签到天数: 1851 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老
Rewritten shader code translators for vs.1.x/vs.2.x/vs.3.0 and ps.1.x/ps.2.x/ps.3.0, including additional geometry shaders
Fixing the bugs of the old ones, much cleaner, maintainable code for me
Based on the infrastructure I developed for other code generators later
Generating slightly more optimal shader code, more in line with code style of the official MS D3D compiler as well
Fixing DD/D3D8/9 GetPrivateData for IUnknown interface data
Fixing an incompatibility with MS DDraw (Discord Times)
Fixing the upload of 3D textures in the D3D12 backend (Darksiders II)
Optimizing a thing for performance in the D3D8/9 frontend
Optimizing surface data readback for performance in the D3D12 backends
Fixing a crash in the D3D11 backend (Rallisport Challenge)
Changing the frontend D3D8/9 impl of texture palettes to a better one
Async palette update on UMA architectures too (bug) (Rallisport Challenge, ...)
Fixing the clipped cursor problem in Glide after exiting a Glide session
No minimizing of the fullscreen window in fake fullscreen mode in certain cases
An error debug message in all dll versions for fatal failed D3D12 resource allocations (when running out of address space)
Minor other internal fixings