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PS2模拟器新手柄插件MegaPad v1.1.0 now!

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签到天数: 7 天


发表于 2007-10-1 03:26:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
It's quite interresting what you can find while browsing our boards: Over in this thread, NHervé announced a new PS2 PAD plugin with some great features. Here is a list of some and the features and options which come with this plugin:
Supports up to 5 gamepads with all buttons and axes
Bind axes as pressure-sensitive buttons.
Bind buttons to buttons.
Bind axes to axes.
Bind keys to buttons.
Mouse support (based on the GS window, works better than padwinkeyb mouse support, but could not work very well, it's experimental and it was quite hard to implement), ssspsxpad does not allow you to map another thing than axes to axes, so if you want to use the analogs with ssspsxpad you must have a gamepad, with padwinkeyb you can only use joystick buttons. With my plugin press any key while mapping an axis and the mouse will be bound to the selected axis.
Axis sensitivity for the joystick axes.
The author has already released a first update for this plugin which fixes some errors, so the current version is v1.1.0! This plugin uses the SDL library, but the required DLL is included in the package; to make sure the system can find this, you might want to put it directly into your system32 directory.
Open the champagne !!!  

I've here a new pad plugin I wrote. It's MegaPad and it uses SDL. No worry, the latest actual version of the SDL (1.2.12) is provided.
This plugin offers, as SSSPSXPAD, a complete pad support.

First place SDL.dll in the root PCSX2 folder (not the plugins folder), else the plugin won't start.

1. Mapping and config

After having selected MegaPad in the Pad plugins list and launched its GUI by clicking the
Config button, you must configure it. You can select the Pad 1 or the Pad 2 with the
buttons in the top-left corner of the window. For mapping press any of the 20 buttons.
The pressed button will become grayed. Then you can do various things :

a. Keyboard

For the buttons press a key and the selected button will be bound to the pressed key. Pressing
Escape or Backspace allows you to delete a value. For the axes press any key and the selected
axis will be bound to the mouse. Note that if the axes of the 2 players are bound to the mouse,
they will move simultaneously.

b. Joystick

For the buttons press a button, a POV hat in the wanted direction or move an axis in the wanted
direction and it will be bound to the selected button. Note that if you bind an axis to a
pressure-sensitive button*, the pressure will match the value of the axis. Try this feature in
games which need pressure sensitive buttons. For the axes move an axis and it will be bound to
the selected axis. Warning : the GUI has a little difficulty to detect the moves of the vertical
(y) axes, but there is no problem in the games.

c. Misc

There are 4 general options under the mapping buttons.
1. Axis sensitivity : can be 3 values (affect the GUI as the games). This is the sensitivity of the
plugin to axis moves.
-Very sensible : for precision games or low-sensibility axes.
-Normal : default, I recommend you to use it.
-Low sensibility : use it if your axes are very sensible.
2. Enable logging : This enables a pad log stored in logs\padLog.txt, which can be used only for
debugging purposes. As mentionned, this logging makes the emu slower.
3. Always show cursor : Use it with ZeroGS if you use the mouse, to see where is the cursor.
4. Low-visibility cross cursor : The arrow cursor is replaced by a low-visibility cross cursor.
Use it if you don't want to see the arrow cursor.

Then click OK.

2. Emu

I think I don't need to detail how to use the keyboard or the joysticks, but I will tell you how does
the mouse support work.
Press the left button for left axis, the right button for right axis. When you release a button, the
corresponding axis will be "centered". When you press a button the cursor is automatically centered.
Move it as an analog axis. When a button is pressed the cursor cannot get out the GS window. The
mouse support could not work very well, it's experimental.

If you encounter any bug using this plugin tell it to me.  

The plugin is in the attachments, with screenshots of the GUI.
Sorry I changed the attachments because I provided a wrong dll.   

Version 1.1.0

I released a new version with 2 little fixes. It is in the attachment.
The 2 problems were on the first launch of the plugin.
-Axis sensitivity list was blank, now it is set on the default value "normal".
-On the first launch config was not saved, now it is, you don't need anymore to re-launch the gui to get config saved. If you are interested by technical details, see bugreport.txt in the zip.



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签到天数: 7 天


 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-1 03:27:14 | 显示全部楼层
PS2模拟器新手柄插件MegaPad v1.1.0发布,这个手柄的插件功能如下:

- 支持5个手柄
- 支持鼠标
- Bind axes as pressure-sensitive buttons.
- Bind buttons to buttons.
- Bind axes to axes.
- Bind keys to buttons.


-Axis sensitivity list was blank, now it is set on the default value "normal".
-On the first launch config was not saved, now it is, you don't need anymore to re-launch the gui to get config saved. If you are interested by technical details, see bugreport.txt in the zip.

签到天数: 1 天


发表于 2007-10-1 09:59:04 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 7 天


 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-1 18:03:29 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 1885 天


发表于 2007-10-1 18:16:23 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 7 天


 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-1 18:28:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 疾风之狼 于 2007-10-1 18:16 发表


签到天数: 16 天


发表于 2007-10-1 18:57:40 | 显示全部楼层
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