibert]

-video/resnet.cpp: Code cleanup [AJR]

-coretmpl.h: Move lru_cache_map to separate header [AJR]

-input.cpp, inputdev.cpp: Convert a few more functions to use std::string_view [AJR]

-Use std::clamp in various core functions [AJR]

-render/bgfx: Fix failure to load texture .png files when -artpath contains multiple directories [AJR]

-unidasm: Fix build on gcc [AJR]

-input.cpp: Fix regression in token parsing [AJR]

-swim1: Finish mfm write [Olivier Galibert]

New working machines
Funtronics: Tag [hap, Sean Riddle]

-hh_pic16: lower mcu frequency for ttfball [hap]

-2gs: Better floppy interaction [Olivier Galibert]

-tumbleb.cpp: fixed regression [Ivan Vangelista]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Oli Bug (Jump Bug bootleg) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]

-2gs: Fixes, and more fixes [Olivier Galibert]

-floppy 525: Better wpt management [Olivier Galibert]

-swim1: propagate the iwm wpt correction [Olivier Galibert]

-ap_dsk35: support .2MG images in the new-style apple_gcr_format [R. Belmont]

-aviion88k: de-conflict serial port names [Patrick Mackinlay]

New working clones
Hot Night [system11, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

-interpro: prevent some crashes [Patrick Mackinlay]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Insight Enterprises Z80 SBC (Prototype?) [Dirk Best, Tech Time Traveller]

-m3: Minor fixes [Dirk Best]
* Better floppy selection logic
* Floppy motor is always on
* Minor gfxdecode fix

-render/bgfx: Use platform-specific path separator more consistently [AJR]

-ap_dsk35: make .2MG its own separate format handler [R. Belmont]

-atarigt, quizshow:  initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-#7711: lld seems to add a minimal symbol that the system libraries catch. Be smarter about ignoring that. [Aaron Giles]

-8080bw, atari_s1, hanaawas, lastfght, mw8080bw:  initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear
builds [Ivan Vangelista]

New working clones (#7739)
Asteroids (bootleg on Lunar Lander hardware, set 2) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]

-hh_sm510: confirm gnw_mmouse R mask option (#7747) [algestam]
* hh_sm510: confirm gnw_mmouse R mask option

-fds: Games refer to disk sides A and B, not 1 and 2. [Robbbert]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions (#7749)
vsmile_cart.xml: [ClawGrip]
Disney's Mickey Mouse - De wonderwereld van Mickey (Netherlands), Nickelodeon Spongebob Squarepants - Een Dag uit het Leven van een
  Spons (Netherlands), Truckie's Rekenrace (Netherlands), The Batman - De redding van Gotham City (Netherlands), Nick Jr. Dora -
  Dora's Reparatie Avontuur! (Netherlands, 2005), Nick Jr. Dora - Dora's Reparatie Avontuur! (Netherlands, 2009), Walt Disney's
  Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands, 2010), Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester
  (Netherlands, rev. 123, 2007), Walt Disney's Assepoester - De wonderwereld van Assepoester (Netherlands, alt, 2005), Marvel
  Spider-Man en Vrienden - Geheime Missies (Netherlands, rev. 123), Spider-Man en Vrienden - Geheime Missies (Netherlands)
  [Ramco Sahara]

-vsmile_cart.xml updates: [ClawGrip]
* Use VTech regional codes as game names suffixes
* Fix some parent-clone relationships

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING (#7750)
Mach 2 (set 2) [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions (#7745)
vsmileb_cart.xml: Dierenhuis (Netherlands) [Ramco Sahara]

-vsmileb_cart.xml: Use VTech country codes as game name suffixes. [ClawGrip]

New working clones (#7740)
Galaxian (Electromar Spanish bootleg) [Juan Romero, ClawGrip]

-vsmilem_cart.xml: Use VTech country codes as game name suffixes and fix a parent-clone relationship [ClawGrip]

New working clones (#7744)
Born To Fight (Vifico license) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]

-apple2gs: add some missing ADB commands. (#7753) [ksherlock]

-added ds8874 device [hap]

-cop400: small notes cleanup [hap]

new WORKING machines (#7755)
Go Diego Go! - Aztec ABC Adventure (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]
Dora the Explorer - Dora Saves the Mermaids (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

-hp_ipc.cpp: Added support for expansion ROMs. (#7726) [fulivi]

New working software
hp_ipc_rom: Software Engineering ROM [fulivi]

-Fix build: [Vas Crabb]
* spg2xx_jakks_sharp.cpp: Add missing comma between macro arguments.
* hp_ipc_rom.xml: Use one tab indent per nested element level.

-m6809: Partially qualify the dummy cycles [Olivier Galibert]

-slapstic: Full rewrite, using infrastructure we did not have previously [Olivier Galibert]

-slapstic: Add forgotten part of save state management [Olivier Galibert]

-swim [Olivier Galibert]

-apple2gs/iwm: Work [Olivier Galibert]

-slapstic: forgot the important part, duh [Olivier Galibert]

-Revert "swim" and "apple2gs/iwm: Work", wip pushed by mistake [Olivier Galibert]

-m6809: Improve accuracy of dummy fetch patterns [AJR]

-m6809: Fix syntax errors [AJR]

-centiped, chaknpop, itech8, s11, st_mp100, st_mp200, toaplan1: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours
in drvnoclear builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-toaplan2.cpp - fix nprobowl gfx loading (#7758) [David Haywood]

-fidel_clockdiv: use read/write taps instead of bankdev [hap]

-fidel_clockdiv: remove unneeded code [hap]

-m3: Make the floppy work [Dirk Best]

new WORKING machine
Scooby-Doo! and The Pirate's Puzzles (Sharp Cookie) (PAL, UK) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

-iwm: Fix the random track trashing due to not clearing the write buffer correctly [Olivier Galibert]

-hektor.cpp, mc10.cpp, systel1.cpp: Configure screens for video devices to avoid errors with slot options that have their own
screens [AJR]

-mc14411: Fix potential crashes caused by calling rate select handlers before device timers are instantiated [AJR]

-pa7234: Fix slot selection logic to keep the number from underflowing [AJR]

-novag_supremo: redumped the ROM [bataais]
* novag_supremo: move driver to novag_snova [hap]

-excali64, gcpinbal, vpoker: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear builds
[Ivan Vangelista]

-atarittl.cpp: added infos about Qwakers [Andy Welburn]

Machines promoted to working
Supremo - Limited Edition [hap, bataais]

-f8: Use CLR instead of LIS H'00' as disassembly of opcode 0x70 [AJR]

-Update state views when memory is modified through the debugger (since registers can be memory-mapped) [AJR]

New working clones
Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Fatality Edition (prototype) [Andrew Welburn, bmx]

-m6809: Fix regression in RTI timing [AJR]

-mess.flt: removed unneeded entry [Robbbert]

New working software items
rx78_cart.xml: Space Enemy [Gaming Alexandria]

New not working software items
rx78_cart.xml: Excite Baseball [Gaming Alexandria]

-vt52: fix for vt52 -eia sunkbd "Input ports cannot be read at init time!" [Robbbert]

-qtsbc: Fix crash with -rs232 loopback [AJR]

-vt52: Eliminate superfluous variable [AJR]

-pofo: if software not specified with -ccma rom, just run as normal [Robbbert]

-supremo: rename title, remove leftover .lay elements [hap]

-hng64 : only swap/clear 3D buffer when flag is set (#7761) [Happy-yappH]
* hng64 : only swap/clear 3D buffer when flag is set

-seattle.cpp: updated wg3dh and blitz to use the bios system. Set blitz11 has been removed since it was identical to set blitz and
created only to load the different bios version. [Ivan Vangelista]

-sauro, sliver, speedatk, topspeed: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear debug builds
[Ivan Vangelista]

-util/palette.cpp: Fix assertion failure in some GCC builds [AJR]

-roc10937.cpp: Added state output for the brightness(duty) value. [James Wallace]
* Can be accessed as 'vfddutyX' where X is the port number Examples of it in use have been added to the generic MPU4, JPM System 5
    and Impact layouts, and a full SVG based version in the JPM Sonic the Hedgehog layout.

-mpu4.cpp: Miscellaneous layout fixes [James Wallace]

new software list entries
ekara_japan_a.xml: [DavidHaywood]
A-6 Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure Chapter 2 (Japan) [WingedPikPik, TeamEurope]
A-8 Pichi Pichi Pitch Karaoke Party 2 (Japan) [WingedPikPik, TeamEurope]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
G.T. Block Challenger [hap, chaneman]

-juicebox, junofrst, koftball, maygayv1, nmk16, pacman, pastelg, segag80r: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect
behaviours in drvnoclear debug builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-blockch: add notes [hap]

-jpmimpct.cpp Improved SVG stencils for VFD layout [James Wallace]

-grobda: Eliminate DAC and allow the 15XX custom to play the speech sample [AJR]
* sound/namco.cpp: Allow channels to still play with a frequency of 0; allow writes to manipulate the counter directly for

-seattle.cpp: Use mnemonic BIOS names, organise BIOS versions in ascending order. [Vas Crabb]

-floppy: Filter out the writes when write protected, useful when when the apple2gs does a packet send (e.g a write) over DCD with
write protect forced on (to avoid damaging a possibly present disk). [Olivier Galibert]

-gunpey, hexion, triplhnt, ultratnk: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear debug builds
[Ivan Vangelista]

-galaxian.cpp: Dumped and added PROM for 'olibug' and 'galkamika' [ClawGrip]

-atlantis, astrocde, cps1, pcxt, spyhuntertec, tx1, undrfire, vamphalf: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect
behaviours in drvnoclear debug builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-apple floppy: Correct the dskchg polarity. [Olivier Galibert]

-m58.cpp: fixed MT06650 [Ivan Vangelista]

-avr8: Coverity 315979 [Robbbert]

-i8271: Coverity 315667 [Robbbert]

-thegrid: Coverity 315445 [Robbbert]

-specimx: Coverity 315439 [Robbbert]

-lordgun: Coverity 315424 [Robbbert]

-sfcbox: Coverity 315419 [Robbbert]

-specimx: missed another null reference [Robbbert]

-custui: Coverity 316207 [Robbbert]

-pt68k4: Coverity 316195, 316197 [Robbbert]

-generalplus_gpl16250_mobigo.cpp: correct release years (#7773) [AlesanddroPB95]

-snes_ppu: Coverity 316154 [Robbbert]

-halleys: Coverity 316135 [Robbbert]

-confswitch: Coverity 316067 [Robbbert]

-kageki: Coverity 316055 [Robbbert]

-bfm_sc2: Coverity 316034,315508 [Robbbert]

-plugins/discord: fix softlist longname [cracyc]

-audio rax: Coverity 315527 [Robbbert]

-interpro: Coverity 315916 [Robbbert]

-cmi01a: Coverity 315772; fm7: Coverity 315775 [Robbbert]

-apple2gs: add keypad equals, fix p showing as keypad (GitHub #7658) [R. Belmont]

-apple2gs: better fix for 'p' being marked as keypad [ksherlock]

-gottlieb.cpp: fixed MT07874 [Ivan Vangelista]

-halleys.cpp: Eliminate deprecated auto_alloc [AJR]

-bus/c64: fixed MT07867 [Ivan Vangelista]

-Stop converting debugger console commands to all lowercase before parsing them. Case insensitivity has been preserved for command
names, CPU and region tags and certain symbolic parameters (as well as expressions, which were treated as case-insensitive in other
contexts), but filenames and character constants are no longer automatically lowercased. [AJR]
* debugcmd.cpp, debugcon.cpp: Remove some superfluous c_str() calls
* debugcmd.cpp: Remove local member referencing debugger_cpu, which is accessed only rarely since the console now tracks the
    visible CPU

-apple2cp: Initial new IWM / Sony hookup for IIc Plus [R. Belmont]

-MT 06668: mhavoc: graphics missing in maze stages [Robbbert]

-devices/bus/c64/exp.cpp: fixed copy paste error introduced in 7e5a013c092e7adb621b6580fa0a4bc3e6ec3520 [Ivan Vangelista]

-gottlieb.cpp: as suggested, reworked 576534b7675e7f16fca93232bf90d13a264d137a to be more standard/simpler [Ivan Vangelista]

-esqkt: Coverity 315636 [Robbbert]

-scripts: Remove references to non-existent headers and duplicate source file references. (#7770) [Roberto Benfatto]

-floppy: ignore set_write_splice when the motor is not running [Olivier Galibert]

new WORKING clones
Thomas & Friends - Learning Circus Express (Sharp Cookie) (NTSC, US) [Sean Riddle, David Haywood]

-Eliminate ARRAY_LENGTH template in favor of C++17's std::size [AJR]
* osdcomm.h: Move definition of EQUIVALENT_ARRAY to coretmpl.h
* sharc.cpp, gt64xxx.cpp, ym2413.cpp, gb_lcd.cpp, snes_ppu.cpp: Use STRUCT_MEMBER for save state registration
* gio/newport.cpp, megadrive/svp.cpp, nes_ctrl/bcbattle.cpp, arm7.cpp, tms9995.cpp, pckeybrd.cpp, sa1110.cpp, sa1111.cpp,
    jangou_blitter.cpp, vic4567.cpp: Use std::fill(_n) instead of memset
* emucore.h: Remove obsolete typedef

-jongkyo.cpp: removed tagmap lookups and auto_alloc_array [Ivan Vangelista]

-added MM5799 MCU emulation [hap]

New working machines
Basketball (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]
QuizKid Speller [hap, Sean Riddle]

New working clones
QuizKid Racer (MM5799 version) [hap, Sean Riddle]

-hiscore.dat: rename changed sets [cracyc]

-interpro: correct function signature [Patrick Mackinlay]

-iwm: Better state management, better write flush, better underrun handling [Olivier Galibert]

-swim1: import iwm fixes [Olivier Galibert]

-frontend/ui: Improved messages displayed when files are missing. [Vas Crabb]
* Only show things preventing launch in UI (not NO_DUMP, optional, etc.)
* Don't show details like file lengths and checksums in UI
* Actually do system audit when launching from favourites
* Log the more detailed summary at info level

New working machines
Black Knight Pinball (Entex) [hap, Sean Riddle, Rik]

New working clones
Street Fighter II': Magic KO Turbo!! - Nightmare Crack [f205v, Maru79]

-jongkyo.cpp: Clean up input code a little. [Vas Crabb]

-woz: Fix 2.0 format track length [Olivier Galibert]

-thepit.cpp: identified and dumped PROMs for thehole and theportr [Caius]

-add m68000 to debuger gdbstub [nabetse]

-apple2gs: Switch to the new IWM.  .WOZ is now supported for both 3.5" and 5.25" disks. [O. Galibert, R. Belmont]

-woz: Add write some formats: Correct setting up of form factor and variant [Olivier Galibert]

New working machines
Ms PacMan Twin (Argentina) [Roberto Fresca, Mirko Buffoni, ArcadeHacker, Rick2000, ytsejam, recreativas.org]

-thoop2.cpp: Fix sprite vs sprite priority Move virtual functions in protected: section [cam900]

-apple2gs: added floppy drive sounds (for new IWM implementation) (#7793) [leesaudan2]

-applefdintf: add helpers for adding 400K and HD Sony drives [R. Belmont]

-macprtb: convert to new SWIM [R. Belmont]

-good.cpp: identified some dips [Ivan Vangelista]

-abc80, goldart, hankin, jp, namcona1, namcos2, namcos86: initialized some variables which were causing incorrect behaviours in
drvnoclear debug builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-debug: add cls command to clear console buffer [hap]

-m740: Fix calculation of destination address for disassembly of BBC/BBS n, A, rel [AJR]

-BFM games: Improved VFD output [James Wallace]

Clones promoted to working
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1   H06) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1 P H06) (Protocol) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1  AH06) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO1 I H06) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9   14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9P  14) (Protocol) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9 A 14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO 9I  14) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO5   H10) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO5 I H10) [James Wallace]
Bonanza (JPM) (IMPACT) (BO06   11) [James Wallace]

-woz: Correct trks chunk size [Olivier Galibert]

-emumem: Fix regions and shares on dynamically-installed device maps [Olivier Galibert]

New working machines
Soccer (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]
Hockey (Mattel) [hap, Sean Riddle]

-rendlay.cpp: Increased precision of ellipse calculations. [Vas Crabb]
* Also optimised drawing fully covered ellipse pixels and added a few comments.

-apexc, apf, aussiebyte, avt, chaos, cops, corona, dec0, dms86, eprom, esq5505, eurocom2, jonos, jupiter: initialized some variables
which were causing incorrect behaviours in drvnoclear debug builds [Ivan Vangelista]

-devices/bus/c64/exp: reworked cart loading [hap]

-deco_mlc: added sprite autoflicker flag, fixed small problem with use8bppMode [Daniel Filner]

-vgmplay.xml:  Added 32 new entries [vgmrips.net, Tafoid]

-leland.cpp: Dumped missing ROMs and corrected mismatched ROMs for the Ironman Ivan Stewart's Super Off-Road (rev 3) set.
[Smitdogg, simzy, Brian Troha, The Dumping Union]

New working clones
Player's Edge Plus (PP0104) Standard Draw Poker (set 2, Fitzgeralds) [Brian Troha]

-cps2.cpp: updated credits (#7802) [Ange Albertini]

-gfamily.cpp: Redumped gmfamily hard disk. (#7799) [ICEknight]
* Previous Norton Ghost image conversion had corruption issues.

-deco_mlc: fix copypaste error with prev commit [hap]

new WORKING clones
Radar Scope (TRS02, rev. D) [anonymous, Gaming Alexandria]

-raiden_ms.cpp: Fixed sound communication, and improved sound chip hookup. (#7781) [Devin Acker]
* Music and sound effect playback is triggered correctly.  FM audio still doesn't sound great, but it's at least functional.

-frontend: Added a few more driver flags to -listxml output. (#7731) [npwoods]

-snowbros.cpp: dumped MCU for cookbib2 and cookbib2a [Caps0ff]

New working clones
Defense (Defender bootleg) [chaneman]

new WORKING machine
Run Run Puppy [Houpela, MetalliC]

-kl5c80a12, kl5c80a16: Emulate on-chip parallel ports [AJR]
* getbass: Add EEPROM for I/O CPU

New working software list additions (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml)
The Isle of Mem (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Math Concepts I (Version 06.29.84) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Osmotic Pressure (Version 1.1, dated 04/1985) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]

New working software list additions (apple2_flop_orig.xml)
Reading Fun: Beginning Consonant Sounds [4am, Firehawke]
Troll Math Class Level 3: I Can Multiply and Divide [4am, Firehawke]
Read and Spell: In the Days of Knights and Castles [4am, Firehawke]
Troll Math Class Level 4: Advanced Addition and Subtraction [4am, Firehawke]
Troll Math Class Level 5: Advanced Multiplication and Division [4am, Firehawke]
The Human Body and How It Works: The Digestive and Excretory Systems [4am, Firehawke]
The Human Body and How It Works: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems [4am, Firehawke]
Alphabet Fun: Learning The Alphabet [4am, Firehawke]
Parts of Speech: Fun with Verbs [4am, Firehawke]
Understanding Maps and Globes [4am, Firehawke]
Cause and Effect: What Makes It Happen [4am, Firehawke]

New working software list additions (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml)
Math Concepts II (Version 06.29.84) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Reproduction Process (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Pollution Control (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Jigsaw Jenerator (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
PlayWriter: Castles and Creatures (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]

New working software list additions (apple2_flop_clcracked.xml)
Pipeline (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Frogger (Main Street Publishing re-release) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Starship Commander (Version 1.1) (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]
Uncle Clyde's Consonant Slides: Beginning Consonants (cleanly cracked) [4am, Firehawke]

-fmtowns_cd.xml: 11 new dumps, 19 replacements, 3 missing floppies added (#7764) [r09]
* fmtowns_cd.xml - Removed the floppy disks for 38-man Kilo no Kokuu and Powermonger, since they are user-created disks and the
    games only need blank disks to save fmtowns_cd.xml - Replaced Lunatic Dawn II floppy with a cleaner unmodified copy [akira_2020]
    fmtowns_cd.xml - Replaced Nobunaga no Yabou - Bushou Fuuunroku floppy with a cleaner unmodified copy [wiggy2k] fmtowns_cd.xml -
    Replaced the "fake" Lipstick Adventure 3 floppy with an image dumped from the original disk [r09] fmtowns_cd.xml - Added a
    missing floppy image to Nobunaga no Yabou - Tenshouki (it wasn't marked as unsupported but it didn't actually work correctly
    before) [wiggy2k]

New working software list additions
Ehon Writer School v1.1 L21 [redump.org]
Gakuen Bakuretsu Tenkousei! [redump.org]
Hana no Kioku - Dainishou [redump.org]
if 1-2-3 CD Collection [redump.org]
Ikazuchi no Senshi Raidy 2 (1996-08-01) [redump.org]
Kousoku Choujin [redump.org]
Misato-chan no Yume Nikki [redump.org]
The Silent Service - Chinmoku no Kantai [redump.org, wiggy2k]
Sotsugyou '93 - Graduation (older floppy disk) [redump.org, wiggy2k]
Time Stripper Mako-chan [redump.org]
Tougenkyou [redump.org]

Replaced software list items
Aeternam [redump.org]
Angel [redump.org]
Dungeon Master (1989-11-14) [redump.org]
Gendai Daisenryaku EX Special [redump.org]
Giga Mortion [redump.org]
Hana no Kioku [redump.org]
Kikou Shidan - Panzer Division [redump.org]
Kiwame II [redump.org]
Koko wa Rakuensou [redump.org]
Koko wa Rakuensou 2 [redump.org]
Okumanchouja II [redump.org]
Ring Out!! [redump.org]
Stronghold - Koutei no Yousai [redump.org]
Tom Snyder's Puppy Love 2 [redump.org]
Toushin Toshi II - Soshite, Sorekara... [redump.org]
Ultima Underworld - The Stygian Abyss [redump.org]
Veil of Darkness - Norowareta Yogen [redump.org]
Virtuacall [redump.org]
Xak III - The Eternal Recurrence [redump.org]

Software list items promoted to working
Record of Lodoss War II - Goshiki no Maryuu [wiggy2k]
Sangokushi III [wiggy2k]

-firebeat.cpp: Large refactor and initial beatmania III support. (#7721) [987123879113]
* Changed DMA to deliver one byte at a time.
* Converted to use I/O port and output finders, corrected handler widths. and cleaned up code.
* Lots of other cleanup and miscellaneous fixes.

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Beatmania III [987123879113]
Pop'n Music Animelo [987123879113]
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes [987123879113]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Pop'n Music Mickey Tunes! [987123879113]

-looping: offset/truncate the COP420 rom instead of loading it the hard way [hap]

-macprtb.cpp: Initialize one more variable; update VIA type and notes [AJR]

-esqkt.cpp, istrebiteli.cpp, ti99_2.cpp, ti99_4p.cpp: used object finders [Ivan Vangelista]

-megatech.cpp, mrgame.cpp, nes.cpp, stuntair.cpp, vegas.cpp: removed unneeded machine().root_device() calls [Ivan Vangelista]

-playmark.cpp: dumped S87C751 MCUs for World Beach Volley [Caps0ff, jordigahan, ClawGrip]

New working clones
World Beach Volley (set 1, S87C751 audio CPU) [Caps0ff, jordigahan, ClawGrip]

-plugins/cheatfind: fix watch and write [cracyc]

-ksys573: Add ATA CS1 to memory map (#7804) [987123879113]

-svga_s3.cpp: Add BIOS for S3 86C775/785 and ExpertColor M50-02 86C775 (both V.1.01.04) [jordigahan, ClawGrip] (#7765) [ClawGrip]

-New machines marked as NOT_WORKING (#7801) [ClawGrip]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
PlayCenter Champions Tournament (v9.3) [Recreativas.org]

-dec0.cpp: updated hardware infos [Guru]

New NOT_WORKING software list additions
lynx.xml: Lynx Othello [anonymous]

-Add new BIOS version '12-07' for 'snes4sl' [Victor Fernandez (City Game), ClawGrip] (#7714) [ClawGrip]

-macadb.cpp: Initialize more variables; modernize logging [AJR]

-bus/bbc/tube: Added the CMS 6809, Acorn 16032, and Acorn A500 2nd processors. [Nigel Barnes]

-acorn_memc.cpp: Disable side effects in high_mem_r handler. [Nigel Barnes]

-i2cmem.cpp: Added PCF8570 device. [Nigel Barnes]

-i2cmem.cpp: Fix duplicate shortname. [Nigel Barnes]

-New machines marked as NOT_WORKING (#7700) [ClawGrip]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Photo Play 2001 (Spanish) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]

-New machines marked as NOT_WORKING (#7769) [ClawGrip]

New machines marked as NOT_WORKING
Silverball (8.01) [jordigahan, ClawGrip]

New clones marked as NOT_WORKING
Silverball (6.32) [Asure]
Silverball (7.20) [Asure]
Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 1) [Asure]
Silverball Bulova (4.09, set 2) [Asure]

-sms.xml: updated release year for fireice (#7655) [ArcadeShadow]

-gamegear.xml: corrected description for suprjedi (#7795) [ArcadeShadow]

-fmtowns_flop.xml: 4 new dumps, 1 replacement (#7742) [r09]

New working software list additions
Cameltry (cracked) [cyo.the.vile]
Columns (cracked) [cyo.the.vile]
Lord Monarch [cyo.the.vile]
Nonomura Byouin no Hitobito [r09]

Replaced software list items
Toushin Toshi [rockleevk]

-rainbow.cpp: Rainbow 100 A ROM added [bsdimp] (#7723) [rfka01]

-315_5313.cpp: Fix/Add hardware related notes (#7567) [cam900]

-sk.cpp: Add notes for Sonic 3 & Knuckles save ... (#7805) [cam900]
* ...feature

-actions_atj2279b.cpp: add notes (#7392) [Onmp314]

-neogeo.cpp: Add notes for AES clock, regional difference (#7369) [cam900]
* neogeo.cpp: Add notes for AES clock, regional difference neogeocd.cpp: Move value into driver class, Add notes for hardware
* neogeo.cpp: Fix spacing

-sk.cpp and 315_5313 devices, actions_atj2279b, rainbow and silverball drivers: ran srcclean and some grammar corrections for
recenty merged PRs [Ivan Vangelista]

-Make -listmedia compatible with grep/find [Robbbert]
* Examples:
* List all systems with .tap support: mame -listmedia | find ".tap"
* List all systems with paper tape reader: mame -listmedia | grep (ptap

-ibm5150 - New working software list additions (#7796) [ArcadeShadow]

New working software list additions
Maniac Mansion [The Good Old Days]
Tunnels & Trolls: Crusaders of Khazan [The Good Old Days]
Valhalla - Ragnarok [The Good Old Days]
Cyrus 3-D Chess (shareware, Titanium Seal release) [Archive.org]
VGA Slot Machine (Titanium Seal release) [Archive.org]

-apple1: New working software list additions (#7623) [Alexis Bousiges]

New working software list additions
apple1.xml: Hamurabi (Computerland of Nashua) [Brutal Deluxe]
apple1.xml: Nightmare 6 (Computerland of Nashua) [Brutal Deluxe]

-ibm5170 - New working software list additions (#7797) [ArcadeShadow]

New working software list additions
Wolfenstein 3-D (shareware, Titanium Seal release) [Archive.org]
Mixed-Up Fairy Tales [The Good Old Days]

-ibm5170.xml: marked epdeepsea as bad dump (Modified root and OEM ID) [ArcadeShadow]

-spectrum_cass.xml:  Updated metadata for numerous entries. [ArcadeShadow]

-tube_cms6809: Board is only mapped to upper half of tube addresses. [Nigel Barnes]

-mfi: Don't crash on a fully unformatted disk [Olivier Galibert]

-emumem: Disable the unmap-value-in-device-map test for now [Olivier Galibert]

-Fix exception in debug build when selecting machine category filter [AJR]

-Ensure validation of device tags in non-default slot options [AJR]

-moptions: Fixed a spelling mistake. [Robbbert]

-bbc_tube_casper: VIA interface is enabled on address A4. [Nigel Barnes]

-macii(c)x: use SWIM1 when NEW_SWIM is enabled [R. Belmont]

-fmtowns_flop.xml: fix lordmon sha1 (#7809) [r09]

-bgfx: crt-geom and crt-geom-deluxe enhancements (#7766) [cgwg]
* Added a "brightness boost" feature for the shadow mask that works by making the brightness ratio between bright and dark mask
    pixels closer to 1 for the brighter parts of the image.
* Added clamping to zero so that underscanning produces a black border.
* Added a "raster bloom" effect to crt-geom-deluxe that makes the image grow slightly when the average brightness of the screen is
    high, mimicking a common defect in CRTs.

-bgfx: Compiled new shaders for Direct3D, ESSL, Metal and SPIR-V. [Vas Crabb]

-bgfx png: The message parameters were the wrong way around. [Robbbert]

-srcclean in preparation for branching release [Vas Crabb]

-iez80.cpp: Don't capitalise things that aren't part of the title and aren't proper nouns, initialisms, etc. [Vas Crabb]

-jpmimpctsw.cpp: Mark j6untch and j6untcha as not working again, promotion may have been premature. [Vas Crabb]



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