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[新闻] 《暗黑3》角色性别及人物等级问题


签到天数: 2955 天


发表于 2009-5-8 19:48:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






not sure if this has been brought up but i though i would ask. in some games there are items that are made for female and male.. is it gonna be like that in diablo 3. i think it would be more interesting and it would get people to build 2 characters and play more

《暗黑3》角色性别及人物等级问题Bashiok:No. There are no gender specific items, skills, advantages or disadvantages. Choosing male or female is simply a choice of aesthetic.




这种等级要求一般都被作为一种对付"glitch rushing"或者是防止玩家利用bug和程序漏洞快速提高等级的方法。这种漏洞的存在对于D3而言本身就是一个笑话(有可能没有到我说的这种程度)。这种方法是最明显和最大众化的,他有可能有用??除非你能让那些不为任何原因禁止进入的XP gains正常化。玩家完成了任务,但是他们的等级不够。于是他们就必须去为了能够继续游戏而为升级而升级






...do not have forced leveling be required in D3, at least give people a choice to turn it off. It was a major let down when they announced that there might be forced leveling in D3.

《暗黑3》角色性别及人物等级问题Bashiok: Forced leveling? I'll just have to go along with what other people think that means. If forced leveling means a requirement to move through the game, such as "level 10 is required to move to Act II" etc. then no, there are no current plans to put level requirements on progressing through the game.

As far as I'm aware it hasn't been mentioned by a Blizzard employee as being potentially included in Diablo III, but I could very well be mistaken.

So this level requirement business is usually discussed as a solution to 'glitch rushing' or a way of quickly leveling a character through use of bugs and loopholes. The assumption that these bugs and loopholes will exist in Diablo III in the first place is somewhat of a stretch of logic (maybe not as much as I'd like ;). So, the most obvious and popular solution is a level requirement. And yeah, it could work, but unless you can normalize XP gains you're probably fairly often going to be simply holding people back for no good reason. They've completed the act legitimately, but they're a single level shy of the requirement. Now they have to go grind for no reason other than to level so they can continue playing the game. It's not a very graceful solution. No, but there are solutions... nay, improvements! in how progression through the game can be handled. Ones that offer not only regulations on progression, but enhance the game itself.




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