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[转贴] [PC 游戏索引]2008年PC玩家玩什么?200+款游戏任你选择(有图)

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发表于 2008-1-28 18:09:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
原贴作者:Gamespot论坛 AdrianWerner
第一部分: 独占游戏
| 策略类

星际争霸2 | Starcraft 2
Do I really need to explain why?

全面战争之帝国 | Empire: Total War
Finally! Total War is heading into XVIII century. With naval combat!

孢子 | SPORE
Will Wright is a genius( he created games like Sim City and SIMS)..andthis one it's the most ambitious game in development right now.
业界公认的天才制作人Will Wright,一手打造了模拟城市和模拟人生,而“刨子”正是他下一个充满杀伤力的作品

神戒3:复兴 | Disciples III: Renaissance
Disciples II: Dark Prophecy was one of best turn-based fantasy strategy games of last few years.
It was released in 2002, around the same time such "monsters" of this subgenre like Heroes4,
Age of Wonders 2 and Etherlords were released. And yet it stood proudlynext to them and secured it's place as one of premier franchises ofthis type. Now it's back in full 3D and done by Akella.

装甲:冷战 | Panzers: Cold War
Previous two Panzers games both got solid AA here

铁血联盟3 | Jagged Alliance 3
Jagged Alliance series is pure turn-based perfection. now it returnsrunning on highly modified Silent Storm engine and developed by F3Games( new developer composed of veteran Russian developers, includingex-Nival people)
铁血联盟系列代表着回合制策略游戏的顶尖水平,现在由F3 Games(俄罗斯开发小组,包括以前Nival的成员)制作回归,采用了“静寂风暴”的高度加强引擎。

社会 | Society
A MMORTS without fees. From makers of GalacticCivilizations2(9.0)

无限都市 | Cities Unlimited
City Life turned out be a very good(7.8 from GS) city-builder thatachieved quite nice financial success, so now Monte Cristo will followit up with much bigger budget and possibly a new name.
“都会人生”是以一款优质(GS评分7.8,“very good”)的城市经营建设体裁游戏,前作不俗得销售成绩让Monte Cristo可以放开手脚来这一新作。

转世 | Worldshift
RTS from Black Sea Studios, makers of Knights of Honor (8.0)
一款由Blask Sea Sutdios制作的RTS游戏,代表作是“骑士荣誉”(GS评分8.0)

圆周2 | Perimeter 2
Sequel to one of most original RTS of recent years (8.3 from GS)

莫堤文 | Multiwinia
Multiplayer-centered version of Darwinia (8.5 from GS)

欧陆风云之罗马 | Europa Universalis Rome
New spin off from Europa Universalis franchise(previous games from thisseries:EU1-8.1, EU2-8.5, EU3-8.7, Hearts of Iron 2- 8.3, CrusaderKings- 8.3)

拿破伦战争 | Untitled Napoleonic era wargame
The Lordz, a group of modders know for the excellent Napoleonic TotalWar I and II mods for Medieval:TW and Rome:TW is going commercial.Their game will be TotalWar-like, with deep strategy level where we'llbe able to take command of least 10 different nations as well as hugeand realistic battles (with various units formations, morale system,terrain effects etc)
他们是和我们一样的玩家,因为对“全面战争”系列的热爱而成为Mod制作者。现在他们将发行自己制作的游戏——以拿破伦战争为背景题材,将拥有全面战争一样史诗的全即时的模拟军事战争,并可以让玩家最少拥有10个国家大权在手。期待又一个车库神话,又一个GTR。by gamers forgamers。

至高统治者2020 | Supreme Ruler 2020
Supreme Ruler 2010 was described by Gamespot as "Complexity andaccessibility are rarely so well-balanced in a strategy game." andawarded it 7.6 score. The sequel will be in full 3D and with biggerbudget thanks to Paradox backing.

霸权 | Hegemony: Philip of Macedon
From makers of Tread Marks(76% at GR)

日德兰半岛之战 | Jutland
WWI naval wargame, follow up to Distant Guns (it recieved seal of excelence at Wargamer.net)
二次世界大战为背景的海战游戏, 是日俄战争游戏<遥远的枪>(此作在核心向的wargamer.net得到很高评价)开发小组最新力作

战区行动 | Field Ops
A modern RTS where you can take direct control of every individual unit. From makers of ImperiumGalactica2(8.4)
现代战争题材的RTS + FPS游戏,  银河创世纪2(GS评分8.4)制作小在最新作品

七帝国:征服 | Seven Kingdoms: Conquest
New entry is likely the least known AAA series( Seven Kingdoms got 9.0 and it's sequel got 9.1)
可能是知名度最低的拥有AAA级别品质的游戏, 系列评分均达9.0以上

历史战争: 近卫队 | HistWar: Les Grognars
A tactical and strategical game of insane depth by Battlefront
又一个拿破伦战争题材的战术战略模拟游戏, "水很深", 菜鸟易溺水

突袭3 | Sudden Strike 3
A epic WWII wargame by Fireglow (they aren't well known in US, but they are beloved strategy dev in Europe)
二战题材的史诗巨制, 开发商Fireglow在美国并不知名, 但是在欧洲是人气很高的策略游戏专家

战锤40000:战争黎明:灵魂风暴 |  Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War: Soulstorm
Third add-on to one of best modern RTS franchises (original game got 8.8, first add-on got 8.8 and the second add-on got 8.0 )

纪元1701:沉没巨龙 | Anno 1701: Sunken Dragon
Expansion pack to 7.6 city builder

凯尔特王2 | Celtic Kings2
Finally in 3D, previous games in the series were both AAs at Gamespot
系列前两作都得到GS AA级评价, 新作将以3D形态面世

| 冒险类AVG

脑灰质 | Gray Matter
New adventure game from the empress of the genre: Jane Jansen (creator of Gabriel Knight series)
本作的剧本是由号称“冒险游戏女皇”的简&#8226;延森(Jane Jensen),她曾经创作过《加百里骑士》(Gabriel Knight)三部曲

吸血鬼传 | Vampyre Story
From ex-LucasArts guys(mostly from the Curse of Monkey Island crew)

尼克泊勒:不朽者狂欢 | Nikopol: The Carnival of Immortals
Adventure game from Benoit Sokal (Syberia, Amerzone, Paradise) based onEnki Bilal (and with active input from the author) masterpiece graphicnovel trilogy.
Benoit Sokal (代表作:赛伯利亚之密、亚尔默逊、天国)操刀,改变自Enki Bilal杰出的图文小说

德古拉伯爵3 | racula 3
The series is getting resurrected by Kheops

魔女玛塔 | Mata Hari
Adventure game from 4Head (most well known for Europa 1400 (8.5) ),designed and written by Lucas Arts veterans: Hal Barwood and NoahFalstein ( guys behind Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade as well aslegendary Indiana Jones games The Fate of Atlantis)
4Head的冒险作品(代表作<欧罗巴1400>,GS得分8.5), 由卢卡斯的老鸟(曾经制作印第安纳琼斯系列)担刚设计和撰写。

福尔摩斯VS亚森罗宾 | Sherlock Holmes versus Arsène Lupin
Follow up to Sherlock Holmes: the Awakened (8.3 from Gamespot, the highest adventure game has scored here in two years!)

静物2 | Still Life 2
Finally a sequel to one of most loved adventure games in recent years (9.0 at Adventuregamers).

抉择 | Alternativa
Cyberpunk adventure from makers of Memento Mori in classicpoint&click style using 2.5D engine with non-linear story andalternative storylines.

金发碧眼 | So Blonde
A game from Steven Ice (lead writer of games like Broken Sword (9.2) and Broken Sword 3(8.1)
这款游戏由《断剑》系列(最高得到GS 9.2分评价,AAA品质)的Steve Ice撰写剧情,是一款冒险游戏,女主角是因为反英雄型角色Sunny Blonde。游戏将会包含大量黑色幽默,搭配出色的卡通渲染画面,游戏内容上也充满设计精巧的谜题和惊喜。

德古拉伯爵:起源 | Dracula: Origin
From Frogwares, makers of Sherlock Holmes: the Awakened (8.3)

术士西蒙4 | Simon the Sorcerer 4
The beloved adventure series is back, this time in following the pathof first two titles(which were incredible) instead of following theterrible road of Simon3
<术士西蒙>是被受喜爱的冒险系列, 本代屏弃了3代中失败的尝试, 回归了头两代的路线(非常出色)

机器世界 | Machinarium
First full lenght adventure from Amanita Design (makers of marvelous Samorost 1-2)
Amanita Design第一个全面的冒险解谜游戏(代表作是《银河厉险记》系列)

星际争霸战/佩里罗达 | Perry Rhodan
Adventure game based on longest running SF novels series ever made

秘语世界 | The Whispered World

路 | The Path
From makers of Endless Forest

十字生命章3:众神之战 | Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods
First one got 7.3

First commercial game from maker the incredible freeware adventure game "What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed"

Penumbra: Black Plague]
Sequel to 7.8 adventure game.

" First-person-not-so-massively-multiplayer- online-procedural-adventure-game"

Treasure Island
Fully 3D adventure game from Radonlabs (who are also working onDrakensang) that will give you a chance to live through Stevenson'scla$sic story.

Art of Murder: FBI Confidential
New adventure game from the team behind Schizm (7.8 from GS) and Sentinel (7.0 from Adventuregamers)

Cassius Pearl
Traditional point and click adventure game. The team was formed bydevelopers working for big French developing companies like Ubisoft,Eden Studios, Arkane Studios, Stormfront, and Pam Development

Secret Files 2
Sequel to Secret Files: Tunguska (7.0 from Adventuregamers)

Cartoon adventure game from Alcachofa Soft (makers of Clever & Smart- 84% at Adventurecorner.de)

An Adenture game from Stephan Martiniere(visual art director at Cyanwhere he worked on Uru: Ages Beyond Myst, Uru: The Path of the Shelland Myst 5), Dylan Cole(who worked on the films Superman Returns,Daredevil and The Chronicles of Riddick) and former employees fromDigital Domain( James Cameron's special effects company)

An adventure game described as "present-day thriller game about thepsychological dimensions of violence."", from House of Tales, makers of"Moment of Silence" (AdventureGamers-4/5, JustAdventure-A-)

Memento Mori
New adventure game from Anaconda label.

Nostradamus - The Last Prophecy
New Kheops game

From makers of Missing: Since January. You play as observer, it is fromthis detached position that you'll need to assert your influence inorder to guide Ai-controler woman through the challenges, using onlythe various controls at your disposal, none of which allow you tocommunicate verbally with her, though you can hear her speaking to you.By doing so, you will also uncover clues about the woman's identity,your relationship to her, and the mysterious circumstances in which youfind yourselves.

The Lost Crown: a Ghosthunting Adventure
New horror adventure from the master of this subgenre: Jonathan Boakes(creator of DarkFall series)

Dead Mountaineer Hotel
Last-Express like adventure game(meaning non-linear, NPC have AIs,goals, daily routines and walk freely over the gameworld) based onStrugacki Brothers' novel, made by Akella.

Kaptain Brawe
Indie oldschool comedy adventure game

AGON: The Lost Sword of Toledo
Fourth episode of Agon ( the last one got 7.0 from Adventuregamers)


Sinking Island
Detective adventure game from Benoit Sokal(Amerzone, Syberia series, Paradise)

Juniper Crescent - The Sapphire Claw
By Steven Ince, co creator of BrokenSword series

Dreamfall Chapters
An episodic continuation of Dreamfall storyline

| 角色扮演类

Dragon Age
Bioware next epic

King's Bounty: the Legend
Fantasy tactical RPG. Player will walk around big world map, do quests,subquests ,upgrade his character, etc. Simply typical RPG stuff, butthe combat will resemble a strategy game. It will be turn-based ,youwill gather big parties etc. The game is developed by the team thatmade Space Rangers 2(8.1 at Gamespot)

Drakensang: The Dark Eye
Finally a new game based of DarkEye pen and paper RPG (previously used in wonderful Realms of Arkania series)

A turn-based SF wargame with RPG elements developed by ex-Troika guys using the Source engine

Indie roleplaying game following the good old school principles of thegenre: non-linearity, turn-based combat, lots of roleplaying anddecisions having real effect on the game world

Reluctant Hero
An innovative RPG that follows entire career of your character, tillhis very death from old age. By makers of Kult:Heretic Kingdoms (74% atGamerankings)

Space Siege
SF action-RPG from GasPoweredGames, a team behind games like DungeonSiege(8.4) and it's sequel(7.9) and Supreme Commander (8.7).

Hard to be God
Isometric RPG set in world created by Strugacki's brothers. Co-developed by Akella

Mount and Blade
Indie RPG with revolutionary combat system(realistic swordplay, archery, mounted combat, total ownage)

Not the Time for Dragons

Legend: Hand of God

Age of Decadence
Hardcore indie RPG

The Broken Hourglass
An old-school Baldurs Gate 2-like RPG, done by Planewalker Games-indieteam consisting of cRPG modders, lead by Jason Compton (the best BG2modder, he did wonders to NPC and party members dynamic interaction).The game is set in Tolmira (sword-and-sorcery setting, whichPlaneWalker licensed) has isometric perspective, unlimited party,complex party-to-party interactions, lots of good old-schoolroleplaying and real-time with pause combat system

Epic space opera RPG by LogicFactory, makers of ToneRebellion(8.1)

Avernum 5
New Spiderweb Software RPG.

Mysteries of Westgate
Adventure pack from makers of Darkness over Daggerford(one of very best NWN mods)

Guild Wars 2
Sequel to 9.2 online RPG

Star Trek Online

Ragnarok Online 2
Sequel to one of best and most popular MMORPGs in the world

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
by Mythic, makers of Dark Age of Camelot(the only MMO besides WoW to ever get AAA from GS)

Pirates of Burning Sea
A pirate MMO created by a team full of pen and paper RPG legends(like John Tynes)

Warld of Warcraft: Wrath of Lich King
Second add-on to WoW.

Dragonball Online
From Namco/Bandai, production is overseen by Toriyama himself

| 解密类

Fourth Introversion game (after Uplink, Darwinia and Defcon)

New fluid-centered puzzle game from makers of The Odyssey: Winds of Athena(8.0 from Gametunnel)

Democracy 2
Sequel to best indie sim of 2005

Cosmic Osmo's Hex Isle
CYAN Worlds (creators of Myst series) are returning to the first IP they've created.

World of Goo
A physics based puzzle / construction game.One of finalist for IGF 2008 Game of the year award.

Crayon Physics Deluxe
Crayon Physics Deluxe is a sequel to the popular freeware game in whichyou get to experience what it would be like if your drawings would bemagically transformed into real physical objects. Solve puzzles withyour artistic vision and creative use of physics.One of finalist forIGF 2008 Game of the year award.

Crazy Machines 2
Sequel to 7.9 puzzle game, this time in full 3D

Katamari Online
Multiplayer spin-off of the great series

| 动作/射击类

S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky
Prequel (With various improvements, including added dx10 support) to 8.6 FPS.

Ground Branch
Tactical shooter from Blackfoot( which is composed of RainbowSix, Rogue Spear and Ghost Recon leads)

Enemy in Sight
Tactical shooter from makers of Mafia.

Far Cry 2

Natural Selection 2
Commercial Source-based sequel to one of best mp MODS

Tomboish Witches
English version of great doujin shump. It's great news, not onlybecause the game is simply a very good game, but also because it's thefirst doujin game officially translated to English, so there's hopemany more will follow.

Captain Claw 2
The first one got 7.7 and was one of most loved 2D PC platformers in recent decade

Global Agenda
Tactical MMOFPS running on Unreal Engine 3.0

Physics based action puzler.

Chrome 2
Original Chrome was good(7.2) FPS shooter that had lots of unrealizedpotential. Since then Techland has been consistently improving andtheir last title:XPandRally has 85% average at GameRankings we canpropably expect good things from this game

Lone Wolf: Flight from the Dark
Action-adventure based on legendary "Choose your own adventure" gamebook series

Online FPS from Microforte (makers of Fallout Tactics (8.3 from Gamespot)

Zeno Clash
Fantasy FPP action game running on Source engine

Gish 2
A sequel to one of best 2D platformers of last 5 years( 8.2 at GS, IGF Game of the year 2005 winner)

FinnWars 2
Commercial follow-up to one of best Battlefield1942 mods ever made.

Audiosurf allows you to experience the intensity and emotion of yoursongs in real time, in full color, and in 3D in form of futuristicracing game. One of finalist for IGF 2008 Game of the year award.

The Spirit Engine 2
Commercial follow-up to a great 2003 freeware

Freeware spiritual successor to Tribes, created by the team that made the Renegade mod for Tribes, Tribes2 and Tribes: Vengeance

Fireteam Reloaded
Team-based multiplayer action game from Pixel (Austin-based studioformed by v veteran developers who worked on games like Ultima, WingCommander, Medal of Honor and Deus Ex series)

King Solomon's Treasures
Old school platformer from team who previously released excelent freeware remakes of Goody and Super Colt 36.

Alien Swarm: Infested
AlienSwarm was one of very best and definitly the most originalUnrealTournament2004 mods ever. Now the sequel is coming as commercialgame running on Valve's Source engine

Innovative FPS from ( small team most well known for Carnivores(7.1) and Carnivores 2(7.3) )

Cletus Clay
A platformer with visuals made of Clay made by maker of Platpus

Eduardo The Samurai Toaster

Face wound
Platformer made by creator of Garry's Mod

Savage II: Tortured Soul
A sequel to innovative RTS/FPS mix that won Indie GOTY 2003

Black Sky
Open ended StarControl2 like game

They Hunger: Lost Souls
Original Hunger was THE best single-player mod for Half-life. Now theteam returns with commercial follow up based on Source engine

Armada Online

Indie platformer

TPP post apocalyptic action game from Creoteam(new team formed mostly by ex Crytek and Frogwares guys)

American McGee's Grimm
Finally a follow up to Alice

Americas Army
this time on UE3.0

| 模拟类

Storm of War: Battle of Britain
From makers of Il2 Sturmovik

Digital Combat Simulator: Black Shark
Heli sim from Eagle Dynamics, best known for Flanker 2.0 (8.7 from GS)

Jet Thunder
Historical air combat sim from Thunder Works

Fighter Ops

Jumpgate Evolution
A sequel to space sim MMO that got 8.6 from Gamespoit

Infinity: The Quest for Earth
MMO space simulator with huge procedurally generated universe

Universe Online
A space sim MMO from team of MMO veterans( Colony studios is composed of people who worked on Eve, Wow and others MMOs)

Microsoft Train Simulator 2
Finaly a sequel to one best train sims ever made( 8.2from GS), thistime it will be made by AcES (company responsible for Flight Simulatorseries) using their Flight Simulator X engine

Knights of the Sky
A WWI sim made on IL2Sturmovik series engine

Silent Hunter 4: U-Boat Missions
Add-on to 8.3 submarine simulator

| 竞速类

Live for Speed S3
Major upgrade to already great Live for Speed S2

Ex-Lead guys from Papyrus(basically the GOD of racing sims until Sierraclosed them down)are now working on self-funded online-centeredhardcore racing sim to be released in 2007

ARCA Sim Racing
Finally a stock car sim.

Turismo Carretera
Racing sim thaty recreates most important series in South America. It'susing the gMotor 2.0 technology licenced by ISI.( the same physics andgraphics engine that GTR2 and RACE use)

offroad racing game from EasyCo (company formed by ex-members ofIlussionSoftworks where they worked on Hidden and Dangerous 1-2 andMafia)

签到天数: 6 天


 楼主| 发表于 2008-1-28 18:10:03 | 显示全部楼层

Mafia 2
At last! A sequel to one of very best (9.3) action games ever made.

Fallout 3

Frontlines: Fuel of War

The Crossing
Source basedshooter mixing singleplayer and multiplayer. Developed by ArkaneStudios( Arx Fatalis, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic) and Half-Life2's art director

Heavy Rain
New adventuregame from the makers of Indigo Prophecy(one of the best and most uniqueadventure games of last couple years, Gamespot gave 8,4 and AdventureGOTY in 2005)

Sacred 2
Sequel hack and slash RPG that probably was the best DIablo2-like game(aside from Diablo itself ) ever released. This time Ascaron is making the game in in full 3D

Rise of the Argonauts
UE 3.0-based action-RPG from Liquid, makers of games like Battle Realms(8.7) and Dragonshard(8.5).

Project Origin
Sequel to FEAR (9.1 from GS)

Project Offset
A fantasy FPS from makers of Savage(which won Indie GOTY 2003)

Alan Wake
A psychological thriller from makers of Max Payne series

Unreal Engine 3.0 based RPG from 10Tacle

Blood Bowl
Sports gamebased on great Games Workshop board game, it will have both traditionalturn-based mode as well as real-time one. It's being developed byCyanide Studios (makers of similar Chaos League

Turning Point: Fall of Liberty

Legendary: The Box

Bionic Commando

Operation Flashpoint 2

The Secret World
A MMO from makers of Age of Conan and Longest Journey franchise

Interstellar Marines
FPS using Unreal Engine 3.0

Action-adventure from the makers of Outcast


Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

Splinter Cell 5

Assassins Creed

Command and Conquer 3: Kanes Wrath
Add-on to 9.0 RTS

Spy-themed action MMO from SOE

SF shooter from makers of Mech Assault series

Left 4 Dead
C-op centered Source-based shooter from Turtle Rock and Valve.

Lord of Creatures
Being made by lead designers of Commandos and Commandos2.

The Club
Third person shooter by Bizzare Creations ( makers of Project Gotham Racing series)

Mercenaries 2
Sequel to 8.8 game

Strike Force Red Cell
Commercial follow-up to great UT2004 mod

Rogue Warrior
Unreal Engine 3.0 based tactical shooter

Simple space strategy game made by creators of Warlords franchise

Post apocalyptic shooter from Gearbox (makers of Brothers in Arms series)

Armed Assault 2


Untitled Junction Point Project
From Warren Spector (creator of Deus Ex)

An open endedaction/rpg game which takes action in space and on planets(thinkSTALKER mixed with Privateer), from makers of BoilingPoint

Age of Conan

Devil May Cry 4

Commanders: Attack
TUrn-based wargame from Southend Interactive, makers of Deathrow(8.7)

White Gold: War in Paradise
FPS/RPG hybridthat's a successor to Boiling Point. The game changes setting andcharacters, but keeps the core gameplay concept intact. So we canexpect huge dynamic terrain to explore , incredible freedom, tons ofstuff to do and developer's ambition that would make most othercompanies explode

Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
Action RPG set in KUF universe(the last two KUF games were both strong AAs at Gamespot)

FPS fromFarm21(company created by people who worked on games like Painkiller orMOH: Allied Assault), running on heavily upgraded Painkiller engine

A MMO FPS from Webzen running on UE3.0

Alone in the Dark 5

Winner of IGF 2006 Innovation Award

Everyday Shooter
game nominated for 2007 IGF's Design Innovation, Excellence in Audio and Grand Prize awards





发表于 2008-1-28 20:40:53 | 显示全部楼层




发表于 2008-1-28 21:19:16 | 显示全部楼层


签到天数: 2 天


发表于 2008-1-28 22:19:18 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-1-29 12:26:02 | 显示全部楼层
。。。。。。。都是西方的 。。。。就知道鬼泣4和SC2

签到天数: 1 天


发表于 2008-1-31 09:29:45 | 显示全部楼层

签到天数: 4 天


发表于 2008-1-31 09:34:38 | 显示全部楼层

回复 #8 黄昏速写者 的帖子


签到天数: 2 天


发表于 2008-1-31 12:09:16 | 显示全部楼层
:time: 感叹一下现在的游戏画面和自己的破机器

签到天数: 1 天


发表于 2008-2-2 14:50:50 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-2-5 13:50:56 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-2-6 17:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2008-2-6 21:18:59 | 显示全部楼层
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