随着PSN解密软件NP Decryptor在各大论坛上的发布,PSN游戏也难逃被破解的命运。这里传达一下M33小组对此事件的看法,以下是小组成员Mathieulh的评论:
This is a sad day for sony, and a sad day for the psp itself, I wont remove the file here or close the post as I don't want to interfear with the forum's policy and I don't know zeus' reaction on this.
To be honest I did not want to see psn hacked as I do not want to see the psp turning into a future Dreamcast fiasco, while it is true that not a lot of games were actually produced and sold over the psn, it may not have been true in the future and thus people may argue of the impact of such a homebrew over the psp game sales.
The psn was sony's way of selling psp sofware while somehow having the insurance of it not getting hacked. I myself have bought plenty of games on psn and while I have to say that the one account per psp limit did piss me off, I don't see it as a reason to hack the entire psn.
Truth is the psn was fairly easy to hack, sony handled the psn protection in a single prx (amctrl.prx), this was a real mistake of them and I am surprised not to have seen it hacked sooner. Let's hope that they do more efforts on their psn protections in the future.
新闻投递:purebeer |