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[新闻] [多机种模拟器]BizHawk 2.9


签到天数: 1803 天


发表于 2023-4-8 15:50:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Released April 7, 2023
Linux port
fixed various file pickers using case-sensitive file extensions
added short-circuit to Mupen64Plus loading to avoid error messages and any strange failure state
enabled menu mnemonics (Alt+X) for MainForm
fixed inconsistent application of colours from GTK theme when Mono is able to use it
added Gentoo to Linux run script
New cores
Arcade-only build of MAME 0.252
Interim version after v130.1
Angrylion-rdp for RDP and VI emulation
Transfer Pak support and N64 Mouse support
Debugging features: disassembler, get registers, System Bus domain
SIMD RSP implementation
N64DD support
Jaguar and Jaguar CD emulation
core for the TIC-80 fantasy computer, using nesbox's own reference implementation
subframe capable variant of the BSNESv115+ core (#3281)
fixed crash when pushing Select on Karate title screen
made this core default in places where the old BSNES core was
reworked Payload peripheral and fixed Virtual Pads
improved peripheral selection for P1
reimplemented MSU1 properly
added fast DSP and fast coprocessor settings
fixed crash when loading a savestate after a reset (#3173)
added region override setting
added overscan and aspect ratio correction settings
implemented an ExtendedGamepad controller which acts like a normal gamepad with 4 extra buttons
fixed justifier controller
added option to disable ppu sprite limit (#3440)
implemented SNES graphics debugger
updated internal sameboy version for SGB by linking it to the standalone sameboy core, fix SGB saveRAM
fixed CARTROM and CARTRAM memory domain names (#3405), provide SGB memory domains, set MainMemory and SystemBus domains properly
fixed lag detection in certain games
implemented bsx + bs memory loading (#3457)
added RTC support (#3577)
(old) BSNES
fixed graphics debugger exception when freezing a tile (#3195)
fixed a possible IndexOutOfRangeException in the graphics debugger (#3399)
also fixed a potential DivideByZeroException (#3398)
various savestate fixes
added SaveRAM support
removed redundant AmstradCpcPokeMemory tool
renamed some bundled firmware files (#3494)
allowed .pc2 (Pocket Challenge v2) files to be loaded
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
improved MBC1/MBC1M emulation
improved HuC1 emulation and implement HuC1 IR support
improved HuC3 emulation and implement support for mapper sound (HuC3 is currently the only use case)
implemented MMM01 emulation
implemented M161 emulation
improved heuristics for various multicart mappers and remove the multicart detection setting (now effectively always true)
implemented remote control controls, expanded remote control emulation for HuC1 IR and CGB IR (previously only HuC3 IR had this implemented, using a hardcoded value)
cleaned up the mapper internals, IR, and RTC code
made various optimizations to the CPU loop and read/write code (around 10-15% performance increase)
trimmed down initial time settings to a single setting, using total number of seconds
implemented quirk with bit 4 of rLCDC, fixes cgb-acid-hell testrom compliance
fixed sprite priority in CGB-DMG mode
prevent crashes due to "negative" numbers being added to the sound buffer pointer (#3425)
fixed audio output being too quiet (#3338)
added a CGB color correction option using the same formula as SameBoy, and made that the default
time fixes (long periods of pausing causing rtc overflows in real time mode; time incorrectly advancing when loading in a save file)
fixed Code-Data Logger crashing due to typo'd mem domain name (#3497)
fixed wrong MBC5 mapper being given a battery
stopped byteswapping Z80 domains (#3290)
changed default peripheral to 3-button Genesis gamepad (#2775, #3262)
added option to disable ppu sprite limit (#3440)
prevent svp dereferences when not using an svp cart (#3297)
give NHL 96 (Genesis) SRAM (#3300)
fixed disc swapping, re-enabled the disc buttons
fixed disabled layers being wrongly re-enabled on a load state (#3388)
fixed pattern cache invalidation (#3363)
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
rewrote Libretro host implementation, fixing some crashes, adding memory domains, and slightly improving performance (#3211, #3216)
fixed input display (#3360)
implemented needed environment functions for resolution changes
added reset support (#3482)
updated to interim version after 0.9.5
fixed SaveRAM not getting written to disk when unloading/reloading core (#3165)
implemented threaded renderer support
replaced darm with a new DS centric disassembler, fixing various issues with tracing/disassembly
r13/r14/r15 reported as sp/lr/pc for tracelogs
split ARM7/touch screen polls to an "alt lag" variable and added a setting for whether to consider this "alt lag" (#3278)
reduced state size a bit
improve audio resampling; get rid of libspeex dependency
added missing TMD for Zombie Skape, improved error message when TMD cannot be found
ensured firmware settings match up with sync settings if real firmware is not used (#3377)
did various internal cleanups
add TCM memory areas for melonDS core (#3420)
added Clear NAND setting
added dsiware saveram support
updated to interim version after 0.10.0
fixed a softlock in Hamtaro: Ham Ham Heartbreak (#2541)
implemented save override support with EEPROM512 and SRAM512
correctly account for multiboot GBA ROMs (#3421)
always savestate expansion pak regardless of settings, resolves some desyncs/crashes due to shoddy no expansion pak implementation (#3092, #3328)
fixed changing expansion pack setting
added angrylion as yet another graphics plugin
fixed mistake in angrylion implementation (#3372)
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
relaxed restriction on VRC1 PRG registers, so they can be larger than the original VRC1 chip allows (for rom-expanding hacks)
fixed PGR writes for VRC1 not using mask for address
fixed SXROM detection (#3168)
fixed crash for Namco 163 mapper (#3192)
"un-implemented" ICycleTiming so that NesHawk no longer tries to use the cycle timing intended for SubNesHawk
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
fixed disc switching
fixed light guns (#3359)
wired up rumble support
improve analog input range (#3528)
updated to interim version after 0.15.7, fixing some bugs (#3185)
added GB palette customiser (#3239)
wired up rumble support
exposed audio channel enable/disabling
.GBS support
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
fixed disc switching
fixed light guns (#3359)
fixed InvalidOperationException when using SMS peripherals (#3282)
fixed screechy/static audio during Sega logo in Ys (Japan) (#3160)
fixed typo in sound settings bitfield (#1208)
T. S. T.
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
fixed some internal state not being overwritten by savestates
changed RTC to use deterministic time when recording instead of (host) system time
changed up AppleII's "main ram" domain, added aux ram domain
added SaveRAM support
refactored core to use the same Nyma system as the other Mednafen ports
updated to Mednafen 1.29.0
removed redundant ZXSpectrumPokeMemory tool
renamed some bundled firmware files (#3494)
fixed keybinds not working after waking from lock screen on Windows (#3161)
added warning when current firmware customization does not match the one specified in the movie header (#2498)
refactored memory poking, allowing negative values for fixed-point watches and fixing other bugs (#3175)
fixed .gmv importer not setting the core name in the .bk2 header
fixed regression where screenshots from some cores were transparent (#3166)
fixed Lua referencing a core after it's unloaded, making scripts crash (#3226)
made DirectX optional on Windows (it's still in the prereq installer because it's usually faster)
fixed opening roms from "jump list" in Windows shell / file manager (#3224)
improved UX of loading a savestate from an older (or newer) version
fixed shaders' height being used for width
finished UX for merging/unmerging LShift+RShift and other modifier keys (#3184, #3257)
fixed .dsm importer which relied on non-deterministic Dictionary (hashmap) ordering for axis names, also parse RTC in DsmImport
stopped offering to remove missing file from recent roms when it's not actually missing, just failed to load (#3006)
fixed hotkeys triggering accidentally in Virtual Pad on Windows (#3087)
increased precision when tweaking axis sensitivity/deadzone (#3038)
fixed category radio buttons being cut off in Messages config
restored "priority" option for U+D/L+R policy, and made it the default again (#2752)
refactored firmware config so the acceptability status icons make sense (#3157)
fixed Screenshot (raw) -> Clipboard not showing keybind hint
added UI for editing any* core's settings/syncsettings without it being loaded
fixed strange behaviour when trying to extract archive which contains folders
bumped FFmpeg to 4.4.1, added auto-download to Linux port (#3259)
reordered Config -> Preferred Cores submenu
removed some unnecessary prompts to reboot core
moved "Save Window Position" for main window to Config -> Display... -> Window and added a "Stay on Top"
fixed Windows version detection and enabled warning for unsupported versions (#2972, #3194)
fixed some systems not having a name to display in the window title
fixed MSX rom loading
made file extension check for disc images case-insensitive
added warning dialog when running as Superuser/Administrator
fixed overlapping UI elements in Config -> Controllers... when Windows UI scale is not 100% (#2605)
fixed overlapping UI elements in Record Movie dialog when Windows UI scale is not 100% and on Linux (#2605)
fixed the autoselection of a movie when opening the Play Movie dialog
fixed %recent% being expanded to the wrong path
fixed window title being blank when chromeless mode is enabled
improved handling of host sound init failure
added prompt for if you start movie playback while cheats are enabled (#3389)
improved cheat editing UX
removed default bindings for virtual keyboards
updated virtualpads immediately when the movie status changes between read-only and record mode
fix key releases not getting handled correctly when modifier keys are pressed (#3327)
fix a crash when selecting user shaders (#3495)
fix gamedb loading not blocking when loading a rom, potentially causing a miss with a slow hdd (#3489)
fix crashes when setting absurdly large padding values (#3321)
make DisplayConfig defaults button set padding back to 0
add auto save state on close (#1861)
zstd compression is used instead of deflate compression where possible (rewind, .wbx cores, internal resource files, binary blobs in movies, savestates, etc)
hardware accelerated CRC32 and SHA1 algorithms are used if the user's hardware allows it
add hash for newly discovered GBC-GBA bootrom
removed gongshell, added "simple" code for opening win32 context menu (gongshell's only actual use) (#2261)
fixed firmware fields with a dummy checksum using the wrong firmware info (#3159)
fixed "Toggle All Cheats" hotkey behaviour
did minor refactors to byteswapping (N64 rom loading and Lua bit library)
implemented RetroAchievements support (#3407)
fixed pause at end of movie when playing a tasproj without tastudio
fixed NaN values displaying in RewindConfig, use system's canonical framerate for rewind duration estimate
various NES PPU viewer fixes
updated Windows version check to reflect 8.1 EOL
fix audio not getting muted when opening modal dialogs (see #3545)
added hotkey for toggling on-screen messages
renamed quicksave slot 0 to 10
strip "SHA1:" and "MD5:" when copying lines in the log window
have TAS profile also enable NDS BIOS
improved DisplaySurface performance (#3517)
fix malformed PC Engine gamedb entry ("Sounds" was interpreted as the sysID)
add N64 to multidisk bundler list
add some sort of documentation for B/V gamedb flags
hide debug tools from Tool Box and add ext. tools
added Magnum (FBX) and Wavebeam NES palettes
added --userdata CLI flag
added .cdi support
fixed window title after loading rom via FW config (#3581)
clear MovieSession._queuedMovie if rom load fails (#3582)
.bin file Mode2/2336 support (#3387)
added keybind (hardcoded) for MainForm context menu
persist A/V settings to disk properly (#1226)
fixes and improvements to SNES lightguns
RAM Watch
fix CTRL+A not working properly
RAM Search
added Select All/None
switch _watchList from a List to an Array (faster)
fix hang with "Go to Address" dialog in RamSearch (#3384)
Hex Editor
fixed incorrect handling of big / little endian (#3516)
disabled "Save [to rom file]" when not looking at rom
fixed "Select between Markers" hotkey not working
fixed .tasproj headers being written differently based on locale (i.e. ',' instead of '.')
don't autorestore if current frame remained valid
refactors for selection in InputRoll, standardising behaviour of Select All and Insert Separator buttons
resolve some inputs showing ! in Nymashock and hide some columns by default
when starting new .tasproj from SaveRAM, don't clone SaveRAM twice
fixed modifier key check in TAStudio.TasView_MouseDown
added 'Edit marker frame' feature
fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException when loading TAStudio with cheats
improved input copy/paste behavior (#3506)
fixed incorrect behavior when switching systems and improve handling of default.tasproj (#3462)
improved clarity of label texts in custom color dialog (#2119)
fix KeyLog not being respected in TAStudio and custom LogKey getting discarded (#2843)
replace the two lua engines with an updated version of NLua, backed internally by native lua 5.4.4
update lua documentation in reflection of new lua features
rely on a system provided lua 5.4 .so (or lua 5.3 if needed) when on Linux, resolving issues due to providing our own lua
various changes due to real integer support in new lua
deprecate bit library functions which have direct operator counterparts in new lua
add in a migration helper for lua bitwise ops (put bit = (require "migration_helpers").EmuHawk_pre_2_9_bit(); at top of file)
added arguments to memory callback functions (cb will be called with addr, val, flags)—check event.can_use_callback_params("memory") when writing polyfills
fixed setting size of Lua Forms (#3034)
fixed encoding bug which caused e.g. Japanese text to become mojibake/garbled (#190, #2041)
fixed the forms.* functions for LuaPictureBoxes erroneously affecting every form instead of the one specified (#3395)
renamed (deprecated) event.onmemory{read,write,exec,execany} to event.on_bus_{read,write,exec,exec_any} (#759)
added bizstring.pad_{start,end} convenience functions
changed Lua Console to trigger a clear of drawing surfaces and the OSD when removing a Lua script, and to reset padding when removing the last script
fixed require not looking in Lua dir on Linux
added "Clear Output" button to Lua Console
fix documentation error in client.gettool
set Form.Owner to MainForm for Lua-made forms
fixed wiki export, add more notes to fill in some of the holes
documented frameadvance loop
documented socket response format
fixed possible crash in print (#3513)
fixed mainmemory lib keeping reference to unloaded core's memdomain
suppress updates while rebooting core (#3424)
fixed various things in the LuaConsole (#3476)
fixed unwrapped lua exceptions not being correctly thrown
properly handle errors when running a lua script, using Resume/Yield methods added to the LuaThread class (see https://github.com/TASEmulators/ ... b409dcbb9fa8aa721f2)
fix mainmemory.write_bytes_as_dict
Pass through input/hotkeys while Lua form is focused (to restore previous behaviour, call forms.setproperty(form_handle, "BlocksInputWhenFocused", true);)
fix PictureBox when width or height is null
use LuaPictureBox' custom resize in all cases
CloseRom acts like rebooting the core, so make it just reset Lua libs (fixes #3226)
fix detaching registered functions
support marshalling arrays of length 0 through BizInvoker, fixing a crash with lua
fixed event.onmemoryread behaviour under mGBA (#3230)
improved how removing callbacks from within a callback is processed (#1823)
have MemoryDomain inherit IMonitor, which can be used to avoid waterbox overhead for many nonsequential memory accesses (already used internally to speedup RAM Search and some lua functions; no-op for non-waterbox cores) (#3296)
improve error message for IToolFormAutoConfig ext. tool missing menu
merged IGameInfoApi into IEmulationApi, and some other minor API method signature changes
changed injector to include non-public properties when looking for ApiContainer
deprecated some ExternalToolApplicability.* attributes
added IMovieApi.PlayFromStart/movie.play_from_start (#384)
added saveChanges parameter to IMovieApi.Stop/movie.stop
fixed edge cases for MemoryApi.{Read,Write}ByteRange/{memory,mainmemory}.read_bytes_as_{array,dict}/{memory,mainmemory}.write_bytes_as_array
added IUserDataApi.Keys/userdata.get_keys
fixed trying to load tool Forms when services aren't satisfied, causing NREs (#3329)
fixed HTTP and sockets not being initialised in time for tools autoloaded on startup
added "memory" of which ext. tools the user has vetted so the prompt does not appear when restarting EmuHawk
added length prefix to ICommApi.Sockets.SendScreenshot/comm.socketServerScreenShot to match SendString/socketServerSend
return success bool from OpenRom APIs (#3514)
have IMovieApi.Stop implementation use MainForm.StopMovie
fix --open-ext-tool-dll
made ext. tool build and run scripts pass args through to dotnet
deprecated `IGuiApi.DrawText` in favour of new method `PixelText` to match Lua
made `ApiContainer` props `MemoryEvents` and `MemorySaveState` return `null` if req. services unavailable
Use bulk peek in IMemoryApi.{ReadByteRange,HashRegion}
Basic Bot
added warning when loading a .bot into the Basic Bot which was made on a different game or system, or on an older version
increased max frames from 999 to 9999
added NOT operator
fixed anchor points and a misaligned label
fixed code logic error for 3 way tie breakers
refactor BasicBot.IsBetter
fixed issue where the Copy button was not toggled on/off properly
change addresses to ulong? (fixes empty address fields being saved as 0x0)
fixed the "To PC" button not updating the disassembler view
fixed breakpoint crash with mGBA (#3287)

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