签到天数: 1834 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
DSP 0.22 15/11/23
+Addeded documentation, 'DSP small guide' and 'DSP how to compile'
+New main Snapshot system
-New unified ROM/game/snapshot/tape load/save system
-New unified snapshot data extractor system
-Added a new counter to count all timings of the CPU, used in Asteroids, Circus Charlie, Gyruss, Hypersports, and many others...
+Fixed timings before internal timer call
+Added some opcodes for 2xNOP and 3xNOP
-NEC V20/V30/V33
+Implemented sound timers
+Added NMI
+Added many EA types
+Fixed PUSH/POP CPU flags
+Added opcodes $0f18, $0f19, $0f1a, $0f1b, $0f1c, $0f1d, $31, $34, $68, $6a, $6b, $82, $8308, $8320, $8330, $8d, $91, $92, $93, $94, $95, $97, $c008, $c020, $c028, $c120, $c128, $c8, $c9, $d110, $d200, $d220, $d228, $d3, $e3, $e4, $ec, $ee, $ef, $f2a4, $f2a5, $f2af, $f618, $f620, $f630, $f720, $f728, $f730 and $f738
+Added (again) functions to change CPU timmings
+Fixed some timmings and timming calculation
+Fixed timings before internal timer call
+Some updates to internal procedures
+Added snapshots
+Change ime flag to 'disabled' on reset (Fixes Hook)
+Fixed HALT opcode, fixes many Gameboy Color Konami games
+Added external IO, and fixed internal IO
+Fixed conditional jumps
+Fixed ROM reads with and without PC increment
+Fixed CPU clock init
+Fixed IRQs
+Added opcodes $25, $45, $70, $71 and $90
+Fixed opcodes $80, $81, $a3, $b3 and $e3
+Added snapshots
+Rewrited sound part
+Fixed audio buffer
+Fixed dpcm sound... But clicks a lot
-UPD7810: Added snapshots
-Sega VDP (SMS/GG): Added snapshots
-Changed function rol90 name to rot270
-Added rot180 to rotate screen 180 degrees
-Fixed main screen flip x and flip y, now can be used both
-UPD1771: Added snapshots
-Konami Sound: video line not needed any more
+Added volume
+Uploaded samples for Bosconian and Gaplus
-Seibu sound
+Rewrited and converted to class
+Added internal Z80, ADPCM, sound chip and controls
+Changed CPU mappers to internal
+Removed fake adpcm, using standar MSM5205
-MSM5205: converted to class
-OKI6295: Fixed playing voices
-VIA6522: Added device
-Namco IO 56XX-58XX-59XX
+Changed to classes
+Added IO 59XX
+Implemented timers to internal
-I2Cmem: added i2c eeproms, with snapshots support
+Mix two source files
+Converted to classes
+Fixed 16bits writes
+Added functions to load/save content
+Added E93CXX devices
+Tape System
-Added procedures to call before play and after stop tape
-Fixed WAV format tapes loading
-Added Oric TAP file format support
-Fixed main speed changes when a tape is playing
+Disk: added DSK format for Oric disks
+GFX: fixed gfx rotate when graphics are not square
+File engine: changed CRC variable to unsigned 32bits
+Fixed press 'ESC' for close pop-up windows
+Fixed some spellings
+Some cosmetical changes
+Fixed controls, when pressing left+right or up+down at the same time
+Started to implement parent drivers (ROMs loading and ROMs export), for example Xevious and Super Xevious, they share ROMs, but they are not the same arcade.
+Updated Preview Images
+Fixed screen refresh when changed screen resolution
+Changed 'fast load' button
-Disabled if no tape is loaded
-Set 'on' by default when 'TAP' file is loaded
-Set 'off' by default when 'TXZ' file is loaded
-Amstrad CPC
+Added the new ROM/tape/snapshot load system
+Enabled Z80 timings (fixes Saboteur II and many others)
+Rewrited video to update screen pixel by pixel
+Fixed tape loading with new Z80 timings
+Fixed keyboard matrix reads (Fixes 'Night Shade')
-Commodore 64
+Added the new ROM/tape/snapshot load system
+Swapped joystick 0 and joystick 1
+Added F1 to start/stop tape loading
-Chip 8
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Added snapshots
+Moved to new snapshot system
+Added eeprom to snapshot (if present)
+Black Onix: Added 24C08 eeprom
+Boxxled: Added 24C256 eeprom
-GameBoy/GameBoy Color
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Added snapshots
+Modernized mappers, better mapper reset
+Changed a bit screen timings
+Added 'Wisdom Treee' mapper
+Added partial mapper MBC6
+Added snapshots
+Modernized mappers
+Added black&white palette
+Changed a bit screen timings
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Fixed mapper 9
+Added partial mapper 10 (thanks to Neville)
-Sega SG-1000
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Added snapshots
+Added a new game file format '.MV'
+Safari Hunting: Fixed cartridge mirroring, not works
-Sega GameGear
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Fixed CPU and sound creation order (emulator can crash)
+Added snapshots
-Sega Master System
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Added snapshots
+Fixed BIOS+Game loading, now supports all extra BIOS+Game for all systems
+Fixed international detection, now detects the system via $3F port
+Fixed model change NTSC/PAL
+Fixed CPU and sound creation order (emulator can crash)
-SuperCassete Vision
+Added the new ROM load game system
+Added snapshots
+Fixed ROM loading, all available games now works
-Casio PV-1000
+Added new console, supports sound, controls
+Added snapshots
+All available games working
-Casio PV-2000
+Added new console, supports sound, controls, keyboard...
+Added snapshots
+All available games working
-Oric HW
+Added support for tape loading, AY-8910 sound and keyboard
-Oric 1: added driver with sound
-Oric Atmos: added driver with sound
+Added preliminary disc support, not working
-Bloodbros HW
+Added new seibu sound system
+Added new seibu sound system
-Centipede HW
-Fixed dip
-Fixed video
-Fixed controls
-Fixed colors, now using indirect palette
+Millipede: added driver with sound
-Circus Charlie
+Fixed sprites
+Added driver with sound
-Donkey Kong HW
+Fixed screen flip
+Enhanced IRQs
-Galaga HW
+Added DIPs to all drivers
+Added all remain controls to all drivers
+DigDug: Simplified background render
+Super Xevious: Added driver with sound
-Galaxian HW
+Added DIPs to all drivers
+Added all remain controls to all drivers
-Updated ROMs
-Added background color
+Added driver with sound and samples
-Gun.Smoke HW
+Added sound CPU reset line
-Irem M63 HW
+Wily Tower: added driver with sound
+Fighting Basketball: added driver with sound
-Legendary Wings HW
+Section Z: fixed audio
-Mappy HW
+Added DIPs to all drivers
+Added all remain controls to all drivers
+Changed to new Namco 5X IO driver
+Grobda: added driver with sound
+Pac & Pal: Added driver with sound
-Mega Sys 1 HW
+64th Street: fixed sprites
-Missile Command HW
+Missile Command: added driver with sound
+Super Missile Attack: added driver with sound
-Mug Smashers
+Added driver with sound
+Added DIPs switches
+Fixed a stupid bug with palette change
+Change screen parameters
-Pacman HW
+Birdiy: added driver with sound
+Added new driver, but have some CPU bugs, sounds fails and controls are not working
-Sega System 1/2 HW
+Changed Z80 timings, fixes Pitfall II intro
-Shadow Warriors HW
+Shadow Warriors: added driver with sound
+Wild Fang/Tecmo knight: added driver with sound
-Steel Force HW
+Steel Force: added driver with sound
+Twin Brats: added driver with sound
-Taito SJ HW
+Added DIPs
+Updated to use gfx buffers
+Fixed controls, added buttons
+Optimized maps
+Fixed sound NMI
+Fixed DAC
+Elevator Action: updated ROMs
-Time Pilot
+Added DIPs
+Added video enable
+Added new seibu sound system
-Twins HW
+Twins: added driver with sound
+Twins (Electronic Devices): added driver with sound
+Hot Block - Tetrix II: added driver with sound
+Fixed DIPs
-Zaxxon HW
+Fixed sound
+Fixed DIPs
+Fixed video
+Added samples volume
+Super Zaxxon: added driver with sound
+Future Spy: added driver with sound